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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Precinct Committee People and District Captains

Last night we had our Precinct Committee Person Training for Adams County. I had knew part of it prior but did pick up a few interesting things.

The greatest thing that happened is our Chairperson Mary Dambman said that she had decided to stop appointing District Captains (DCs) last year and allow the Precinct Committee people to elect them. She said the party organization should be from the "bottom up" and a "grassroots" effort. It works differently in Denver County.

Mary Smith, Chairperson of the Denver GOP, appoints her DCs. When she informed some Jeffersonian Republicans that there were open DC spots several of us wanted to fill them. However, Mary Smith decided to just change the rules unilaterally by "executive decision" to stop the real Conservative Republicans from becoming DCs.

Mary Smith also threatened her own Precinct Committee people by saying if they don't leave the University Club they would be "removed" after they were invited there to participate in the Teller Committee (vote counting). I believe because of this and what others have said about her (e.g. a GOP attorney), that she is disenfranchising active GOP volunteers and thus she should be voted out of her position for harming the party.


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