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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

David Rockefeller vs Ron Paul

UPDATE: Ron Paul questions former FED Chair Volcker. Murray Sabrin (endorsed by Ron Paul) is running for US Senate -- help abolish the FED and donate to his campaign.

First the IRS declared war on us as "tax defiers". So we declared war within the IRS. There are over 115,000 IRS employees who largely are just that -- employees. We've began a campaign of educating the IRS ranks.

Now David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission has declared war against Ron Paul's political education rallies. They actually assigned former Speaker of the House, Tom Foley, with the task of instructing Republican politicians to pressure Paul to drop out.

Listen to Jim Tucker from the American Free Press reveal the Trilateral's discussion on Ron Paul's REVOLUTION:

Tom Foley is the North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission. Foley is from Spokane Washington and was the former Democratic Congressman from Washington's 5th District.

The Trilateral are "seriously concerned" with Ron Paul. Traditionally the younger generation were aligned with liberals. There's an old saying about being a liberal when you are young and a conservative when you are older.

Due to Ron Paul's "political education rallies" many of the next generation of leaders are conservative libertarians -- known as Jeffersonian Republicans.

David Rockefeller et al view this as "anti-globalization" although myself and many others are pro-globalization. I credit the Trilateral and other globalist groups for attempting to solve the world's problems. Our disagreement is not over the idea of the Open Conspiracy, it is over the policy and structure of such a world.

The Trilateralists believe in gradual socialism, called Fabianism. They believe in a collectivist form of government with a central power in Washington D.C. or Brussels.

I believe in worldwide Constitutional Republics. I would remind David Rockefeller and friends that it was our ideas that sparked the French Revolution. And it is their ideas, specifically the new super European Union (Treaty of Lisbon) that will reverse the social progress of the French Revolution.

Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans were often called Jacobins by American newspapers. Jefferson sympathized with the Jacobins and Gouverneur Morris who wrote the Preamble to the US Constitution considered himself a Jacobin. And George Washington famously endorsed the spread of the philosophy of Jacobinism in the US in a letter held in the Library of Congress.

200 years ago the real Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson fought the Federalists who believed in a Big Government, a National Debt and were pro Central Bank. The French Jacobins, known as the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, overthrew a corrupt monarchy and Church and launched the Revolution of Revolutions to install a Constitutional Republic.

The Federalist Globalists can either work with us, the Jeffersonian Globalists, or they can continue to wage a war against us. There are millions of us and only a few of them. Our ideas will outlive their ideas of the establishment by a 1000 years.

It is time for the Federalist Globalists to start thinking about conceding their defeat and hoping for a compromise in terms of global policy.

This is Tom Foley:


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