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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Murray Sabrin Presumptive GOP Nominee to be the next U.S. Senator from New Jersey

Please spread the word to NJ-newspapers that Murray is the nominee. Let's unify the GOP behind him and work to defeat Frank Lautenberg. Paul Maulshine writes a great article and knows that Murray is the most principled and educated candidate running. Low taxes, less government spending and more freedom -- support Murray Sabrin for U.S. Senate.

Springtime for Sabrin in the GOP by Paul Mulshine 3/20/08
Today is the first day of spring. And this spring offers a spectacle that I thought I'd never see in my entire life: Murray Sabrin has a chance to win an election.

I've been following Sabrin's career ever since he ran for governor in 1997. He was outspoken and principled, which of course made him persona non grata in either of the major parties. So he ran on the Libertarian Party ticket and managed to qualify for public funding and a spot on stage during debates with Republican incumbent Christie Whitman and Democratic challenger Jim McGreevey.

Sabrin stood up there and proposed doing what in retrospect even Gov. Jon Corzine now argues had to be done: cutting back the size of government to the size of revenues. That won him 5 percent of the vote. He gave the same spiel when he ran for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in 2000 and got about the same results.

And I confess I didn't expect things to be any different when Sabrin announced he was entering the race this year for the GOP nomination to challenge U.S. Sen. Frank Lautenberg.

But then something happened. Ann Evans Estabrook, the contender backed by the mainstream party who has enough money to be self-funding, displayed a talent for self-immolating. During a debate, she was asked about abortion and stopped everything to rummage around for a piece of paper on which someone had apparently written down her views for her. The clip was posted on YouTube, and she pulled out of the race after suffering a mini-stroke.

That left just one other contender, state Sen. Joe Pennacchio of Morris County, who has the backing of the Trenton Republicans in a race against Sabrin.

But then the other day we heard from Dr. Joseph Penn. Penn was the pen name (get it?) of this mild-mannered dentist in 1991 when he wrote a 94-page manifesto for the Nationalist Party, which he founded and which disappeared soon afterward when he decided to become a Republican.

Sabrin got his hands on the screed recently and began circulating copies. In a press conference on the Statehouse steps Monday, Sabrin made much of Penn's call for the homeless to be sequestered on old military bases and a proposal to eliminate poverty through "a coordination of all aspects of society."

Penn came out for some fairly strict gun control laws as well as creation of a "National Health Organization." And in his section on family planning, Pennacchio managed to give the pro-lifers a poke in the eye, never a good idea in a Republican primary.

Sabrin, meanwhile, has been on solid ground with the anti-abortion movement and is loved by the gun crowd.

Sabrin is a professor of finance at Ramapo College, so he actually knows what he's talking about in the field of economics. That's what got him in trouble in past primaries, when he was making predictions about how the feds and the Fed would ruin our economy.

Now that those predictions seem to be coming true, a Sabrin victory in the June 3 GOP primary would be tremendous fun. But the idea of putting forth a candidate who actually has some principles frightens party leaders, and the April 7 filing deadline is coming up fast. Expect some empty suit to be pressed into service.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

FED Chairman Ben Bernanke: "Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry."

Remarks by Governor Ben S. Bernanke (11/8/02):
The brilliance of Friedman and Schwartz's work on the Great Depression is not simply the texture of the discussion or the coherence of the point of view. Their work was among the first to use history to address seriously the issues of cause and effect in a complex economic system, the problem of identification. Perhaps no single one of their "natural experiments" alone is convincing; but together, and enhanced by the subsequent research of dozens of scholars, they make a powerful case indeed.

For practical central bankers, among which I now count myself, Friedman and Schwartz's analysis leaves many lessons. What I take from their work is the idea that monetary forces, particularly if unleashed in a destabilizing direction, can be extremely powerful. The best thing that central bankers can do for the world is to avoid such crises by providing the economy with, in Milton Friedman's words, a "stable monetary background"--for example as reflected in low and stable inflation.

Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again.

Best wishes for your next ninety years.
Milton Friedman quotes:
The Federal Reserve definitely caused the Great Depression by contracting the amount of money in circulation by one-third from 1929 to 1933.
...One unsolved economic problem of the day is how to get rid of the Federal Reserve...
Milton Friedman on the purpose of the Federal Reserve and how they intentionally caused the Great Depression:

The Collapse of the Dollar

Morgan Stanley and the Central Banks of the World know the dollar will collapse and Asia's standard of living will rise while Americans fall into a severe depression.

Nobel Peace Prize laureate: Depopulate Africa for U.S.-needed Resources

While Henry Kissinger was instituting policies that killed over 1 million people in secret wars he was also writing a National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM 200) entitled Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests:
...depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign
policy towards the Third World.


Reduction of the rate of population in these States is a matter of vital US national security.


The US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less-developed countries. That fact gives the US enhanced interests in the political, economic and social stability of the supplying countries. Wherever a lessening of population can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resources, supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.

Biological Warfare and Engineered Human Immune Viruses

George H. Mahon, Texas, Chairman

JAMIE D. WHITTEN, Mississippi
DANIEL J. FLOOD, Pennsylvania
GLENN R. DAVIS, Wisconsin
JOHN M. SLACK, West Virginia
FRANK E. EVANS, Colorado



PAGE 129


There are two things about the biological agent field I would like to mention. One is the possibility of technological surprise. Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly and eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.

Mr. Sikes. Are we doing any work in that field?
Dr. MacArthur. We are not.
Mr. Sikes. Why not? Lack of money or lack of interest?
Dr. MacArthur. Certainly not lack of interest.
Mr. Sikes. Would you provide for our records information on what would be required, what the advantages of such a program would be, the time and the cost involved?
Dr. MacArthur. We will be very happy to.

(The information follows:)

The dramatic progress being made in the field of molecular biology led us to investigate the relevance of this field of science to biological warfare. A small group of experts considered this matter and provided the following observations:

1. All biological agents up to the present time are representatives of naturally occurring disease, and are thus known by scientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualified scientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes.

2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.

3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.


It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations. On the other hand, without the sure scientific knowledge that such a weapon is possible, and an understanding of the ways it could be done, there is little that can be done to devise defensive measures. Should an enemy develop it there is little doubt that this is an important area of potential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequate research program.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Congress should borrow from the Federal Reserve to buy JPMorgan

We should lobby a Senator to introduce a law to have Congress borrow hundreds of billions from the Federal Reserve. Then use that money to buy JPMorgan. After that, abolish the Federal Reserve and now as a share holder in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), abolish the central bankers' bank. When we are done, we can privatize JPMorgan and sell it for $2/share to Bear Stearn investors.

JPMorgan helped create the sub prime market by lowering interest rates via the Fed. Thus they created the problem and provided the solution. In the process they stole billions of dollars in value from Bear Stearns investors.

In the video below, Faiz is struggling hard to rationalize his Establishment education that collectivism and Central Banks are good with logic and reason. Faiz actually says the Constitution is "extreme and impractical".

If the Federal Reserve is such a good thing, let's pass an Amendment to the Constitution to make it legal. Otherwise, it is operating illegally.

Faiz says before the Federal Reserve we had bank runs and instability. But who caused the Panic of 1907? It was the man who attacked the Knickerbocker Trust Company by starting rumors that it was insolvent. He did this because the developing trusts threatened the Establishment bankers.

His name was John Pierpont Morgan.

And he saved the day in 1907, according to Dow Jones MarketWatch (3/14/08). Just like JPMorgan and the Federal Reserve saved the day in 2008. It is the the "hero complex" where they provide the solution but actually initiated the crisis.

Woodrow Wilson, at the time President of Princeton University:
...all this trouble could be averted if he appointed a committee of six or seven public-spirited men like J. P. Morgan to handle the affairs of our country...
Woodrow Wilson, President of the United States, who signed the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Act into law:
A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is privately concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men ... [W]e have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated, governments in the civilized world—no longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and the duress of small groups of dominant men.
Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

Jim Rogers: Fire Bernanke

Jim Rogers is likely making hundreds of millions of dollars via the weak dollar and policies of the Federal Reserve. Yet, as a moral individual, he is against the destruction of the currency by the Fed even though its making him much richer.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Jim Cramer vs Don Harrold on JPMorgan, Bear Stearns and the Federal Reserve

Monday, March 17, 2008

The CFR: Abolish the Dollar and Create a Multinational Fiat Currency to "Globalize Safely"

Benn Steil, Director of International Economics for the CFR on the "End of National Currency":
Global financial instability has sparked a surge in "monetary nationalism" -- the idea that countries must make and control their own currencies. But globalization and monetary nationalism are a dangerous combination, a cause of financial crises and geopolitical tension. The world needs to abandon unwanted currencies, replacing them with dollars, euros, and multinational currencies as yet unborn.

Governments must let go of the fatal notion that nationhood requires them to make and control the money used in their territory. National currencies and global markets simply do not mix; together they make a deadly brew of currency crises and geopolitical tension, and create ready pretexts for damaging protectionism. In order to globalize safely, countries should abandon monetary nationalism and abolish unwanted currencies, the source of much of today's instability.

Brad W. Setser, a fellow of the CFR's Center for Geoeconomic Studies and an "expert on currencies". Here he answers questions in his interview on "Understanding the Falling Dollar":
How much power do governments have to control the value of their currency internationally?

There are two components to that. One is what sort of power does the U.S. government have, and by that I specifically mean the U.S. Federal Reserve. Most people believe that short-term interest rates do have a meaningful impact on the relative value of different currencies.

So monetary policy can be used to defend a country’s currency. The real question there is should it be used to defend a country’s currency, or should monetary policy be directed at domestic objectives.

Certainly most economists’ views, and I share that view, is that the core goal of U.S. monetary policy should be stabilizing U.S. domestic conditions, not trying to stabilize the value of the dollar.
David Rockefeller is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Corporation and he is the Honorary Chairman of the CFR. The Rockefeller family has donated to the CFR since its founding. The CFR's Think Tank is called the David Rockefeller Studies Program.

In addition, since 1944 the CFR's Headquarters has been the former home of a Standard Oil Executive named Harold Pratt.

Thus in the quote above, Brad Setser essentially equates the CFR and the Federal Reserve Corporation with the U.S. Government.

Beyond this fallacy that international bank owners and Fabian socialist policy planners are the U.S. Government, it is a clear conflict of interest for the apolitical Federal Reserve Corporation to be intentionally debasing the currency to enable the political goals of their lobbyist group, the CFR.

Mr. Setser continues:
Is there any situation in which you think U.S. intervention to stabilize the dollar would be appropriate?

We have to differentiate between a decision on the part of the Fed to direct its monetary policy toward supporting the dollar, which I don’t think would be appropriate. It’s also not really consistent with the Fed’s mandate.

But I do think it’s appropriate for the Fed to consider how a weak dollar might impact its ability to achieve its domestic goals—including the goal of price stability—which provides a context in which the Federal Reserve might be less willing than it otherwise would be to reduce U.S. policy rates because of concerns that a falling dollar might feed higher inflation. I think that’s a legitimate consideration for policy.
If price stability is the Federal Reserve's mandate, than why wouldn't we use a Gold backed currency since there are direct correlations between gold and all commodities?

Gold buys approximately the same amount of oil today as it did 100 years ago -- but Federal Reserve Notes do not. A 2008 Federal Reserve Note is worth about 3 cents compared to a 1913 United States Note.

The Federal Reserve's fiat currency violates the Constitution. If you want to make the Federal Reserve and its government collection agency the IRS legal than lets have the States pass an Amendment to change the Constitution which says all money must be backed by Gold or Silver and that direct taxes must be apportioned (equally distributed). That is the legal process.

Until then, the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional and the IRS is a criminal organization who enforces a law that doesn't exist for a private illegal cartel that is stealing the wealth of the middle class to fulfill the dreams of international socialists.

CreditSights: Financial firms face a "new world order"

Financial firms face a "new world order" after a weekend fire sale of Bear Stearns and the Federal Reserve's first emergency weekend meeting since 1979, research firm CreditSights said in a report on Monday.

More industry consolidation and acquisitions may follow after JPMorgan Chase & Co on Sunday said it was buying Bear Stearns for $236 million, or deep discount of $2 a share, a fraction of the $30 price on Friday and record share price of about $172 last year.


"I view the stabilization of Bear Stearns coupled with the liquidity action by the Fed as constructive for the proper functioning of the lending system," said Gregory Peters, chief U.S. credit analyst at Morgan Stanley.

Ron Paul: "There's nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency."

Ron Paul is correct, we should have a single worldwide currency.

However, the CFR is also right about currencies instability and the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market. According to the Bank for International Settlements' own publications, the FOREX market is extremely centralized to a few banks in London, which makes up the biggest percentage of the FOREX market.

The BIS states that 75% of daily turnover in each of the top three countries is accounted by 16 banks in the UK, 11 banks in the US, and 11 banks in Japan. The BIS clarifies and says these are not necessarily individual banks, rather they are various offices of only a few actual banks. The UK accounts for 31.3% of the $2 trillion a day traded on the FOREX.

This is why we need a global commodity backed currency. Ron Paul, March 13, 2001 on "The Beginning of the End of Fiat Money":
There's nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency. But a globalism where free trade is competitively subsidized by each nation, a continuous trade war is dictated by the WTO, and the single currency is pure fiat, fear is justified. That type of globalism is destined to collapse into economic despair, inflationism and protectionism, and managed by resurgent militant nationalism.

Efforts to achieve peaceful globalist goals are quickly abandoned when the standard of living drops, unemployment rises, stock markets crash and artificially high wages are challenged by market forces. When tight budgets threaten spending cuts, cries for expanding the welfare state drown out any expression of concern for rising deficits.

The effort in recent decades to unify government surveillance over all world trade and international financial transactions through the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, ICC, the OECD, and the Bank of International Settlements can never substitute for a peaceful world based on true free trade, freedom of movement, a single but sound market currency, and voluntary contracts with private property rights.


The ultimate solution will only come with the rejection of fiat money worldwide, and a restoration of commodity money. Commodity money if voluntarily and universally accepted could give us a single world currency requiring no money managers, no manipulators orchestrating a man-made business cycle with rampant price inflation. Real free trade without barriers or tariffs and a single sound currency is the best way to achieve international peace and prosperity.

When that day comes we will have a true New Era, unlike the fictitious New Era of Greenspan's dreams and certainly opposite of the dangerous New Era that stares us in the face as the world fiat monetary system falters.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bear Stearns "expects the dollar will fall to $1.60 per Euro in 12 months"

The Chief Economist for Bear Stearns makes an amazing statement covered byBloomberg regarding how hard it is to have economic growth with a weak dollar. Bear Stearns is predicting $1.60 per Euro within the year.

Of course, what is causing the weak dollar is the inflationary act of the Federal Reserve creating $200 billion in new credit and the socialized banking bailout of guaranteeing $50 billion to JP Morgan for Bear Stearns.

JP Morgan, who partially owns the Federal Reserve Corporation, stole bought Bear Stearns for $2/share or $236.2 million. Bear Stearns had traded at $170 dollars 15 months ago. It's current share price is $30 giving them a market value of $3.54 billion.

Bloomberg, Dollar Doomsayers Draw Signs From Bernanke Rate Cuts:
Ben S. Bernanke's interest-rate cuts have touched off a vicious circle of doom for the dollar.


If that weren't enough to make bears out of bulls, the weakest dollar since at least 1971 based on a Fed trade-weighted index is helping push oil, grains and metals, which are priced in the U.S. currency, to record highs. That in turn is causing economists to lower growth forecasts for the U.S. and preventing central banks concerned that inflation is accelerating from cutting interest rates, further undermining the dollar.

"The whole world feels there's inflation when a good part of that is the weak dollar itself," said Stephen Jen, head of global foreign-exchange research at Morgan Stanley in London. "Watching the dollar plummet like this is very dangerous."


"It's hard to stimulate an economy when the currency is going down the tubes," said David Malpass, the chief economist at Bear Stearns & Co. The New York-based firm expects the dollar will fall to $1.60 per Euro in 12 months.
NOTE: Morgan Stanley was founded by partners from JPMorgan, including Henry Morgan, son of John Pierpont Morgan. The 1933 Glass-Steagall Act prevented JPMorgan from being a commercial bank and an investment bank. This was repealed in 1999 by President Clinton. It is the owners of JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley making the dollar plummet.

A Continuation of a Revolution

HD-quality available at http://hightidepromo.com

The Austrian Economists' Answer to the Economy

Bilderberg: Inflation "biggest long-term danger to the American economy"

Bilderberg on Inflation (1957):
One of the American participants believed that in spite of current talk of a recession, inflation was still the biggest long-term danger to the American economy, since it was still fundamentally expansionist; in fact present rumors of a business recession were probably mainly due to the measures the Government had introduced against an inflation which threatened America's defense posture as well as the basic health of her economy.
It certainly sounds like an American Bilderberger blamed the Federal Government for making inflation worse.

We can assuredly trust Bill Clinton's word when he says NAFTA wasn't discussed at Bilderberg in 1991. However, during the Bilderberg Conference in Fiuggi, Italy October 4-6, 1957 the group discussed worldwide trade, European Integration and a political union of countries.

The European Union was actually started in 1951 as the High Authority and for half a century they acted as if they had power until eventually the EU became a new country called Europe (formerly a continent).

Dr. Robert Pastor says we need to create a new "North American Country". Although he gave a similar speech to the U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate and Canadian Parliament, it is only when he is talking to one of the owners of the Federal Reserve and current Honorary Chairman of the CFR does he use the phrase "North American Country".

Dr. Pastor is the CFR Task Force Leader on Integration. It's clear their goal is to convert all the continents of the world to integrated European Union-style suprastates. Dr. Pastor has written laws that have been introduced by U.S. Senators (e.g. the North American Investment Fund) and he was instrumental in creating both NAFTA and the SPP.

Here are the six steps to Economic Integration:
  1. Preferential trading area
  2. Free trade area
  3. Customs union
  4. Common market
  5. Economic and monetary union
  6. Complete economic integration
We've already achieved the first two. There is the proposed customs union of NAFTA. Of course, the European Union's founding began with managed "free" trade agreements. In order for a North American Monetary Union to be necessary, we need to debase the currency to make progress with regional economic integration.

The 1957 Bilderberg meeting on the European Union:
Besides discussing economic integration in Europe in its opening session, the Conference spent some time at the end of its agenda in considering the European Common Market and Free Trade Area...In general, the American participants welcomed the creation of a European Common Market and Atomic Pool...

They were confident that the Common Market would be a step towards greater freedom in world trade as a whole. This was the purpose of the plan, although in some cases adjustments had had to be made so that particular interests would not be too drastically affected.

Now that the internal pattern had been settled in the Common Market Treaty, attention would concentrate increasingly on relations with third countries; the Free Trade Area would be the next step in the process of European economic integration.

One of the European participants from outside the Common Market area said that his country, while sharing some of the American apprehensions regarding the Common Market, hoped that a way could be found of grafting the Free Trade Area on to it. The main obstacle to British and Scandinavian participation in the Common Market was its function as a step towards political union among the countries concerned.

Bill Clinton: NAFTA was not discussed at Bilderberg

Bill Clinton:
I happened to be in Europe then, I was invited to go to Bilderberg by Vernon Jordan...and to the best of my knowledge NAFTA was not discussed by anybody in my prescence.
Because Bilderberg doesn't exist, is secret -- is private we don't know what they discuss since our Government and Industry leaders' freedom of speech is more important than our right to a free press. The media establishment has long participated in Bilderberg without ever reporting on what our leaders are taking about.

If what Bill Clinton said is true, his actions could be considered a felony violation of the Logan Act as it is illegal for a citizen to privately meet and negotiate with foreign leaders without the authorization of the U.S. Government.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Jim Rogers for Federal Reserve Chairman

Why can't we vote on this?

CNBC: "What would be the first two thing you would do if you were in Mr. Bernanke's seat tomorrow morning?"

Jim Rogers: "I would abolish the Federal Reserve and I would resign."

Jim Rogers co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros. He is a one of the biggest commodities traders in the world whose networth is likely in the billions.

Congressman Paul warns of Worldwide Economic Collapse

Short Monsanto's Stock

In the CNBC interview above, Jim Rogers says to buy agriculture if you want to make money. He was talking about agriculture commodities. The clueless CNBC reporter started rattlingly off agriculture-related stocks and even mentioned Monsanto, the largest producer of genetically engineered seeds in the world.

They are also infamous for their bovine hormones that end up in the milk you buy. This synthetic drug known as Posilac is banned in most first world countries (except the US).

This is a horrible corporation that was sued by military veterans for their involvement in producing Agent Orange.

When two FOX News reporters tried to do a story on Monsanto, the company lobbied the TV station to falsify the story in Monsanto's favor. The now former reporters sued FOX News and a Judge found that FOX News "acted intentionally and deliberately to falsify or distort the plaintiffs".

Later this was reversed by another court who stated that the FCC policies on news agencies reporting the truth was not valid because FCC policies are not laws thus FOX News is able to lie to their viewers legally.

Please join the Millions Against Monsanto Campaign from the Organic Consumers Association.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Denver GOP District Captain Resigns

Yesterday I initiated a series of events that led to the resignation of a Denver GOP District Captain (DC). I would like to be clear that it was the DC's actions that made him resign although he was very defensive in his resignation letter. I only exposed his misrepresentations to the leadership of the Denver GOP, Adams GOP and Colorado GOP.

I believe Mary Smith, the Chairperson of the Denver GOP, is disenfranchising Republican volunteers and thus is harming the GOP. I will work to expose her untruthful statements that she made in e-mails yesterday regarding this situation.

It seems that someone told the DC that the Resolutions passed at the Denver County Assembly would not be passed on to State. As well, someone likely told him to lie to a Denver Central Committee member regarding the location of a meeting. He said he didn't know where it was at but he was there less than 30 minutes later when the real Republicans walked in. My question, who told him these things?

Furthermore, Mary Smith says that Central Committee members are excluded from the Denver GOP Executive Committee meetings. However, in Adams I believe our meetings are open to any Republican and especially our Central Committee members so they can understand the process. We have no secret agenda in Adams.

There is also voter discrepancies regarding CD1 delegates. One individual was elected State Delegate but not even CD1 alternate even though he was on the same slate. We have a large voting block and it makes little sense how he could win one but not even alternate on the other.

When you put this in context with Mary Smith un-inviting two Central Committee members from participating in observing the Teller Committee to tally the CD1 votes you start to have doubts about the legitimacy of the vote counting.

This is the meeting that the DC lied about not knowing the location of and this is the night that Mary Smith said she'd have the Central Committee members "removed" if they did not leave. Later she invited them inside and said she had decided to have someone else tally the CD1 votes that were counted in the previous days.

Two Denver Central Committee members had been invited to observe the vote counting with the Teller Committee by an attorney and member of the Denver GOP Rules Committee. They did so for the State delegates count but not CD1 delegates.

When members of the Denver GOP Executive Committee lie to members of the Denver GOP Central Committee, then the Denver GOP leadership is disenfranchising volunteers and hurting our party.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

White House Spokesman: I'll be fired if I talk about the dollar

OPEC says the falling dollar is the reason for high oil prices. Ask the White House if they are right and they will say they are under strict orders not to comment on the dollar. OPEC is obviously correct though -- the same amount of gold bought approximately the same amount of oil yesterday as it did in 1913. Silver has a similar correlation although not as strong.

The Coinage Act of 1792 says $1 dollar is equal to 27 grams (416 grains) of standard silver. Thus if we could convert all our Federal Reserve Notes to $1 dollar values of silver, the price of gasoline would be about 16 cents a gallon! And remember, the U.S. Constitution says all our money must be in gold or silver and no Amendment has ever changed it.

It is simple. When you inflate the currency by printing trillions of dollars more, it is like issuing more shares in a corporation. The value of the shares you own gets diluted. The Federal Reserve Note of 2008 is worth around 3 cents of a 1913 U.S. Note. And who benefits when you issue more shares of a corporation's stock? The people who own the corporation, in this case the Federal Reserve Corporation.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Coinage Act of 1792

Coinage Act of 1792 - Debasing money is a felony.
Chap. XV.—An Act establishing a Mint, and regulating the Coins of the United States.

SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That if any of the gold or silver coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint shall be debased or made worse as to the proportion of fine gold or fine silver therein contained, or shall be of less weight or value than the same ought to be pursuant to the directions of this act, through the default or with the connivance of any of the officers or persons who shall be employed at the said mint, for the purpose of profit or gain, or otherwise with a fraudulent intent, and if any of the said officers or persons shall embezzle any of the metals which shall at any time be committed to their charge for the purpose of being coined, or any of the coins which shall be struck or coined at the said mint, every such officer or person who shall commit any or either of the said offences, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and shall suffer death.

Murray educates Joe in New Jersey debate

Murray on the economy, terrorism, the open border, Senator Lautenberg's policies and the important issues that effect everyday Americans.

It'd be cruel to the people to elect a U.S. Senator that doesn't know the real issues or care enough to learn about them.

Murray Sabrin Front Runner for U.S. Senate

Murray's only opponent now is a State Senator from New Jersey with around 2% name recognition and no money! We wish the best for Ann Estabrook and her health but with her dropping out of the race it makes Murray the front runner for the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate.

Big news coming up in a few days regarding New Jersey politics!

Murray Sabrin's Statement:
I wish Anne Estabrook and her family the best of health. Our campaign looks forward to debating Joe Pennacchio on March 15, March 27, and March 29, so that Republican primary voters can select the best person to take on the ultra-liberal Frank Lautenberg this November.

Ann Estabrook Drops out of NJ Senate Race!

Monmouth County, NJ - Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate Anne Estabrook released the following statement today:
It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I announce my withdrawal from the race for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate.

On Monday morning, at approximately 7:45 a.m., I noticed in the mirror that the left side of my face was drooping slightly and that I was losing control of my left arm.

Some of you may know these are the early symptoms of a possible stroke. I was driven to the emergency room at Monmouth Medical Center by one of my staff and after several hours of testing, the doctors confirmed that I had suffered a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) or mini-stroke.

Thankfully, the initial assessment is that I have not suffered any long term consequences as a result of the attack. However, the bad news is that once the condition presents itself, there is a high likelihood it could happen again.

As important as it is to me to stay in this race, I am, unfortunately, all too familiar with the seriousness of this particular condition. While many of you may know I am a widow, you may not know that my late husband, Ken, passed away as a result of a stroke that happened on a Sunday morning with not a single warning sign.

Make no mistake, until Monday I was ready to fight for the Republican nomination and the chance to defeat Frank Lautenberg. I have never backed down from a fight and I am convinced we would have been successful.

This was an extremely difficult decision for me to reach, but I know it is the right one for my family, myself, and our Party.

I would like to thank everyone who has given me support, the county and local Republican organizations who have endorsed me, and the volunteers who have made phone calls and gotten petition signatures, and worked to help my campaign.

I know that our Party will be successful this fall and I will do all I can to assist whomever the eventual Republican nominee is.

Grassroots Council Conference Call

During the GOP meeting last night, I had to jump on the Grassroots Council Conference Call since I'm a member of the Council. This is a fantastic organization that really has the longterm goals of the movement in mind. They operate several offices, the biggest is the L.A. Call Center. The Chairman for Operation Call4Paul is on the Council. (Now it is becoming Operation Call4Murray!)

Underneath the Council is several Committees that we set up to run projects. One is promoting Dr. Paul's new book, Revolution: A Manifesto and will be canvassing door to door and hosting book club parties.

Another is Tax Day 08. On April 15th, we will have someone at thousands of Post Offices across the country educating people on Tax Freedom and the IRS.

The Great President Reagan's Grace Commission in the 80s unequivocally stated that all Federal Income Tax goes to pay interest on the Federal Debt. Because the Federal Reserve loans the Federal Government and the American people money, we now owe them around $900 billion (the rest we owe foreigners).

That means the IRS actually collects interest payments for a private corporation -- the Federal Reserve which is partially owned by European bankers. If you look on a back of a canceled check to the IRS, it says that it was paid to a Federal Reserve Bank.

If we had no Federal Income Tax today we'd have the same revenue as 10 years ago. That's how much the Federal Government has grown -- by trillions -- all because the Congress gave the power in 1913 to the Federal Reserve Corporation to print money (read: counterfeit money) out of thin air!

Upcoming Events

This Saturday at 9AM is the monthly North Suburban Republican breakfast meeting. Lots of politicians have attended this event. It is at the Gander Mountain center.

Also on April 18th and 19th there is a Campaign School in Thornton hosted by the Leadership Institute and GOPAC. GOPAC is the "the premier training organization for Republican candidates for elected office." It should be interesting and I encourage everyone who can to attend. More details will be posted later.

Precinct Committee People and District Captains

Last night we had our Precinct Committee Person Training for Adams County. I had knew part of it prior but did pick up a few interesting things.

The greatest thing that happened is our Chairperson Mary Dambman said that she had decided to stop appointing District Captains (DCs) last year and allow the Precinct Committee people to elect them. She said the party organization should be from the "bottom up" and a "grassroots" effort. It works differently in Denver County.

Mary Smith, Chairperson of the Denver GOP, appoints her DCs. When she informed some Jeffersonian Republicans that there were open DC spots several of us wanted to fill them. However, Mary Smith decided to just change the rules unilaterally by "executive decision" to stop the real Conservative Republicans from becoming DCs.

Mary Smith also threatened her own Precinct Committee people by saying if they don't leave the University Club they would be "removed" after they were invited there to participate in the Teller Committee (vote counting). I believe because of this and what others have said about her (e.g. a GOP attorney), that she is disenfranchising active GOP volunteers and thus she should be voted out of her position for harming the party.

Monday, March 10, 2008

House Bill (HB08-1064) Suspended Indefinitely

I attended the protest at the Denver Capitol today to stop House Bill HB08-1064. About 30 people were there to stop the Health Committee of the Colorado House from voting to approve HB08-1064 which was introduced by Rep. Jeanne Labuda.

However, the bill was not voted on. Instead, the committee introduced a resolution to shelve the bill "indefinitely" so I believe it can never be introduced again.

I still encourage you to contact Rep. Labuda and the entire Health Committee board (I'll post the members later) to let them know that Coloradans don't want restrictions on health products like Vitamin C. I believe the bill would essentially make you required to buy alternative health products (including any vitamin) from a licensed Naturopathic Physician.

This means the price of a bottle of Vitamin C could jump to $30 or $50 and that any alternative health treatment would be illegal unless licensed by the State.

We also had a lobbyist there from the Coalition for Natural Health (I believe). It's good to know we have lobbyists fighting on our side. I wonder which lobbyists are working with Rep. Labuda and against our rights? Ask her...

Colorado State Representative, District 1
Office Location: 200 E. Colfax
Denver, CO 80203
Capitol Phone: (303)866-2966
E-Mail: jeanne.labuda.house@state.co.us

NOTE: Rep. McGihon did not sponsor this bill as was posted on a GOP Meetup event.

Lincoln Dinner Conversations

I don't want to name any names without further discussions, but an interesting thing happened at the Lincoln Dinner. I was talking to a Hispanic gentleman regarding the positions of his group. He was previously the State President (not in Colorado) for the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA).

He said he was against NAFTA personally but he supported the North American Union and the ideas of Dr. Robert Pastor, the CFR Task Force Leader on Integration. I respected his opinion because he was saying that it was a nuanced issue.

In other words, it wasn't black or white. Regional Integration and cooperation amongst our nations is natural and inevitable in some regards. And he wasn't dismissing it as a "conspiracy theory". He was actually the first political-related person I had met that had known of Dr. Pastor and supported the NAU.

I asked him if I created NAFTA, would you trust me to create a North American Union? I told him that Dr. Pastor and the CFR wrote NAFTA. And I told him we shouldn't leave our ideas of globalization to a Fabian Socialist like David Rockefeller et al.

I clearly pointed out the conflict of interest in the allegedly apolitical Federal Reserve debasing the currency and then the Federal Reserve's political lobbyist group's (the CFR) stated goals of a weak dollar to usher in a North American Monetary Union and an open border to promote a North American common border.

This gentleman was also against Amnesty but supported a legalization process for the illegal immigrants (again, nuanced and perhaps the same thing as Amnesty).

Honestly, I didn't really fully understand his position other than that Regional Integration would help Mexico, Canada and the U.S. and that a European Union-style North American Union would be the answer.

Now the odd part happened later. While waiting to give an Uncounted DVD to one of our Mayors in Adams, I asked another Hispanic gentlemen if his group, the RNHA, was against NAFTA. He said not really. I then asked him if he saw the conflict of interest between the Fed debasing the currency and their political group needing a weak currency to enable their political goals.

He dismissively said: "I know this is a Ron Paul talking point and it's never going to happen". I said it is already happening, have you not seen www.spp.gov? He started to get angry and upset and said "it will NEVER happen. I'm done talking about this issue."

To me, this was very rude and not rational. I didn't even want to talk to the gentleman, if he hadn't been standing by the Mayor talking to no one, I wouldn't have even mentioned it to him.

Going back to the former State President of the RNHA, I believe his point was that we should debate and refine these ideas instead of dismiss them out of hand. Interestingly, he is now the President of a Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in Colorado. I reminded him of this Milton Friedman quote:
Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable. - Milton Friedman
It is the ideas laying on the table that get implemented. After 9/11 we were quick to pass the USA PATRIOT Act because it was on the table prior to 9/11.

If the Jeffersonian Republicans don't start their own policy institutes, their own endless networks of nonprofits and NGOs, don't go to Schools of Foreign Services, don't get jobs in the State Department, don't get sponsored into the CFR, don't get essays published in Foreign Affairs and so forth -- than we will never get our ideas on the table.

These organizations are the table, so let's get a seat at them so we can put our ideas and connotations of globalization and Regional Integration in place. And in doing so, we will protect the U.S. Constitution and the Sovereignty of the U.S., Canada and Mexico along with the rest of the nations of the world.

Otherwise, the Fabian Socialists win by default.

Denver Delegate Meeting

Yesterday we had another Denver Delegate Meeting, which is functioning more as a Congressional District 1 meeting.

One main issue was the vote count in Denver, headed by Chairperson Mary Smith. The other night a few of our friends nearly got arrested at the University Club in Denver. They had been invited there by the GOP and the Teller Committee to help count and then tally the votes from the County Delegates for the CD and State Delegates. (In Adams, we had no vote since there wasn't enough people who wanted to be delegates -- we were all automatically ratified at County.)

[CORRECTION: Mary Smith said if they do not leave the University Club they would be "removed". It was an attorney who works with the GOP who threatened a Precinct Committee Person and Delegate with arrest at the Denver County Assembly regarding protocols of the vote counting process.]

Eventually they let them in after their Executive Committee Meeting. Mary said there will be no tallying of the votes counted in the previous days and sent them home. She said she made some executive decision to have someone else tally the votes.

It looks like someone may have committed a crime by manipulating the CD votes, as people were winning State Delegate but not CD (not even CD alternate) -- even though they had lots of votes as witnessed by our people and the voting slates were the same.

The other big issue of the day was Denver District Captain Fred Wulff saying the resolutions passed at the County Assemblies will NOT be passed on at the CD or State Conventions. He said this at a Denver GOP breakfast. The main resolution passed was against NAFTA, the SPP and the North American Union (which has passed in several other States). I don't think this is legal or ethical, even though the GOP can change their rules in real-time and do essentially anything they want.

The Jeffersonian Republican movement is powerful and we will not allow this to happen. We follow the rules and we expect the GOP leadership to do the same.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Senator Schultheis for RNC

State Senator Dave Schultheis seems to be a Jeffersonian Republican. He votes NO a lot and completely supports the Tax Payers Bill of Rights (TABOR).

Rep. Bruce will not be running for RNC as Lilly Nunez is pretty secure for her re-election to the RNC. But that doesn't dissuade me as we have a nice State delegate voting block.

However, if Rep. Bruce no longer wants to run I will focus on Senator Schultheis and look for another person. The Colorado GOP doesn't support either Schultheis or Bruce -- they are "too extreme" or something or other. I still haven't found out who the GOP is pushing or who future U.S. Senator Bob Schaffer is supporting but I will!

State Senator Dave Schultheis

More Lincoln Dinner Photos

Kevin Priola was there and is becoming very well known in his campaign for State Legislator. He seems to be on track with several ideals of a true Jeffersonian Republican.

Kevin Priola and his wife

Martin Mendez is the House District 32 Chairman and candidate for County Commissioner. Martin is a fantastic guy who is involved in the Republican National Hispanic Assembly.

Martin Mendez receiving honors from Mary Dambman

Finally, there was former U.S. Congressman Bob Beuaprez. He gave a good speech but I don't know much about him other than he lost his Congressional seat when he ran for Governor.

Former U.S. Congressman Bob Beauprez

Adams County Lincoln Dinner 3-7-08

The most interesting history of the Adams County Lincoln Dinner is that Ronald Reagan was the keynote speaker in 1976 -- which of course no one will ever forget. I also met quite of few people and had some interesting discussions.

John Suthers, Attorney General for Colorado

This event was $50 per ticket and we had our own table with DVDs (Uncounted, Freedom to Fascism) and other material outside in the hall. State Senator Shawn Mitchell was a great host and was quite funny. He's been a politician for a fair number of years and seems to be capable of going on to national office.

State Senator Shawn Mitchel

The keynote speaker was a close friend of his from the political world -- former Member of George W. Bush's cabinet, Secretary Gale Norton (Interior). Gale is now General Counsel for Shell Oil.

Gale started off her speech talking about the "Rule of Law" and the Constitution. One person started to clap when she said this and then stopped. I then started clapping myself and initiated the room of 200 to show their support for the U.S. Constitution by applauding.

Secretary Gale Norton

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Top U.S. Economist: "It's almost like we are intentionally destroying the dollar"

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Beautiful Day in Oakland California

U.S. Marines and foreign troops storm the beaches of Oakland in hovercrafts (plus helicopters and assault tanks) to kill the terrorists in Northern California.

"ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION - American forces are here to help. Please remain calm. Civil disobedience will not be tolerated."

Inflationary Depression
