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Thursday, May 29, 2008

25 Hours Left - Help Abolish the FED

Help Ron Paul get another friend in D.C. by helping elect Murray Sabrin to the US Senate. Please donate $10, $25 or $1000+ if you can. Thanks to Trevor Lyman for sending this out.


As you know, the only U.S. Senate candidate Dr. Ron Paul has endorsed is Dr. Murray Sabrin who is running in the June 3rd Republican Primary in New Jersey. We have only 25 HOURS LEFT to make a generous donation to his campaign.

Not only has Dr. Paul endorsed his friend of 25 years, he has campaigned for him in New Jersey, he hosted a fundraiser for him and he has personally reached out to his supporters and asked them to donate and volunteer. Dr. Paul has said, “This is the most important campaign in America this year!” You can watch Dr. Paul making this statement on Dr. Sabrin’s homepage (http://www.MurraySabrin.com).

We need you to DO two simple things TODAY – RIGHT NOW:

1. Go to http://www.MurraySabrin.com and be part of the $25,000 in 25 Hours campaign – this final effort will allow Dr. Sabrin to run radio ads throughout New Jersey; you can donate from $25 all the way up to the maximum $2,300 per person – but EVERY dollar matters and TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!

2. Go to http://www.SabrinForSenate.net and volunteer from home; volunteer for 30 minutes or volunteer for 3 hours – but EVERY minute matters and TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!

This is a race WE can WIN and WE must WIN - it will send shockwaves across America!

In Liberty,


McCain-Bush Fundrasier Canceled Due Too Many Prostesters and Lack of Supporters

On Tuesday in Denver, John McCain came and spoke about nuclear proliferation. He was interrupted several times by protesters. There were around 200 people in the room -- not very many for an open event.

Bush & Cheney – Not Welcome To Campaign in NJ

History: Bush Presidency = Liberal + Failure ** Bush & Cheney – Not Welcome To Campaign in NJ
By George Ajjan - May 28, 2008 - 5:15pm

Summit, NJ – Republican candidate for the 7th Congressional District in New Jersey, Darren Young, announced his assessment of President George W. Bush’s two terms in the White House as a complete failure on most conservative issues. In addition, Darren has requested once he wins the June 3rd Republican Primary that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney stay away from his District and preferably the entire state of New Jersey. He called upon his Republican opponents to make their assessments public and make the same request of President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

Darren Young said, “From just about every conservative perspective, President George W. Bush’s two terms in office have been the most liberal and complete failures. George Bush ran in 2000 on a humble, non-interventionist foreign policy and his War in Iraq has been one of the greatest foreign policy disasters in American History.” Young continued, “George Bush ran in 2000 on reducing the size and scope of the federal government and eight years later we see the largest federal government in American History. George Bush ran in 2000 on bringing our nation together and creating a bi-partisan atmosphere in Washington and eight years later the rancor from the White House is pervasive.”

Young remarked, “While President Bush was partially correct in offering tax cuts across the board and encouraging home ownership – he and Dick Cheney forget the other piece of the fiscal conservative puzzle which was reducing spending and restraining the role of the Federal Reserve.” Young continued, “Other than appointing solid jurists to the United States Supreme Court, the Bush Cheney legacy will be one of the most liberal and failed administrations in American History.”

Young said, “As a direct descendant of John Adams, the Second President of the United States would say, ‘There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.’” Young continued, “We must keep this in mind as the Bush-Cheney Administration continues to attack personal liberties in the name of security. I call upon my Republican opponent, Leonard Lance, to make his assessment of the Bush-Cheney Administration and request their absence from New Jersey too.”

Darren Young is running for Congress in the 7th Congressional District Republican Primary on June 3rd currently being held by retiring Congressman Mike Ferguson. He is running with the front-runner for the Republican nomination for United States Senate, Dr. Murray Sabrin along with the “Constitutional Republicans Protecting the Liberty Platform” team.

Dr. “Maverick Murray” Sabrin is a successful entrepreneur working in commercial real estate, portfolio management, and economic research. Maverick Murray is an author, TV and radio commentator, and Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Business and Public Policy at Ramapo College. He and his wife Florence of 39 years reside in Bergen County. For more information, please visit www.MurraySabrin.com.

The Big Picture - The New World Order

This is from some globalist group called Big Think. Also wanted to mention that the NAFI Triumvirate is going on, which is a North American mock parliament.

The Big Picture: A New World Order

Never before has the United States felt so much international competition. Today, China and India, Russia and Brazil, and even smaller recently emergent markets are challenging the U.S. economically, culturally, and militarily.

International relations experts have been working hard to figure out how the U.S. can stay competitive in this New World Order, where the world is flat and practically everybody is a capitalist. The challenges are deep, but we bring the brightest minds together to find a solution.

When Enemies Become Friends
Navigating Geopolitics in the New Post-War World


This week Big Think presents Michael Walzer, one of America's leading political philosophers. A professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey and editor of Dissent, a left-wing quarterly of politics and culture, Walzer is an expert on unjust wars and has written 27 books and has published over 300 articles, essays, and book reviews on a variety of international topics.

Walzer says that it's true that when fundamentalists, zealots, and ultra-orthodox factions take over a country, they tend to repress the moderates and the liberals in their own camp.
But we must remember, he cautions, that in those situations, the repressed, just like liberal and secular Afghans, become our allies. "Therefore it's a big mistake to try to describe it as a war of unified culture."

To see Professor Walzer's full clip and further insights, click here.

Big Think: Creating a Citizen World Parliament for the United Nations

The Week in Thought

"Are global institutions up to the challenges of globalization?"

Big Think user TheKaz shares his opinion:

"Global institutions lack legitimacy because of their "democratic deficit." However, an international grassroots campaign is afoot to change that by introducing citizens' representation at the United Nations.

The idea is to begin with an advisory body associated with the UN - a citizens' watchdog with clout - that gradually transitions into a world parliament.

This would be similar to the development of the European Parliament that now has co-decision powers and is elected by over 490 million voters of the European Union.

Although just launched in April '07, the Campaign already has support from participants in 116 countries including academics, Nobel Prize winners and almost 500 current national parliamentarians.

Please go to the website Unpacampaign.org for background information and to endorse the proposal online. Join activists all over the world working for global community and an effective, accountable United Nations. A UNPA will hold both countries and international bureaucrats to account, and in the longer run it will open the door for vital UN reforms."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Karl Rove: McClellan Sounds Like a Left Wing Blogger

Interesting fact: Scott McClellan's father is Barr McClellan, President Johnson's former attorney. While Scott was the White House spokesman, Barr wrote a book saying that President Johnson, Big Oil in Texas and the Military Industrial Complex killed President Kennedy.

Ron Paul Gets 24% of the Vote in Idaho Primary


Ron Paul 29,741 (24%)
John McCain 87,341 (70%)

Barack Obama 16,880 (79%)
Hillary Clinton 3,644 (17%)

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sabrin Run Questions the GOP Leadership

Maverick Republican seeks U.S. Senate seat
Monday, May 26, 2008
Star-Ledger Staff

Ramapo College professor Murray Sabrin wants GOP presidential candidate John McCain to drop his support for the war in Iraq. Sabrin has called for the Republican state chairman and a GOP state senator to resign. He has demanded federal investigations of two other Republican candidates. He is running his own slate of delegates to the Republican National Convention and has targeted two GOP congressmen for defeat.

All of this is Sabrin's way of convincing New Jersey's Republican voters they should make him their nominee for U.S. Senate when they vote in the June 3 primary.

Actually, his goals are more ambitious.

"The campaign is really about rebuilding the party, reforming the party," Sabrin said. He wants "to make it a limited-government party in contrast to the Democrats."

In an open letter earlier this year, Sabrin said no New Jersey Republican has been elected to the U.S. Senate since 1972 because the party has not offered a "sharp contrast" to "failed liberal-Democratic policies." He promised to provide such a contrast and said he would run his own slate of candidates for other offices -- a direct challenge to the power of the county chairmen.

"I think we need more grass-roots decision-making rather than a handful of people making decisions for Republican voters," Sabrin said.

It is "a very unusual" method of seeking the nomination, according to Joseph Marbach, chairman of the political science department at Seton Hall University. It can be dangerous, he said, because it is the party faithful who typically vote in the primary.

"Unless there's really widespread discontentment among the average party members, it's a campaign that's almost doomed to failure from the very outset," Marbach said.

Tom Wilson, the Republican state chairman and one of Sabrin's many targets, said, "Murray has found a way to alienate virtually everyone he can in the Republican Party."

Unorthodox tactics are a standard part of Sabrin's repertoire. On the afternoon of the Kentucky Derby, Sabrin went to Monmouth Park Racetrack and bet $1,050 -- the proceeds of one hour's online fundraising -- on Cowboy Cal to win. His horse lost, but Sabrin said the bet was a winner because of the publicity it generated for his campaign.

"It was all over the internet and the Wall Street Journal online," Sabrin said. "Sometimes you have to do things outside of the orthodox playbook to get your message across in a campaign." The point of that wager -- aside from the remote chance of a 20 to 1 payoff -- was to emphasize Sabrin's support for a change in federal law that would legalize sports betting. He also supports legal access to medical marijuana. He opposes abortion but would leave it to individual states to ban it.


With a doctorate in economic geography, he has written extensively about public financing and has long railed against the Federal Reserve's power to "manipulate" interest rates, which he blames for creating "speculative bubbles." He would end it, as well as slash the size of the federal bureaucracy.

On foreign affairs, Sabrin sounds more like Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama than the GOP's presumptive nominee, McCain. "There's no reason we should not negotiate with anyone in the world," Sabrin said during a recent debate. He favors talks with Iran and has promised that, if nominated, he will visit Cuba. He supports a deadline -- September 2010 -- for getting U.S. troops out of Iraq. When McCain visited Liberty Science Center earlier this month, Sabrin called his own news conference to pose this question: "How is it okay for us to sacrifice the lives of brave men and women in Iraq for oil, yet you don't want to risk the potential life of a few caribou in Alaska by drilling for oil in ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge)?" Given such fundamental disagreements, can Sabrin run for U.S. Senate with McCain at the top of the ticket?

"Sure," Sabrin replied, insisting they can campaign together while disagreeing on particular issues.

"I will not be robo-senator," Sabrin said. "Like John McCain, I always put country ahead of party."

Unlike his two opponents for the Republican nomination -- Sen. Joseph Pennacchio (R-Morris) and former Rep. Dick Zimmer -- Sabrin has never held elected office.

Sabrin was born in West Germany just after World War II. His parents, the only members of their respective families to survive the Holocaust, came to America with Sabrin and his older brother in 1949, when Sabrin was 2. He became a U.S. citizen in 1959.

That experience influences his view that immigrants to America should follow the rules and learn English, as his family did. He opposes amnesty for illegal immigrants, saying they should return to their home countries and wait in line.

He would end the rule that U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants automatically become U.S. citizens. It sets families up for heartbreak, he said, if the parents are later deported and the children have a legal right to stay in the United States. "We're creating a humanitarian crisis because of birthright citizenship," Sabrin said.

NJ Veterans Endorse Sabrin For Senate

NJ Veterans Endorse Sabrin For Senate
Dr. Sabrin Promises To Bring Troops Home

Absecon, NJ – New Jersey conservative Republican leader Dr. "Maverick Murray" Sabrin, the Garden State's strongest advocate of limited government and individual freedom and the front-runner for United States Senate, announced the endorsement of New Jersey Veterans during the Memorial Day Parade in Absecon, New Jersey and reaffirmed his promise to bring the troops home from Iraq.

Michael Mastro stated during his endorsement, "Dr. Murray Sabrin is the true conservative candidate running for United States Senate and I am delighted to support and vote for him on June 3rd." Mastro continued, "Dr. Sabrin wants to bring our troops home from Iraq with dignity and he will ensure our veterans and their families receive the support they need and deserve." Michael Mastro, from Absecon, NJ, served in the Navy from 1942-1945 during World War II in both the European and Pacific theatres. He also served as the Chairman of the Absecon Republican Club from 1975-1976.

John Swank commented, "Dr. Murray Sabrin is committed to not only bringing our troops home from Iraq, he is committed to making sure they and their families have the full and complete support of our government. Dr. Sabrin will be the greatest advocate of veterans in the United States Senate when he is elected." Swank continued, "We will make sure New Jersey Veterans come out to vote for Dr. Sabrin on June 3rd in the Republican Primary and again in November against Frank Lautenberg." John Swank, from Paterson, NJ, served for more than five years in the United States Marines. In the role as Operations Manager at the Marine's Tactical Command Center, he coordinated and supervised radio communication and data between ground troops and aircraft.

Fernando Powers said, "I am proud to run for Congress with Dr. Murray Sabrin and I am proud to make The Sabrin Promise to bring all combat troops home from Iraq by September 2010." Powers continued, "Dr. Sabrin is the principled leader our country needs in the United States Senate. It will be my honor to serve with him in the United States Congress in January." Fernando Powers is running for Congress in the First Congressional District of New Jersey. He served in the United States Marine Corps during the first Iraq War. He is a lifetime member of VFW 1616 and the National Rifle Association. For more information about Fernando Powers and his Congressional campaign please visit his website www.FernandoPowers.com.

Jammes Valencia stated, "Dr. Murray Sabrin will be an outstanding United States Senator and I am proud to run with him for public office." Valencia continued, "I will bring The Sabrin Solution to local government in Camden County. Dr. Sabrin understands the commitment veterans and their families make to the cause of Freedom and Liberty. His campaign to Legalize Freedom is the what our brave men and women in the Armed Forces defend every day." Jammes Valencia served in the United States Army and is currently running for Camden County Freeholder with Dr. Murray Sabrin's ticket. For more information about Jammes Valencia and his Freeholder campaign please visit his website www.JammesValencia.com.

Dr. Murray Sabrin remarked, "It is an honor to receive the support of such brave men and women in New Jersey – our veterans. As we remember and honor those who fought and died for our country, we must never forget the Freedoms and Liberties they cherished so greatly to make the ultimate sacrifice." Sabrin continued, "It is the responsibility of our civilian leadership to prevent these sacrifices and our current civilian leadership has not done its job. Senator Frank Lautenberg has failed to bring our troops home from Iraq – I will not fail!"

Dr. "Maverick Murray" Sabrin is a successful entrepreneur working in commercial real estate, portfolio management, and economic research. Maverick Murray is an author, TV and radio commentator, and Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Business and Public Policy at Ramapo College. He and his wife Florence of 39 years reside in Bergen County. For more information, please visit .

Washington Post: They Rule the World - The Global Power Elite Superclass

They Rule the World
A shadowy organization is in power, and it's made up of the very, very rich.
By Reviewed by Anne-Marie Slaughter
Sunday, May 25, 2008; BW02

The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making
By David Rothkopf
Farrar Straus and Giroux. 376 pp. $26

Go to www.theyrule.net. A white page appears with a deliberately shadowy image of a boardroom table and chairs. Sentences materialize: "They sit on the boards of the largest companies in America." "Many sit on government committees." "They make decisions that affect our lives." Finally, "They rule." The site allows visitors to trace the connections between individuals who serve on the boards of top corporations, universities, think thanks, foundations and other elite institutions. Created by the presumably pseudonymous Josh On, "They Rule" can be dismissed as classic conspiracy theory. Or it can be viewed, along with David Rothkopf's Superclass, as a map of how the world really works.

In Superclass, Rothkopf, a former managing director of Kissinger Associates and an international trade official in the Clinton Administration, has identified roughly 6,000 individuals who have "the ability to regularly influence the lives of millions of people in multiple countries worldwide." They are the "superclass" of the 21st century, spreading across borders in an ever thickening web, with a growing allegiance, Rothkopf argues, to each other rather than to any particular nation.

Rothkopf's archetypal member of the superclass is Blackstone Group executive Stephen Schwarzman, who is not only fabulously wealthy, but also chairman of the Kennedy Center, a board member of the New York Public Library, the New York City Ballet, the Film Society of Lincoln Center and the New York City Partnership. These boards, along with the over 100 businesses Blackstone has invested in, the other business councils and advisory boards he sits on, and his Yale and Harvard education, mean that Schwarzman is only one or two affiliations away from any center of power in the world. Rothkopf actually traces the "daisy chain" of Schwarzman's connections through his board memberships -- linking him to Ratan Tata, one of India's richest men, former Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo and many others. It is these links that create access that translates to influence and determines how the levers of power are pulled.

Fame alone doesn't get you into the global power elite: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are out while Angelina Jolie and Bono are in. High office is generally enough for politicians and even their spouses, but membership in the superclass can be fleeting -- Mikhail Gorbachev and Cherie Blair are now out, while Henry Kissinger and Bill Clinton are still in. Rothkopf harps on the Pareto principle of distribution, or the "80/20 rule," whereby 20 percent of the causes of anything are responsible for 80 percent of the consequences. That means 20 percent of the money-makers make 80 percent of the money and 20 percent of the politicians make 80 percent of the important decisions. That 20 percent belongs to the superclass.

On closer inspection, however, Rothkopf has no actual methodology for determining who is in and who is out. Each chapter identifies individuals who are said to count in a field, conclusions backed up by trendspotting and anecdotes about Rothkopf's encounters at Davos and New York dinner parties that make the reader feel vaguely voyeuristic. When Rothkopf ventures away from his core expertise in politics and finance, and into such subjects as asymmetrical warfare, mega-churches and freemasonry, the pastiche-like quality of his research becomes evident.

Still, Superclass is often thought-provoking. For one thing, it is as much about who is not part of the superclass as who is. As I read Rothkopf's chronicles of elite gatherings -- Davos, Bilderberg, the Bohemian Grove (all male), Fathers and Sons (all male) -- I was repeatedly struck by the near absence of women. Fortune magazine's annual Most Powerful Women Summit, the only elite gathering I know of that is restricted to women, didn't even rate a mention. And indeed, when Rothkopf summarizes "how to become a member of the superclass," his first rule is "be born a man." Only 6 percent of the superclass is female.

Superclass is written in part as a consciousness-raising exercise for members of the superclass themselves. Rothkopf worries that "the world they are making" is deeply unequal and ultimately unstable. He hopes that the current global elite will use their power to do more than egg each other on to high-profile philanthropy. Elites in radically unequal countries such as Chile, for instance, might decide to open their cozy circles of power to allow the emergence of a genuine middle class. New York bankers might realize that they can no longer peddle loans to developing countries in good times but then pressure the U.S. Treasury and the International Monetary Fund to bail out those same governments when they suddenly default on their debts (ensuring, of course, that the bankers get paid). The agribusinesses that reap billions from domestic subsidies in developed countries might consider the longer-term value of trade rather than aid for countries at the bottom of the global food chain.

Perhaps. But it's likely to take more than exhortation. In the words of former Navy Secretary John Lehman, "Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat." Why would the superclass want to give it up?·

Anne-Marie Slaughter is dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton and author of "The Idea That Is America: Keeping Faith with Our Values in a Dangerous World."

Paul Backers to Make Their Voices Heard at Washington Republican Convention

Paul backers to make their voices heard at Washington Republican Convention
By JIM CAMDEN, The Spokesman-Review

SPOKANE — Hundreds of Washington Republicans will arrive in Spokane this week with their party's presidential candidate all but chosen. Arizona Sen. John McCain has only to await the national convention in September, where he's assured of enough delegates to become the official nominee.

But a substantial portion of the delegates to the Washington state convention perhaps as many as 40 percent, according to some estimates will be backing another candidate and looking to make their preference known at that national gathering.

Supporters of U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, of Texas, who is still nominally in the race, will control enough votes to claim delegates to the national nominating convention and perhaps make changes in the state platform.

In pockets around the state, Paul's supporters, some of whom are political novices, worked the arcane caucus system hard enough to control county conventions and legislative district meetings. Nowhere was that more evident than in Spokane County, which will send 114 delegates to the state convention. Of those, 106 are Paul supporters.

That by itself is probably enough to guarantee them one and possibly two national delegates from Eastern Washington's 5th Congressional District, barring any procedural maneuvering by state GOP leaders. Late last week, Paul supporters were saying convention rules were being circulated that could shut them out of national delegate spots. Paul also has 11 of 13 delegates from Stevens County, four of eight from Asotin County, and two of five from both Lincoln and Ferry counties in unofficial tallies.

"Basically, in the 5th District, Ron Paul's got it," said Curt Fackler, Spokane County GOP chairman.
Even though the majority of the state's delegates will be McCain supporters, Paul delegates will have some ability to elect national delegates from the congressional district and could elect the members of the Electoral College who would cast votes for the president if McCain carries Washington in November.

Paul also has more than two-thirds of the 89 delegates from Clark County and more than 80 percent of Whatcom County's 38 delegates.

"It's not going to be dull," Chet Dow, Whatcom County Republican Party chairman, predicted of the state convention.

Geri Modrell, Snohomish County GOP chairwoman, agreed: "It promises to be a lively (convention) and I think that's good."

About a third of Snohomish County's delegation probably supports Paul, Modrell said, although many of the Snohomish delegates didn't state a preference at that county's convention.

King County GOP Chairwoman Lori Sotelo said she doesn't have an accurate count of her 320-member delegation, the state's biggest. Many didn't commit to a particular candidate in the Feb. 9 precinct caucuses, and while McCain won the Feb. 19 primary, numbers for any candidate are "squishy," she said.

Her main concern is not how the county's delegation breaks down, but to make sure "it gets there and has a good time."


In Spokane, delegates to the county convention passed a platform that includes a plank calling for U.S. troops to be brought home from overseas unless there is a declaration of war. Paul supporters say it's merely a call to obey the U.S. Constitution, but others see it as a repudiation of President Bush's strategy in Iraq.

In other counties, election of state convention delegates took so long the meetings lost quorums and had to be adjourned without adopting a platform.

Most political conventions are a mixture of pro-forma business and political intrigue. For decades, by the time the Washington state convention is held in late May or early June a candidate has usually locked the nomination.

That doesn't mean the presumptive nominee and his supporters have complete control of the meeting. In 1988, George H.W. Bush was a lock for the nomination nationally, but supporters of the Rev. Pat Robertson, who stormed Washington's precinct caucuses that year, sent delegates to the national convention. In 1992, although Bush turned back a challenge from Pat Buchanan, his supporters wanted the pundit-turned-politician to address the state convention. State party officials said no, and Buchanan made his speech on the sidewalk outside.

Maureen Moore, state coordinator for the Paul campaign, is tightlipped about what Paul supporters have planned for the convention, other than "spreading the message of liberty," which is what the congressman's supporters say his campaign is about.

"Strategically, it's just better not to be talking about what we're doing," she said.

That could explain why some longtime party members are wondering what Paul supporters will do at the convention that could criticize either the current administration or McCain. But others say the concerns are overblown. Fackler said the new Paul supporters could bring new blood to the party.

Said Snohomish County's Modrell: "We need some good, lively discussion to get the voters activated again."


Washington GOP: Thursday through Saturday, Spokane Convention Center.

Washington Democrats: June 13-15, Spokane Convention Center.


Colorado CD7 Report - Ron Paul National Delegate (Alternate) Elected

NOTE: Video coming soon. This is from one of the most active GOP members in the State of Colorado -- she's destined to be the future Governor of CO!


Hi all!

CD7 was so much different than CD6. We were welcomed with smiles and helpful people from the CD7 Executive Committee people AND given a speaking opportunity for Ron Paul. WOW!!! Please note that CD6 Executive Committee was nice and cordial and did not allow either us nor the McCain camps to have speakers, being fair too.

Being “out of the closet” and loud and proud for Ron Paul was so much FUN!!! Our dozen or so supporters were waving signs out in the lot (thanks to Scott, we all had matching t-shirts too, making us look very organized), almost dancing they were having so much fun! At the table, many, MANY people loved getting more information about Ron Paul, wore a Ron Paul button, and loved that we were handing out Ron Paul Slates for all to see.

The CD7 committee allowed ALL of our volunteers to have a visitor pass to watch the whole meeting. It was refreshing to “feel” welcomed, instead of not wanted and/or feared.

Just a note for all of you, EVERY single alternate that showed up, WAS seated as a delegate! ALL OF THEM! See why we all need to be there, even if we are only alternates????? As I’ve said before, just showing up is 95% of winning!

The thing all of the CD7 Republicans LOVED were the Republican pledges our delegates signed. We had so many comments about us staying in the party, and they were so happy that we were not just a “flash in the pan” Republican group.

Here is the speech I gave, and it was VERY well received…so much so that the gent running the McCain table came up to me and said he now understands that locally, we are all on the same team, and that we will be soon, nationally! I was thrilled that someone FINALLY got it! Here is the speech:
Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan brought new life to the Republican Party as core conservatives.

The GOP has been calling for new Republicans to register…ask and you shall receive.

Dr. Ron Paul has infused the Party with new life! I guess since he’s a baby Dr. that makes sense!

I have personally helped register over 300 Democrats and Independents. I’ve lost count of how many 18-24 year olds we’ve registered—all because of Dr. Paul. They love his message of Liberty and Freedom.

The new Republicans are active, passionate and ready to campaign right here in our own state for our local Republican candidates. We only need to embrace each other.

(Held out my right hand) Ron Paul Republicans…(then held out my left hand) established Republicans…(brought both hands together) uniting to get all of YOUR local candidates elected.

(Held out my right hand) Barry Goldwater…(then held out my left hand) Ronald Reagan…(brought both hands together) and now Ron Paul equals new conservative unity.

United we win…Nationally and Locally!
I got thank you’s from many people about giving a speech of unity. It felt good.

One icky point here: As I approached the stage to give my speech, a man off to my right (didn’t see who it was) softly called me a “c*nt”. I ignored him, kept focused on my positive energy and how excited I was to be giving a speech for the man who is my hero!

Of course we had a few bumps. Many of the people at the McCain table were saying how bad Ron Paul is, how dangerous the Ron Paul supporters are, how some of them “attacked” a reporter (the snowball incident last winter) and just bad-mouthing Ron Paul. But then the people would come around the corner and see all of our happy, laughing faces, enjoying being there and having fun!

I had one woman that came up to me and said we shouldn’t be there. We should all just unite behind McCain. I asked her what her passion for McCain was. She stood there, and finally admitted she has no passion for him, she is just doing what the RNC is telling her to do.
I told her I like McCain as a man, respect him as a Senator, but I have no passion for him, and I, like all of the unpaid VOLUNTEERS here for Ron Paul have a great deal of passion for the good Doctor. I then asked if McCain was her 1st choice. No he was not. Did she have passion for her 1st choice? Yes she did. I told her I was sorry her 1st choice was no longer in the race, but ours is, so we are showing our passion and support for him. Then I asked if she felt if McCain is the nominee, if she thought he would generate any passion in anyone. She thought for a long time, and then admitted…no she didn’t feel he would. I asked if a “no passion” candidate could win a general election? No…they couldn’t.

She took a Ron Paul button, put it on, and then took a slate. Hmmmm….maybe we got some extra votes that way.

If I didn’t know we had a mole in the group, I know for sure now! I didn’t add Cedric to our slate until late Saturday night, May 17th. The McCain people had all 6 of our slate people on papers they were handing out, WITH CEDRIC’S NAME ON IT!!!

Yes…the McCain people were handing out our slate again. But alas, even with all of that…WE GOT ONE!!! Joby Weeks was elected to go to National as a 3rd alternate. I know that some of you may be upset that we “only” got an alternate slot. Please understand that prior to CD7 many experienced, long-term Republicans who know how the system works told me that Ron Paul supporters would “never” get to Nationals and that what we’re trying to do is “impossible.” We shattered some pre-conceptions. Republicans are now starting to believe. All they have to do now is take the red pill.

There was a snafu in the voting process, for there were only 304 delegates but 310 ballots were cast. The CD7 Committee handled it quickly and fairly, for taking away or adding 6 votes for the 1st five positions had no impact on the results. However, it did make a difference for 6th and 7th place. They were going to re-cast ballots, when one of the two tied, stepped down so that a revote would not be necessary. This got Joby the 6th place (3rd alternate) position.

So, in a nutshell, we were loud and proud for Dr. Paul! We had fun! We got to speak! And we accomplished the impossible when we got one of our OPENLY Ron Paul supporters elected to National!

It was a good night. Let’s do it again for CD1. Remember, we need LOTS of people out there waving signs(not CD1 delegates/alternates) and helping to run the table! Our numbers were VERY noticed, and if we keep growing them…all the better!

Love y’all and here’s to President Paul!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Charles Manson Prosecutor Says George W. Bush Should be Tried for Mass Murder

Out of 106 felony cases, former LA deputy district attorney Vincent Bugliosi has lost 1. Out of 21 murder cases, he lost 0. Bugliosi is best known for his prosecution of Charles Manson and for his best selling book, Helter Skelter.

In his new book, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, he lays the legal foundation for a prosecutor (either local, state or federal) to indict Bush for the murder of thousands of soldiers.

935 Lies

UNASUR: Twelve Nations Establish South American Regional Union

Twelve Nations Establish South American Regional Union
Sofia News Agency (5/24/08)

Twelve South American nations founded Friday a regional union at a summit meeting in Brazil's capital Brasilia, the BBC reported.

The founding members of the South American union are Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The organization called UNASUR (Union of South American Nations) is seen as many as bearing many similarities to the European Union but still far from achieving such a level of cohesion.

South American leaders disagree over a number of issues including plans for a South American Defense Council opposed by Colombia, and bringing the already existing regional organizations Mercosur and the Andean Community under the UNASUR, the Washington Post reported.

The region's relations with the US are also a matter of contention especially between the Venezuelan leader President Hugo Chavez, who is cited as saying that the number one enemy of the union of the south is the empire of the United States, and the US-allied Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

The diplomatic issues between the two countries involve the allegations of Venezuelan funding for the Colombian FARC rebel group.

Yet, in the words of the Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the move showed that South America was becoming a "global player".

The twelve members of UNASUR together have the fifth largest GDP in the world, and a population of 361 million, ranking fourth after China, India, and the EU.

UNASUR will have a revolving presidency and bi-annual meetings of the foreign ministers.

All twelve independent nations of South America proper founded Friday the regional union UNASUR modelled after the EU.

Help Rep. Bruce Stop the Illegal Colorado Springs Utilities' Stormwater Tax

Ends the city "enterprise" abuse of calling a tax increase a business "fee." The stormwater charge IS A TAX. It was passed by city council WITHOUT VOTER APPROVAL to raise $15 MILLION yearly for public works projects and bureaucratic overhead. The first petition says city enterprises cannot impose mandatory taxes, but may charge only for voluntary customer contracts.

  1. Phases out over 10 years SECRET utility and other enterprise taxes, some called "payments in lieu of taxes," that were never voter-approved.

  2. Requires the council to treat enterprises as businesses, as current law requires, not as political slush funds. Stormwater enterprise startup costs were funded by a loan (over one million dollars!) from the utility enterprise--not a good "business" decision by Utilities, but a political directive by the politicians on the council....The second petition will stop loans, gifts, and subsidies between enterprises, or between the city and an enterprise. Such businesses must stand on their own and make sound business decisions, not be a political slush fund for the council.
Douglas Bruce Wrote:

I have $15,000 available to pay petition carriers for two city petitions in Colorado Springs.

See www.CityReforms.com and print out the Petition Flier and the Petitioner Tips.

This is a way to get paid one dollar per signer of the two very similar petitions to cut city taxes.

Signers have to be registered voters inside Colorado Springs. Circulators must be over 18, but may live anywhere in the state.

I have an unfurnished place for people outside this area to stay, so long as they are collecting full-time.

We have 25 days left to get 15,000 pairs of signatures. Anyone can get 20+ pairs an hour
(= $20+ per hour, or $160-200 per day).

This could be a great RP fund raiser. We could use as many collectors as wish to come.

How about making this an announcement to the Colorado delegates?

Can you also send an email blast, copying this email, ASAP to the membership? THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Thank you.

Douglas Bruce
(719) 550-0010

Freedom Walk 08 from Green Bay to Minneapolis for the RNC

Yesterday Ron Paul appeared in San Diego for a private brunch followed by a rally and book signing. I was fortunate to be in attendance. I had been discussing an idea for a “Freedom Walk” from Green Bay, WI to Minneapolis with members of the Ron Paul activist community, and availed myself of the opportunity to talk about the idea with Dr. Paul and several members of his staff.

Dr. Paul loves the idea of a Freedom Walk to the Republican National convention host city and has agreed to lead us into the city for the last portion of the Walk!

Can you envision Dr. Paul leading a peaceful, organized force of 25,000 friends of freedom into the city, converging at a rally where a like number of liberty lovers are gathered? It turns out that Congressman Paul has been planning for and is very desirous to see a substantial rally in Minneapolis coincident with the RNC. The idea of a Freedom Walk dovetails very nicely with the campaign’s plans for a big rally. It also coincides with Ron Paul’s plan to announce at that place and time his new Foundation which will carry the Freedom Movement forward after the RNC.

Dr. Paul is also very adamant that this be a peaceful, non-violent, positive exercise in Freedom. I would like to note that he has often spoken of the example of Gandhi and non-violent civil disobedience. The proposed walk would be roughly the same distance and take the same number of days as Gandhi’s Salt March which led to the independence of India from British colonialism (and which was the beginning of a campaign of civil disobedience against an UNFAIR TAX on the production of salt).

The specifics of this Walk and rally are in the development stage. The current conception is this:
  • Walk begins in Green Bay, WI at Lambeau Field on August 11 at the Packers’ Monday Night Football home season opener. Ron Paul leads us on the first few miles “kick off” the Walk.

  • Gandhi started with 87 walkers committed to going the distance...we will start with no less than this number committed to walking the heartland of America for 251 miles and 3 weeks.

  • There will be a logistical team to manage food, water, supplies, belongings, sleeping arrangements ect for the walkers. There will be a medical team.

  • There will be a money bomb to raise funds for the project including assisting walkers with their expenses.

  • Walkers will be Ambassadors of Liberty, distributing literature and talking to citizens in the dozens of towns they will pass through on the route. Some of the larger cities we will pass through include Wausau and Eau Claire.

  • Ron Paul rejoins the Walk for the last leg leading a peaceful force of 25,000 or more into St. Paul 3 weeks later converging at a rally. Ron Paul announces his new Foundation.

  • There is also the idea of holding a “Constitutionalist Convention” in a hotel ballroom parallel to the RNC. We will gather to meet, draft and vote on resolutions, form committees of Dr. Paul’s new organization and conduct similar business.
A number of Ron Paul organizers and Freedom activists across the country are already on board with the general thrust of this plan. Please be a part of developing, shaping and putting into practice this vision. We hope that you can see the huge potential here and want to act on it and be a part of it. An organizing committee is forming now.

It is hoped that the July 12 rally and July 13 Convention in Washington DC will be precursors to and prepare the ground for the Minneapolis events. It is not meant to replace those events or efforts or be in competition.

Please go here to sign up to get involved: http://www.jotform.com/form/81445006676

Please go here to have a discussion about this idea on Ron Paul Forums: http://www.ronpaulforums.com/showthread.php?p=1473532#post1473532

Please go here to join the Meetup set up for this purpose (all are welcome and it is open): http://www.RonPaul.Meetup.com/363

Steven Vincent
Southern California Friends of Freedom
Operation Call4Paul

Jim Azzola
Operation Call4Paul

Michael Maresco
Ron Paul Riders

And many more....

RINO attack is a good reason to vote for Murray Sabrin -- Endorsed by Ron Paul

RINO attack is a good reason to vote for Murray Sabrin
Posted by Paul Mulshine May 15, 2008 3:55PM

There is one point on which virtually all conservatives in this state agree: The Whitman administration was a disaster.

The insane affordable-housing regulations that I denounced in my prior post are a direct result of Christie Whitman's pandering to liberal housing activists who despise suburban Republicans. Worse, her hand-picked state Supreme Court gave us the decisions that created much of the housing mess as well as the current school-funding situation, in which suburban schools count themselves lucky if they receive one-tenth the aid that the urban districts receive.

So when a high-ranking politician from that era denounces a candidate, you can take that as a recommendation that the candidate in question deserves your vote.

In this case, the candidate is Murray Sabrin, who is running for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. In a recent post on the In The Lobby site, Sabrin is denounced by Don Sico, who was executive director of the Assembly in the Whitman years. Sico was thus was intimately involved in formulating the RINO (Republican In Name Only) policies that led to the collapse of the Republican Party in New Jersey.

In the post, Sico attacks Sabrin for, among other torts, "raping and pillaging our President, our Presidential Nominee, our State Chairman, our County Chairmen, our Republican Legislative Leaders, our beliefs, our ideals, our principles and whatever order and discourse we had left."

In other words, Sabrin is denouncing a list of boobs from bottom to top. I challenge anyone out there to go down that list and find a single politician who doesn't believe in immigration amnesty, for example. The same holds for the nutty "neoconservative" (i.e. liberal) foreign policy of George Bush and a whole lot of other disastrous RINO policies that brought the national party to the same level of ruin that Whitman et al. inflicted on the state GOP.

So that alone is reason to vote for Murray.

And then there's this list of "more whacky (misspelled, by the way) ideas proffered by the professor:"

"In an attempt to woo the young college voter, he has suggested that we allow states to lower the drinking age - as if enough of their friends and classmates were not already dying on our roads."

I don't know about the aforementioned RINOs. But when it comes to conservatives, among "our beliefs, our ideals, our principles" is the principle of federalism. No Republican worthy of the name would ever suggest it is the proper role of the federal government to tell the states what the drinking age should be.

That's the sort of thing you'd expect from .... I'm not saying. I'll leave this as a little quiz. What liberal Democratic senator sponsored the federal 18-year-old drinking age?

First correct answer wins a six-pack of beer. Just pick it up at your local liquor store. Tell them I said they shouldn't charge you for it.


BLOG NOTE: RINOs like Don Sico, Christie Whitman and Tom Wilson are "raping and pillaging our Government, our Treasury, our Military, our Dollar, our Middle Class, our beliefs, our ideals, our principles..." -- which were built on our original Republican party principles of the Jeffersonian ideals of limited government and Constitutional republics.

Christie Whitman will be responsible for the death of 40,000 9/11 First Responders for her comments that "their air is safe to breathe and their water is safe to drink".

In the case against Whitman, Federal Judge Deborah Batts said, "No reasonable person would have thought that telling thousands of people that it was safe to return to lower Manhattan, while knowing that such return could pose long-term health risks and other dire consequences, was conduct sanctioned by our laws." Judge Batts continued saying Whitman's actions were "conscience-shocking". However, Whitman was ultimately found not liable due to the fact that President Bush told her contradictory information.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Help Ron Paul Abolish the Federal Reserve

Help Ron Paul Abolish the Federal Reserve
By Adam W. 5/23/08

Ron Paul needs YOUR help to first audit the Federal Reserve Corporation and conduct a study to determine the FED's policies in relation to inflation. If it is found that the FED is causing too much inflation, then we will repeal the Federal Reserve Act.

In 1964, Ronald Reagan talked about how the dollar of 1939 was only worth 45 cents. Today, the dollar of 1913 is worth 3 cents and falling. Soon the dollar will literally be worth a penny. As many know, the true definition of dollar is approximately one ounce of silver.

40 years ago 1 ounce of silver bought around 4 gallons of gas. Yesterday 1 ounce of silver bought around 4 gallons of gas. If we still used the US note, gas would be around 25 cents a gallon. But with the FED note it costs nearly $4.

Please help prevent future generations from having to work endlessly to pay unreasonable taxes in order to pay off our mounting debt.

Vote with your FED notes and donate to Murray Sabrin's campaign for US Senate. As the most conservative US Senator since Barry Goldwater, Murray will work to dismantle the IRS, audit the Federal Reserve and eventually repeal both Acts that created them.

Murray holds a PhD in Economic Geography and is a Finance Professor. Murray's been endorsed by Ron Paul and is a long time friend. Murray Sabrin and Ron Paul will be a powerful team in Washington D.C.

The contentious Republican primary is June 3rd. Many voters in NJ won't vote since the Presidential primary was already held. We have a real opportunity to elect a scholar and true Jeffersonian Republican to the US Senate.

Please donate now, even $10, at MurraySabrin.com.

Or sign up at MurraysMoney.com to pledge to donate $100 and receive a chance to win a rare Ron Paul Copper Dollar or Ron Paul Silver Dollar.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

House panel subpoeneas Karl Rove for Justice inquiry

House panel subpoeneas Karl Rove for Justice inquiry
By LARA JAKES JORDAN, Associated Press Writer
Thu May 22, 5:32 PM ET

The House Judiciary Committee on Thursday subpoenaed President Bush's former chief political adviser, Karl Rove, to testify about whether the White House improperly meddled with the Justice Department.

Accusations of politics influencing decisions at the department led to the resignation last year of Bush's attorney general, Alberto Gonzales.

It's unclear whether Rove will ever be forced to testify. The White House refuses to let him or other top aides testify about private conversations with Bush, citing executive privilege to block Congress' demands.

The subpoena orders Rove to appear before the House panel on July 10. Lawmakers want to ask him about the White House's role in firing nine U.S. attorneys in 2006 and the prosecution of former Gov. Don Siegelman of Alabama, a Democrat.

House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers had negotiated with Rove's attorneys for more than a year over whether he would testify voluntarily.

"It is unfortunate that Mr. Rove has failed to cooperate with our requests," Conyers, D-Mich., said in a statement. "Although he does not seem the least bit hesitant to discuss these very issues weekly on cable television and in the print news media, Mr. Rove and his attorney have apparently concluded that a public hearing room would not be appropriate."

Conyers added: "Unfortunately, I have no choice today but to compel his testimony on these very important matters."

Both Rove and his attorney, Robert Luskin, declined to comment.

The Senate Judiciary Committee also authorized subpoenaing Rove, who did not show up to testify. Senate Democratic leaders, not anxious to pick a difficult political fight in an election year, didn't plan to seek a vote on whether to hold Rove in contempt of Congress, which is a criminal offense.

In a May 21 letter to the House panel, Luskin called the then-threatened subpoena a "gratuitous confrontation." He said Rove was willing to talk to congressional investigators, but only behind closed doors and without a transcript being made of the session.

"While the committee has the authority to issue a subpoena, it is hard to see what this will accomplish, apart from a Groundhog Day replay of the same issues that are already the subject of litigation," Luskin wrote in the letter. It was released both by Conyers' staff and later by a spokesman for Luskin who responded to a call for comment.

The White House all but jeered at the subpoena, calling it "political theater."

"We'll review the subpoena, assess its relationship to currently pending matters, and respond at the appropriate time and in the appropriate forum," White House spokesman Tony Fratto said.

In announcing the subpoena, Conyers released a May 5 letter showing that the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility is investigating whether Siegelman was the target of "selective, politically motivated prosecutions."

The office, which is the department's internal ethics board, also has been investigating whether politics played a part in the firing of the nine U.S. attorneys. Results of the joint inquiry into the fired prosecutors, which has been ongoing for more than a year with the department's inspector general, are expected to be released in coming months.

Gonzales quit last September, dogged by months of accusations that he let political forces at the White House influence hiring and firing decisions at the fiercely independent Justice Department.

The nine U.S. attorneys were fired in an unusual midterm purge in part for apparently not being "loyal Bushies," as Gonzales' former staff chief put it. Justice Department documents show that Rove, as early as January 2005, questioned whether the nation's 94 U.S. attorneys should all be replaced at the start of Bush's second term, and that to some degree he worked to get some prosecutors dismissed.

Additionally, the department's former White House liaison admitted to considering GOP loyalty when deciding whether to hire career attorneys — violating laws that protect against discrimination.

In Siegelman's case, the former governor was sentenced to more than seven years in prison for a 2006 bribery conviction but was released in March when a federal appeals court ruled he raised "substantial questions of fact and law" in his appeal. Siegelman has long accused GOP operatives of pushing prosecution — claims that were bolstered last year by Republican campaign volunteer Jill Simpson, who issued a sworn statement that she overheard conversations suggesting that Rove was involved in his case.

Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas, top Republican on the House Judiciary panel, said he would demand that Simpson testify at the July 10 hearing to explain what he described as "unfounded accusations against Karl Rove."

Separately on Thursday, Siegelman asked the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn his jury conviction or grant him a new trial.


Associated Press writer Ben Evans contributed to this report.

March to War in Lebanon?

March to War in Lebanon?
by Ron Paul

Statement on H Res 1194, “Reaffirming the support of the House of Representatives for the legitimate, democratically-elected Government of Lebanon under Prime Minister Fouad Siniora.”

Madam Speaker, I rise in opposition to H. Res. 1194 because it is dangerously interventionist and will likely lead to more rather than less violence in the Middle East.

I have noticed that this legislation reads eerily similar to a key clause in the 2002 Iraq war bill, H J Res 114, which authorized the use of force.

The key resolved clause in H. Res. 1194 before us today reads:

Resolved, That the House of Representatives –

(6) urges –

(A) the United States Government and the international community to immediately take all appropriate actions to support and strengthen the legitimate Government of Lebanon under Prime Minister Fouad Siniora;

The Iraq war authorization language from 2002 is strikingly similar, as you can see here:

(a) AUTHORIZATION – The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to –

(1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq;

I am concerned that this kind of similarity is intentional and will inevitably result in US military action in Lebanon, or against Syria or Iran.

I am also concerned over the process of bringing this resolution to the Floor for a vote. I find it outrageous that H. Res. 1194, which calls for more risky US interventionism in the Middle East, is judged sufficiently “non-controversial” to be placed on the suspension calendar for consideration on the House Floor outside of normal order. Have we reached the point where it is no longer controversial to urge the president to use “all appropriate actions” – with the unmistakable implication that force may be used – to intervene in the domestic affairs of a foreign country?

Mr. Speaker, the Arab League has been mediating the conflict between rival political factions in Lebanon and has had some success in halting the recent violence. Currently, negotiations are taking place in Qatar between the Lebanese factions and some slow but encouraging progress is being made. Regional actors – who do have an interest in the conflict – have stepped up in attempt to diffuse the crisis and reach a peaceful solution, and press reports today suggest that a deal between the rival factions may have been reached. Yet at this delicate stage of negotiations the US House is preparing to pass a very confrontational resolution pledging strong support for one side and condemning competing factions. US threats in this resolution to use “all appropriate actions” to support one faction are in fact a strong disincentive for factions to continue peaceful negotiations and could undermine the successes thus far under Arab League moderation.

This legislation strongly condemns Iranian and Syrian support to one faction in Lebanon while pledging to involve the United States on the other side. Wouldn’t it be better to be involved on neither side and instead encourage the negotiations that have already begun to resolve the conflict?

Afghanistan continues to sink toward chaos with no end in sight. The war in Iraq, launched on lies and deceptions, has cost nearly a trillion dollars and more than 4,000 lives with no end in sight. Saber rattling toward Iran and Syria increases daily, including in this very legislation. Yet we are committing ourselves to intervene in a domestic political dispute that has nothing to do with the United States.

This resolution leads us closer to a wider war in the Middle East. It involves the United States unnecessarily in an internal conflict between competing Lebanese political factions and will increase rather than decrease the chance for an increase in violence. The Lebanese should work out political disputes on their own or with the assistance of regional organizations like the Arab League. I urge my colleagues to reject this march to war and to reject H. Res. 1194.

The First Ron Paul Internet Post from 1985

(NOTE: This is the first major newsgroup posting of Ron Paul on the Internet. His newsletter, as confirmed below, was largely written by aides and the purpose of it was political fund raising.)

Newsgroups: net.invest
From: dave@cylixd.UUCP (Dave Kirby)
Date: Thu, 12-Sep-85 14:31:52 EDT
Local: Thurs, Sep 12 1985 11:31 am
Subject: More on the coming currency recall

(Note: My system doesn't allow posting only to USA; it's either the
world or nothing. So skip this if you're not interested, with my
apologies for the dinky system we're running.)

First, thanks to all who responded by mail to my posting on the
coming currency recall. I found the mail most informative. It has
turned out to be a lively subject.

I knew if I searched long enough that I would find a source (other than my doom-sayer junk mail) that would tell me what the big sinister reason is behind the currency exchange. Well, here it is, folks. Are you sitting down? (If you stand up while reading a CRT, you need more help than I can give you anyway.)

The July 29, 1985 issue of Barron's has an article about former Congressman Ron Paul, who left Congress to form his own doom-sayer newsletter. From the article, Ron Paul appears to be just another doom-sayer crackpot, but since he is a former Congressman and haspresumably had access to more reliable information than my other doomsayer sources, I read his comments with interest. Here's what he says:

"Dear friend, will you survive the 'new money?' You must be prepared, because within one year, the U.S. Treasury will impose a radically different currency on the American people. Government officials won't tell you the truth about this ominous development, and most of your neighbors will be caught napping."

I'm shaking in my boots already. Paul goes on to say that in his last term in Congress he got a glimpse of the "ugly new bills," which had, along with pink and blue tinting, holograms, diffraction gratings, and other unmentionable horrors such as metal threads and chemical alarms.

Professor Claude Martin, he says, was hired by the government to test consumer reaction to the bills; but, when he was pressed for details, he "sounded frightened and refused to talk." (Prof. Martin, when asked about this allegation, said, "He's a nut. I'm not afraid to talk to anybody." Paul later admitted he had not actually tried to talk with Martin personally; an aide had reported Martin's supposed reluctance to talk.)

But back to the conspiracy. Paul figures the real reason behind the currency swap is to force all sorts of people in the cash-only underground economy (which Paul supports vehemently) to surface for identification so the IRS can clamp down on them.

The underground economy, set up to avoid having to pay income taxes on wages, is clearly illegal, but Paul is still in favor of keeping it alive. It is a "very worthwhile thing" that is good for the country. With a government that debauches its currency, overregulates the economy, and ruins the money system, people who feel desperate for survival are forced into the underground economy. Now the bad old IRS is going to break in and spoil the party.

Dear friends of net.invest, are YOU ready for the coming currency recall? One year from now all those bills in your wallet are not going to be worth a single cent. The government is about to confiscate all the hard-earned money you depend on for your survival, to enslave you to the forces controlled by the big banks and the Communists.

Will you be among the survivors, or will you plunge into the economic abyss along with the uninformed public? Will you join now with other patriotic Americans who oppose the American government, the IRS, and our Communist economic system, and commit to fight these destructive policies which threaten the very backbone of this great country of ours?

Or will you just say "hogwash" with the other scoffers, and be caught by the great government robbery when it hits? Dear friends, the choice is up to you. Now is the time to act. Send me 10 dollars (in good old- fashioned American greenbacks) NOW before it is too late! Even better, call me and give me your credit card number, and I'll send you a receipt.

(Forgive the above. I'm practicing to start my own doom-sayer newsletter. There must be money in it, since so many people are putting them out, and a former Congressman is getting into it.)

Dave Kirby "There is no great genius without
RCA Cylix Communications some touch of madness." - Seneca
Memphis, TN ...!ihnp4!akgub!cylixd!dave

(The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect
those of RCA Cylix. They may not even reflect my own.)

Murray Sabrin: Libertarianism in New Jersey

Murray Sabrin: Libertarianism in New Jersey
Posted by Butler Shaffer at May 22, 2008 10:05 AM

I have had a long-running skepticism concerning both the propriety and effectiveness of electoral politics as a way of advancing the cause of liberty. Nonetheless, I see the educational value in the presidential campaign of Ron Paul, whose efforts will not secure for him the White House, but have done something far more fruitful for libertarian thinking: made millions of young Americans aware that there are other ways of living than as robots for the state.

Little have I expected, however, that I would live to see the day - in these post-Goldwater years - when a libertarian would be elected to the U.S. Senate, and from the state of New Jersey no less! Murray Sabrin is on the verge of accomplishing just such a feat.
Those who are interested in finding out more about the man and want to encourage his efforts, should visit his website: murraysabrin.com.

Zimmer, Sabrin won't ask Bush for campaign aid

Zimmer, Sabrin won't ask Bush for campaign aid
Gannett State Bureau

They danced around the question Tuesday, but Richard A. Zimmer and Murray Sabrin, competing to be the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, agreed they won't be asking for campaign help from President Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney.

Zimmer said he planned to campaign with U.S. Sen. John McCain of Arizona, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.

Sabrin, who has criticized McCain on war policy, said he would campaign with anyone in sync with his conservative positions.

Both ultimately excluded the current national standard-bearers of their party.

That was one of numerous questions the pair fielded from Gannett New Jersey newspapers' editorial board representatives at the offices of the Home News Tribune.

The third Republican in the June 3 primary, state Sen. Joseph Pennacchio, R-Morris, did not attend because of a previously scheduled family obligation.

He also has suspended his campaign for a few days due to a death in the family.

Neither Sabrin nor Zimmer embraced many of Bush's initiatives.

"He's expanded the welfare state. . . . He's been a disappointment," said Sabrin.

"I agree with his veto of the farm bill. . . . We've got to live within our means," Zimmer said.

Both said the nation is still not as secure from terror as they would prefer.

And they took issue with the Bush administration's argument that anti-terror measures are working as evidenced by the fact the United States has not weathered any attacks after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

"Our borders are still unsecure," Sabrin said.

The absence of attacks "doesn't mean we are secure," said Zimmer.

"Fences make good neighbors," said Sabrin, who rejected Zimmer's idea for a "tamper-proof, employee-identifi- cation system."

Sabrin called it a national ID card.

Both want the nation's troops out of Iraq where they are "mired in a civil war," as Sabrin said, noting, "I opposed the Iraq war from the very beginning."

Where they differed most decidedly was in each man's qualifications to represent New Jersey in the U.S. Senate.

Zimmer, 63, a former three-term congressman, state assemblyman and state senator, is a lawyer who of late has been lobbying in Washington. He said he alone has a track record on the federal level.

Sabrin, 61, is an economics professor at Ramapo College who said he had been beating the conservative, small-government drumbeat for decades.

Reach Tom Baldwin at tbaldwi@gannett.com

Personal attacks fuel GOP debate

Personal attacks fuel GOP debate
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The three Republican candidates vying for Frank Lautenberg's U.S. Senate seat squared off on Monday night, debating immigration, fuel costs and Iraq, among some personal attacks.

Each of the candidates — Fort Lee's Murray Sabrin, former U.S. Rep. Dick Zimmer and state Sen. Joseph Pennacchio — had an opportunity to introduce themselves, then answer questions from a panel at the New Jersey Network studio in Trenton. The hourlong debate was broadcast live. Sabrin, a Ramapo College professor, started off, telling the audience he is "a conservative leader" who has spent his "entire life defending liberty."

Pennacchio, meanwhile, took some of his introduction time to launch an attack at Zimmer, the field's front-runner, according to a recent poll. He cited a weekend news story about a tax break Zimmer qualifies for on a 24-acre property in Hunterdon County that produces hay alongside his $354,000 home.

"That's just not fair," Pennacchio, a Morris County dentist, said of the farmland assessment.

Zimmer didn't respond in his opening statement, choosing instead to go after Lautenberg.

Pennacchio continued his attack on Zimmer in his response to a question originally posed to Zimmer about his more recent work as a lobbyist in Washington. This time, however, Zimmer responded, citing his efforts during his time as a lobbyist on behalf of the families of U.S. soldiers killed in the Beirut bombing in 1983.

"I'm proud of that work," Zimmer said.

Sabrin, who said he considers himself the race's front-runner, also took a turn at Zimmer by criticizing him as the anointed candidate of the establishment GOP in New Jersey. Zimmer was an 11th-hour replacement for the state party after businesswoman Anne Estabrook stepped down due to health issues. Sabrin said party leaders exhausted their Rolodex to find Zimmer.

"They went to 'Z' and got Dick Zimmer," said Sabrin, who calls himself "Maverick Murray."

Zimmer responded again.

"The fact is, these party leaders came to me because they know I'm a strong candidate and I'll be a strong senator," he said.

On the issues, Sabrin stepped out on a number of topics, including calling for a troop withdrawal from Iraq by 2010 and open negotiations with the president of Iran.

Pennacchio called for more use of nuclear energy and "gassified coal" to solve the problem of high energy costs.

Zimmer said the solution to illegal immigration is creating a reliable employee identification program and punishing employers who give jobs to undocumented workers.

The primary is June 3. The three GOP candidates are vying for the right to face either Lautenberg or his primary opponent, South Jersey Congressman Rob Andrews, in the November election.

Maverick Murray Wins Second Debate

Maverick Murray Wins Second Debate
By George Ajjan - May 20, 2008 - 11:37am
Release Date: May 20 2008

Jersey City, NJ – New Jersey conservative Republican leader Dr. “Maverick Murray” Sabrin, the Garden State’s strongest advocate of limited government and individual freedom and the front-runner for United States Senate, handily defeated his Republican Primary opponents in the second debate tonight in the studios of New Jersey Network in Trenton. The contrast between Maverick Murray and his two liberal opponents, Joe Pennaccahio and Dick Zimmer were stark. Dr. Sabrin displayed his 30+ year track record of advocacy for Freedom and Liberty and his understanding of the complex problems facing New Jersey and America, while his opponents exposed themselves as professional politicians.

Maverick Murray stated, “It looked like the author of the facsist manifesto, Joseph ‘Penn’ Pennacchio, showed up to tonight’s Republican debate. His solution to our nation’s problems was more government and more regulations.” Dr. Sabrin was referring to Joe Pennacchio’s 94-page fascist manifesto he wrote (under the clever pseudonym “Joseph Penn”; you can view the entire document at www.MurraySabrin.com) and Pennacchio called for putting more government regulations “on the table” to solve the global energy crisis during the debate. Sabrin continued, “Joe Pennacchio was clueless about the great threat of inflation and the direct impact the Federal Reserve’s actions are having on our senior citizens who live on fixed incomes.”

The debate was the perfect forum for Joe Pennacchio to correct his previous attacks on Ronald Reagan’s economic plan as “Voo-Doo Economics” but Joe Pennachio refused to do so. Sabrin continued, “Joe Pennacchio might be more comfortable running in the Democratic Primary with the extremely liberal Frank Lautenberg and Rob Andrews than in the party of Ronald Reagan.”

Dr. Sabrin continued, “Just as John McCain begins throwing all of his lobbyists off the Straight Talk Express, Dick Zimmer lands in the New Jersey Republican Primary. He was unable to give a coherent answer to any of the questions presented to him tonight. I wasn’t shocked that the Liberal Loser Lobbyist, Dick Zimmer, reaffirmed his support for more government regulations.” Sabrin stated, “We already knew he was a Liberal and a Loser, but tonight we found out he wasn’t prepared to answer the questions in the debate! Dick Zimmer showed he is not only ill-prepared to run in the Republican Primary, but he is not ready to be a United States Senator because of his ignorance on the fundamental issues facing our nation such as unfunded mandates, monetary policy and international affairs.” Dick Zimmer appeared razzled throughout the debate and at times couldn’t even answer the questions.

The debate was a perfect forum for Dick Zimmer to explain his support for partial-birth abortion when he was in the Congress. The Los Angeles Times described this abortion method in a June 16, 1995 news story:

“The procedure requires a physician to extract a fetus, feet first, from the womb and through the birth canal until all but its head is exposed. Then the tips of surgical scissors are thrust into the base of the fetus’ skull, and a suction catheter is inserted through the opening and the brain is removed.”

Dr. Sabrin asked, “What exactly made Dick Zimmer believe partial-birth abortion was morally defensible?”

Maverick Murray said, “As a high-priced Washington Liberal Lobbyist, Dick Zimmer has a lot more in common with Frank Lautenberg than he does with New Jersey taxpayers. He is pro-abortion, against gun rights, and was hand-selected by a few liberals to run last minute. The only real difference between Dick Zimmer and Frank Lautenberg is Dick Zimmer is a three-time loser and is a Washington Lobbyist.” Sabrin continued, “Dick Zimmer has a lot of explaining to do with Republican voters!”

The live debate in front of a studio audience at the NJN television station in Trenton from 8:00-9:00 p.m. It will be rebroadcast we recommend watching it. For more information, please visit their website www.NJN.net.

Murray Sabrin is a successful entrepreneur working in commercial real estate, portfolio management, and economic research. Murray is an author, TV and radio commentator, and Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Business and Public Policy at Ramapo College. He and his wife Florence of 39 years reside in Bergen County. For more information, please visit http://www.murraysabrin.com.

Reduced government GOP hopeful's mantra - Murray Sabrin and Ron Paul

Reduced government GOP hopeful's mantra

In a year when lapel pins have become fodder for political debate, the gold adornment that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Murray Sabrin wears on his suit jacket wraps up his campaign platform in two words: Live Free.

Sabrin, a onetime Libertarian, touts himself as a true conservative who would push the government to the margins of everyday life.

"We have to begin the process of returning decision-making and people's money to the people," said Sabrin, 61, an economics professor at Ramapo College who is most at home talking fiscal policy.

To him, the marketplace — whether of business or ideas — should be free from government interference. That means tax cuts and limited government intervention in the economy. It means pulling troops out of Iraq by 2010 and reining in the Patriot Act. It means getting the government out of health care, and it means that while Sabrin personally opposes abortion, he believes that issue and other social concerns, such as gay marriage, the drinking age and legalizing marijuana, should be left up to states to decide.

Sabrin fires off his positions with almost none of the squishy wiggle-room language of a typical candidate. Then again, he runs a far-from-typical campaign, cultivating a madman image as "Maverick Murray," who attacks his own party's presidential nominee and pulls political stunts such as trying to raise campaign funds by betting $1,050 of donations on long-shot Cowboy Cal in the Kentucky Derby. (The horse finished ninth.)

In person Sabrin, a Bergen County resident, is restrained. Wearing a navy blue suit, white shirt, red tie and the gold pin, he fits his positions into a principled view of limited government.

He would cut taxes on inheritances, dividends and waiters' tips and provide tax credits for parents who send their children to private schools. He also rails against "corporate welfare" and government interventions to bail out Wall Street firms and would pull back on government programs that began with "very good intentions but financially are unsustainable."

Medicare, Medicaid foe

These include Medicaid and Medicare, the health programs for the poor and people over 65. Sabrin believes these programs should be phased out over decades, saying they are financially "unsustainable." Nonprofits and the private sector would fill the void, he says.

"Health care is not a natural right, it's a service like everything else," Sabrin said.

The war in Iraq, he says, "was not in our national security interests. Saddam Hussein was not a threat to the American people. He was not a threat to the territorial integrity of the United States."

Sabrin, whose Polish parents were the only members of their families to survive the Holocaust, comes to his views through family history. In the rise of the Nazis, Sabrin's parents saw an aggressive government taken to the extreme. When Sabrin was 2, the family moved to New York, where his mother held a job as a supermarket cashier. His father worked with sheet metal and drove a cab.

"He didn't go to the government to get a program for his family," Sabrin said. "We went to the Catskills every summer because they saved money to provide us with a nice place for the summer."

Sabrin first ran for office in 1997, and New Jersey Republicans have been trying to wave him away as a fringe candidate ever since. That year, Sabrin ran as a Libertarian and garnered enough support to win state campaign matching funds and the right to appear in public debates alongside Republican Christie Whitman and Democrat James E. McGreevey. Sabrin won 114,000 votes, 5 percent of the total.

He returned as a Republican in 2000, seeking the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate but finishing far behind the two leading candidates in a four-way primary.

Along the way, Sabrin has rankled the GOP establishment with attacks that swing wildly at Democrats and Republicans alike. He demonstrated against John McCain when the presumptive Republican presidential nominee campaigned in New Jersey and has called on the party's state chairman, Tom Wilson, to step down.

Sabrin's tactics turned off an ally within the party, outspoken conservative Steve Lonegan, who is not shy about hard-nosed politics. Lonegan calls Sabrin a "great intellectual" but backed out of an appearance at a fundraiser earlier this year, citing the candidate's methods.

"It's one thing to be a brilliant economist and thinker, but you also have to be a good politician and be a leader and pull a party together with cohesiveness," Lonegan said. "The helpful thing for conservatives is to win and to govern, so that's the ultimate measure."

He sees a sea change

Sabrin has never held elected office and doesn't register high in public-opinion polls. But Sabrin argues that the nation's financial malaise will turn voters to his economic expertise this year. He says no other candidates are addressing issues such as fluctuating interest rates and Wall Street rescues such as the steps that helped J.P. Morgan buy Bear Stearns.

"When we lose money in the stock market, we don't get bailed out," Sabrin said.

Despite New Jersey's history of backing Democrats, Sabrin says most voters are looking for a fiscal conservative. He says he wants to rebuild the Republican Party with the limited government values that attracted him to the GOP in 1969.

His message still resonates with Libertarian leaders. Lou Jasikoff, the party's New Jersey chairman, said the party would consider withdrawing its own Senate candidate if Sabrin wins the Republican nod.

"I'm not looking to see whether there's an "L" or "D" or "R" next to their name," Jasikoff said. "It's more important to advance the cause of liberty, and I believe that's what Murray is doing."

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Liveblogging NJN's Republican Debate with Murray Sabrin

Liveblogging NJN's Republican Debate with Murray Sabrin

Watch yesterday's entire NJN Republican Debate video. The Ron Paul Republican clearly wins again!

From Liveblogging:
This might be the Zinger of the night. Pennacchio pointed out that he's won six elections in the row, and touted his wide margins in his state Senate race last November.

Sabrin: “I appreciate Joe saying he won six elections, but that’s like people in the Soviet Union saying they won six elections. It’s not a competitive district.”


Sabrin said he's been warning people about the "destructive policies of the federal reserve" for three decades, and that the United States needs to adopt a "more humble foreign policy."

Ron Paul, still pushing, still has nearly $5 million cash, no debt

Ron Paul, still pushing, still has nearly $5 million cash, no debt

Rep. Ron Paul, the rebel Republican who's defying his party, its nominee and common political sense, is still campaigning, not so much for his party's nomination, which Sen. John McCain has locked up, but to change the direcRep. Ron Paul's still campaigning in the Republican race against Arizona Sen. John McCain and reports having nearly $5 million cash still in the banktion of the party from within and organize for future reform of the GOP, which has gone soft on him.

According to new campaign finance reports filed Tuesday by Paul forces and pored over by Times campaign finance expert Dan Morain, the strict constitutionalist Paul continues to campaign and spend. He spent $406,836 last month, about half of it ($207,000) on radio advertisements.

Tapping his loyalists for another $70,293 in contributions, Paul ended April with $4.71 million in the bank, his campaign finance report filed shows.

He's raised about $34.9 million during his 14-month presidential quest. The 72-year-old Texas representatyive, who's even older than McCain, spent $30.2 million on his GOP presidential effort. And, true to conservative form, he maintains absolutely zero campaign debt. Contrast that with Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton who, The Ticket reported earlier today, raised $21 million last month and now still has almost $31 million in debt.

CNN pegs Paul’s delegate count at 26.

One-time Republican presidential front-runner Rudolph Giuliani spent $65.3 million on his campaign and won only one single delegate, since released.

Giuliani tapped himself last month, using $500,000 of his own money to help pay off his presidential campaign bills. He still owes $3.628 million. Among Giuliani’s lingering debts is $118,744 to AT&T; $295,093 to Verizon Wireless; and $451,736 to a New York charter air carrier. He continues to owe two of his companies a combined $217,000 for rent and security services.

--Andrew Malcolm

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Patriots to Ron Paul, Challenge John McCain

Please print this letter and send it to campaign headquarters. Post to Meetups and forums!

Contact RP2008:
3461 Washington Blvd., Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22201
You can also send a copy via email here:

Dear Dr Paul,

We the people, your faithful followers, are winning national delegate spots all across the country for you. You have a lot more supporters than you "envisioned" a year ago, more than I think you realize now.

There are a ton of UNBOUND Delegates for McCain that can be swayed your way if they were to see you and he go at it head to head in a televised debate.

Our suggestion is that, along with running ads here and there around the country. Challenge John McCain to a nation wide debate and offer to donate $1,000,000 to the charity of his choice. (An offer he can't refuse.)

Obama and Clinton have had many debates but you and the Senator haven't had one.

We know that you will win as always and the unbound delegates will swing your way! This is important and will most assuredly get you a speaking spot at the national convention!

Please consider making the announcement, like you did with Rudy's Reading list!

Thank you for your consideration.

Murray Sabrin on Fox Business News "Happy Hour"

Murray Sabrin is the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for US Senate in NJ. He is going to win the June 3rd primary. The campaign could use your support, even if you can only donate $10 to $20. If you can do $100 or $1000 please consider doing so.

Electing Murray Sabrin to the US Senate will help abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS. His expertise in economics will help NJ and the entire nation in this time of economic crisis. Please go to MurraySabrin.com to learn more and donate.

Next we need to get Murray on Jon Stewart and Bill Maher -

Maine GOP 'blackballs' Ron Paul supporters

Maine GOP 'blackballs' Ron Paul supporters
Morning Sentinel - Letter to the Editor

Ron Paul is causing trouble for the Republican Party. He is still in the running for president despite a media blackout. And he will not endorse McCain, who hasn't a nickel's worth of difference from the two Democratic candidates.

Paul's positions are for a small and limited federal government. He would bring the troops home now, stop the looting of Social Security, stop our overseas spending to help reduce our debt and help veterans, children and seniors by cutting everyone's taxes.

I attended the Maine State Republican Convention held May 2 and 3 as a Paul delegate. I was optimistic, since the results of the caucuses held in February were Romney 52 percent, McCain 21 percent and Paul 19 percent, with Romney no longer in the running.

Eighteen people were to represent Maine in the Republican National Convention later this year. A selection of 36-40 delegates was nominated and seconded. The Paul supporters nominated were not included in a "Party List" handed out to all the state delegates just prior to the majority vote. Only one Paul supporter passed the gauntlet.

Hard to figure since Paul's book is No. 1 on the May 18 New York Times bestseller list.

The word "blackballed" comes to mind.

Reginald Ferran

Congressman Paul Questions Former Fed Chairman Volcker

Congressman Paul Questions Former Fed Chairman Volcker
Published 05/15/2008 - 12:43 a.m. GMT

(PressMediaWire) Washington, DCMay 14, 2008 - This morning at a Joint Economics Committee Hearing Congressman Ron Paul had the opportunity to question former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker on the economy and the credit crisis.

The hearing was entitled “Wall Street to Main Street: Is the Credit Crisis Over and What Can the Federal Government Do to Prevent Unnecessary Systemic Risk in the Future?”

Volcker mentioned in his opening remarks that the United States suffers from overconsumption, and that we cannot sustain the current build up of debt. He postulated that consumers could be realizing that fact and shifting spending habits accordingly.

Congressman Paul decried the ability of the Federal Reserve to now buy virtually anything as an asset to hold as collateral. In addition to mortgage-backed securities, they can also buy credit card securities, student loan securities, and car loan securities.

Congressman Paul pointed out that the roots of the current crisis are a misunderstanding of capital and debt, over-regulation rather than under-regulation, and the Federal Reserve’s distortion of the marketplace with artificially low interest rates and promises of bailouts which encourage malinvestment and irresponsible behavior among banks.

SOURCE: House.gov/Paul