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Monday, April 21, 2008

Electronic Cigars and Cigarettes - Cleanest Form of Smoking - No Chemicals

Electronic Cigars and Cigarettes - Cleanest Form of Smoking 04/21/08

Introducing NJOY electronic cigarette and cigar! These smokeless nicotine vaporizers provide one of the most clean forms of smoking. No cancer causing side effects because "It's not smoke".

Quit the Marlboros, the Capris, the Newports, the Virgina Slims and the cigars.

The main benefit of the smokeless, vaporizing cigar/cigarette is there is no cancer causing radium 222 as found in regular tobacco.

The U.S. Government has approved a list of 599 chemicals to be used in corporate tobacco cigarettes. The list is quite toxic.

Take a FRESH BREATH and buy a Vaporizing Cigar or Cigarette today:

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