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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Short Monsanto's Stock

In the CNBC interview above, Jim Rogers says to buy agriculture if you want to make money. He was talking about agriculture commodities. The clueless CNBC reporter started rattlingly off agriculture-related stocks and even mentioned Monsanto, the largest producer of genetically engineered seeds in the world.

They are also infamous for their bovine hormones that end up in the milk you buy. This synthetic drug known as Posilac is banned in most first world countries (except the US).

This is a horrible corporation that was sued by military veterans for their involvement in producing Agent Orange.

When two FOX News reporters tried to do a story on Monsanto, the company lobbied the TV station to falsify the story in Monsanto's favor. The now former reporters sued FOX News and a Judge found that FOX News "acted intentionally and deliberately to falsify or distort the plaintiffs".

Later this was reversed by another court who stated that the FCC policies on news agencies reporting the truth was not valid because FCC policies are not laws thus FOX News is able to lie to their viewers legally.

Please join the Millions Against Monsanto Campaign from the Organic Consumers Association.


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