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Monday, May 19, 2008

MORE Proof of the Pharmacutical Industry's Fraud


Watch the video of Dr. Ben Carson, recently deleted from Youtube -



Blogger Greg said...


First of all, your blog entry is titled, "Proof of the Pharmaceutical Industry's Fraud", yet you submit no proof, only the same associate rhetoric that's been circling the internet for years. If you have compelling evidence that the pharmaceutical industry is out to sink Mannatech, why don't you post it? Please share your information showing that the lawsuit brought about by the Texas attorney general was instigated by the drug companies instead of making unsubstantiated accusations. Secondly, Dr. Carson himself has admitted that although he believes in "glyconturients", he wont make any claims about them until there is scientific evidence to support their efficacy (http://www.rickross.com/reference/mannatech/mannatech27.html). He even implied (interview with CBN) that had he not had his prostate surgery when he did, it might well have lessened his chances of recovery (http://www.valdezlink.com/inipol/pages/survive.htm).

I believe Mannatech and many of it's associates have done plenty on their own to get themselves in legal hot water by exaggerating health benefits and "fishing" for people with specific illnesses. They didn't need any help from the pharmaceutical industry to scuttle their ship.

May 22, 2008 at 8:40 AM  
Blogger The Builder said...

Greg, you are going to have to do better than that.

First of all, Dr. Carson has said the only reason he got surgery because he didn't think others in his situation would be so disciplined with the supplements.

Dr. Carson CAN'T make any claims, he's a pediatric neurosurgeon not a glyconutrients expert. If you talk to him privately, he says as he implies in his interviews that it is all about glyconutrients.

Did I post any reference to a Mannatech associate or otherwise in any way try to profit from this?

Please provide PROOF of your claims. The theory behind glyconutrients is well documented and the studies are numerous. Go ahead, type in one of the glyconutrients into www.pubmed.gov.

May 22, 2008 at 5:50 PM  
Blogger The Builder said...


One of the top doctors says that he took glyconutrients and three weeks later his symptoms disappeared?


There is no mention of glyconutrients or Mannatech on the Doctor's website?


Because of the pharmaceutical industry's fraud and power over the medical establishment.

May 22, 2008 at 5:51 PM  

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