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Monday, March 10, 2008

Lincoln Dinner Conversations

I don't want to name any names without further discussions, but an interesting thing happened at the Lincoln Dinner. I was talking to a Hispanic gentleman regarding the positions of his group. He was previously the State President (not in Colorado) for the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (RNHA).

He said he was against NAFTA personally but he supported the North American Union and the ideas of Dr. Robert Pastor, the CFR Task Force Leader on Integration. I respected his opinion because he was saying that it was a nuanced issue.

In other words, it wasn't black or white. Regional Integration and cooperation amongst our nations is natural and inevitable in some regards. And he wasn't dismissing it as a "conspiracy theory". He was actually the first political-related person I had met that had known of Dr. Pastor and supported the NAU.

I asked him if I created NAFTA, would you trust me to create a North American Union? I told him that Dr. Pastor and the CFR wrote NAFTA. And I told him we shouldn't leave our ideas of globalization to a Fabian Socialist like David Rockefeller et al.

I clearly pointed out the conflict of interest in the allegedly apolitical Federal Reserve debasing the currency and then the Federal Reserve's political lobbyist group's (the CFR) stated goals of a weak dollar to usher in a North American Monetary Union and an open border to promote a North American common border.

This gentleman was also against Amnesty but supported a legalization process for the illegal immigrants (again, nuanced and perhaps the same thing as Amnesty).

Honestly, I didn't really fully understand his position other than that Regional Integration would help Mexico, Canada and the U.S. and that a European Union-style North American Union would be the answer.

Now the odd part happened later. While waiting to give an Uncounted DVD to one of our Mayors in Adams, I asked another Hispanic gentlemen if his group, the RNHA, was against NAFTA. He said not really. I then asked him if he saw the conflict of interest between the Fed debasing the currency and their political group needing a weak currency to enable their political goals.

He dismissively said: "I know this is a Ron Paul talking point and it's never going to happen". I said it is already happening, have you not seen www.spp.gov? He started to get angry and upset and said "it will NEVER happen. I'm done talking about this issue."

To me, this was very rude and not rational. I didn't even want to talk to the gentleman, if he hadn't been standing by the Mayor talking to no one, I wouldn't have even mentioned it to him.

Going back to the former State President of the RNHA, I believe his point was that we should debate and refine these ideas instead of dismiss them out of hand. Interestingly, he is now the President of a Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in Colorado. I reminded him of this Milton Friedman quote:
Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes politically inevitable. - Milton Friedman
It is the ideas laying on the table that get implemented. After 9/11 we were quick to pass the USA PATRIOT Act because it was on the table prior to 9/11.

If the Jeffersonian Republicans don't start their own policy institutes, their own endless networks of nonprofits and NGOs, don't go to Schools of Foreign Services, don't get jobs in the State Department, don't get sponsored into the CFR, don't get essays published in Foreign Affairs and so forth -- than we will never get our ideas on the table.

These organizations are the table, so let's get a seat at them so we can put our ideas and connotations of globalization and Regional Integration in place. And in doing so, we will protect the U.S. Constitution and the Sovereignty of the U.S., Canada and Mexico along with the rest of the nations of the world.

Otherwise, the Fabian Socialists win by default.


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