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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Maverick Murray Wins Second Debate

Maverick Murray Wins Second Debate
By George Ajjan - May 20, 2008 - 11:37am
Release Date: May 20 2008

Jersey City, NJ – New Jersey conservative Republican leader Dr. “Maverick Murray” Sabrin, the Garden State’s strongest advocate of limited government and individual freedom and the front-runner for United States Senate, handily defeated his Republican Primary opponents in the second debate tonight in the studios of New Jersey Network in Trenton. The contrast between Maverick Murray and his two liberal opponents, Joe Pennaccahio and Dick Zimmer were stark. Dr. Sabrin displayed his 30+ year track record of advocacy for Freedom and Liberty and his understanding of the complex problems facing New Jersey and America, while his opponents exposed themselves as professional politicians.

Maverick Murray stated, “It looked like the author of the facsist manifesto, Joseph ‘Penn’ Pennacchio, showed up to tonight’s Republican debate. His solution to our nation’s problems was more government and more regulations.” Dr. Sabrin was referring to Joe Pennacchio’s 94-page fascist manifesto he wrote (under the clever pseudonym “Joseph Penn”; you can view the entire document at www.MurraySabrin.com) and Pennacchio called for putting more government regulations “on the table” to solve the global energy crisis during the debate. Sabrin continued, “Joe Pennacchio was clueless about the great threat of inflation and the direct impact the Federal Reserve’s actions are having on our senior citizens who live on fixed incomes.”

The debate was the perfect forum for Joe Pennacchio to correct his previous attacks on Ronald Reagan’s economic plan as “Voo-Doo Economics” but Joe Pennachio refused to do so. Sabrin continued, “Joe Pennacchio might be more comfortable running in the Democratic Primary with the extremely liberal Frank Lautenberg and Rob Andrews than in the party of Ronald Reagan.”

Dr. Sabrin continued, “Just as John McCain begins throwing all of his lobbyists off the Straight Talk Express, Dick Zimmer lands in the New Jersey Republican Primary. He was unable to give a coherent answer to any of the questions presented to him tonight. I wasn’t shocked that the Liberal Loser Lobbyist, Dick Zimmer, reaffirmed his support for more government regulations.” Sabrin stated, “We already knew he was a Liberal and a Loser, but tonight we found out he wasn’t prepared to answer the questions in the debate! Dick Zimmer showed he is not only ill-prepared to run in the Republican Primary, but he is not ready to be a United States Senator because of his ignorance on the fundamental issues facing our nation such as unfunded mandates, monetary policy and international affairs.” Dick Zimmer appeared razzled throughout the debate and at times couldn’t even answer the questions.

The debate was a perfect forum for Dick Zimmer to explain his support for partial-birth abortion when he was in the Congress. The Los Angeles Times described this abortion method in a June 16, 1995 news story:

“The procedure requires a physician to extract a fetus, feet first, from the womb and through the birth canal until all but its head is exposed. Then the tips of surgical scissors are thrust into the base of the fetus’ skull, and a suction catheter is inserted through the opening and the brain is removed.”

Dr. Sabrin asked, “What exactly made Dick Zimmer believe partial-birth abortion was morally defensible?”

Maverick Murray said, “As a high-priced Washington Liberal Lobbyist, Dick Zimmer has a lot more in common with Frank Lautenberg than he does with New Jersey taxpayers. He is pro-abortion, against gun rights, and was hand-selected by a few liberals to run last minute. The only real difference between Dick Zimmer and Frank Lautenberg is Dick Zimmer is a three-time loser and is a Washington Lobbyist.” Sabrin continued, “Dick Zimmer has a lot of explaining to do with Republican voters!”

The live debate in front of a studio audience at the NJN television station in Trenton from 8:00-9:00 p.m. It will be rebroadcast we recommend watching it. For more information, please visit their website www.NJN.net.

Murray Sabrin is a successful entrepreneur working in commercial real estate, portfolio management, and economic research. Murray is an author, TV and radio commentator, and Professor and Executive Director of the Center for Business and Public Policy at Ramapo College. He and his wife Florence of 39 years reside in Bergen County. For more information, please visit http://www.murraysabrin.com.


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