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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Denver GOP District Captain Resigns

Yesterday I initiated a series of events that led to the resignation of a Denver GOP District Captain (DC). I would like to be clear that it was the DC's actions that made him resign although he was very defensive in his resignation letter. I only exposed his misrepresentations to the leadership of the Denver GOP, Adams GOP and Colorado GOP.

I believe Mary Smith, the Chairperson of the Denver GOP, is disenfranchising Republican volunteers and thus is harming the GOP. I will work to expose her untruthful statements that she made in e-mails yesterday regarding this situation.

It seems that someone told the DC that the Resolutions passed at the Denver County Assembly would not be passed on to State. As well, someone likely told him to lie to a Denver Central Committee member regarding the location of a meeting. He said he didn't know where it was at but he was there less than 30 minutes later when the real Republicans walked in. My question, who told him these things?

Furthermore, Mary Smith says that Central Committee members are excluded from the Denver GOP Executive Committee meetings. However, in Adams I believe our meetings are open to any Republican and especially our Central Committee members so they can understand the process. We have no secret agenda in Adams.

There is also voter discrepancies regarding CD1 delegates. One individual was elected State Delegate but not even CD1 alternate even though he was on the same slate. We have a large voting block and it makes little sense how he could win one but not even alternate on the other.

When you put this in context with Mary Smith un-inviting two Central Committee members from participating in observing the Teller Committee to tally the CD1 votes you start to have doubts about the legitimacy of the vote counting.

This is the meeting that the DC lied about not knowing the location of and this is the night that Mary Smith said she'd have the Central Committee members "removed" if they did not leave. Later she invited them inside and said she had decided to have someone else tally the CD1 votes that were counted in the previous days.

Two Denver Central Committee members had been invited to observe the vote counting with the Teller Committee by an attorney and member of the Denver GOP Rules Committee. They did so for the State delegates count but not CD1 delegates.

When members of the Denver GOP Executive Committee lie to members of the Denver GOP Central Committee, then the Denver GOP leadership is disenfranchising volunteers and hurting our party.


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