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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Grassroots Council Conference Call

During the GOP meeting last night, I had to jump on the Grassroots Council Conference Call since I'm a member of the Council. This is a fantastic organization that really has the longterm goals of the movement in mind. They operate several offices, the biggest is the L.A. Call Center. The Chairman for Operation Call4Paul is on the Council. (Now it is becoming Operation Call4Murray!)

Underneath the Council is several Committees that we set up to run projects. One is promoting Dr. Paul's new book, Revolution: A Manifesto and will be canvassing door to door and hosting book club parties.

Another is Tax Day 08. On April 15th, we will have someone at thousands of Post Offices across the country educating people on Tax Freedom and the IRS.

The Great President Reagan's Grace Commission in the 80s unequivocally stated that all Federal Income Tax goes to pay interest on the Federal Debt. Because the Federal Reserve loans the Federal Government and the American people money, we now owe them around $900 billion (the rest we owe foreigners).

That means the IRS actually collects interest payments for a private corporation -- the Federal Reserve which is partially owned by European bankers. If you look on a back of a canceled check to the IRS, it says that it was paid to a Federal Reserve Bank.

If we had no Federal Income Tax today we'd have the same revenue as 10 years ago. That's how much the Federal Government has grown -- by trillions -- all because the Congress gave the power in 1913 to the Federal Reserve Corporation to print money (read: counterfeit money) out of thin air!


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