Gas is Cheap when the Dollar is Strong - Buy Liberty Dollars Today

If you own a business, as a "Liberty Merchant" you will earn a commission using it, and consumers will seek you out. You'll have a listing on the merchants page of this website.
You'll also find that Liberty Merchants tend to patronize other Liberty Merchants whenever possible. In short, being a Liberty Merchant is free advertising. It's a great way to publicize your business, and increase your profits and volume.
The Liberty Dollar is the second-most popular and fastest growing currency in America. Unlike the familiar Federal Reserve Note which, according to the Treasury, "has no lawful value" and barely any intrinsic value, Liberty Dollars are pure silver with a high intrinsic value.
Liberty Dollar Features
- 100% moral, legal, and Constitutional
- 100% value-backed with gold & silver
- 100% negotiable on a voluntary basis
- 100% redeemable by bearer on demand
- Federal Reserve reaction: "So be it."
- U.S. Treasury legal staff says: "Legitimate."
- Warehouse receipt is your title of ownership
- Gold & silver stored in insured, audited vaults
- Circulates one-to-one with Federal Reserve Notes
- Harder to counterfeit than Federal Reserve Notes
- User-friendly: phone number & URL
- Petitions government to reform the monetary system
Doesn't it make sense to have an inflation-proof currency that maintains its value? The truth is, prices really aren't going up, it's the value of the U.S. paper dollar that's going down. One hundred years ago a 20-dollar gold piece would buy a fine mens' suit. The value of that same 20-dollar gold piece today, still equals the value of a fine mens' suit.
The Liberty Dollar is...
- Fun
- Good for your community and good for America
- Profitable--you can earn an immediate commission just for exchanging some of your US Dollars for Liberty Dollars. Make change with those Liberty Dollars, spend them, or hang on to them.
The dollar was originally defined as 27 grams of silver, or nearly 1 oz. Today the dollar is worth about 1/18th an ounce of silver! This is why gas prices are so high, because of the devaluation of the U.S. dollar.
Labels: currency, debasing, dollar, euro, federal reserve, fiat money, forex, fraud, income tax, irs, liberty dollar, ron paul, ron paul murray sabrin
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