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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

White House Spokesman: I'll be fired if I talk about the dollar

OPEC says the falling dollar is the reason for high oil prices. Ask the White House if they are right and they will say they are under strict orders not to comment on the dollar. OPEC is obviously correct though -- the same amount of gold bought approximately the same amount of oil yesterday as it did in 1913. Silver has a similar correlation although not as strong.

The Coinage Act of 1792 says $1 dollar is equal to 27 grams (416 grains) of standard silver. Thus if we could convert all our Federal Reserve Notes to $1 dollar values of silver, the price of gasoline would be about 16 cents a gallon! And remember, the U.S. Constitution says all our money must be in gold or silver and no Amendment has ever changed it.

It is simple. When you inflate the currency by printing trillions of dollars more, it is like issuing more shares in a corporation. The value of the shares you own gets diluted. The Federal Reserve Note of 2008 is worth around 3 cents of a 1913 U.S. Note. And who benefits when you issue more shares of a corporation's stock? The people who own the corporation, in this case the Federal Reserve Corporation.


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