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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Denver Police Officer: "The Constitution is not the law."

After a great political event today, we stopped by the 4/20 outdoor concert in downtown Denver. There was an overwhelming number of police officers present. One in particular told me there were 75 officers in total although I'm not sure if he was being honest.

We got into a tense discussion about politics and the Constitution. I mainly asked him who had set the policy to bring such a large police presence to the event. He kept rattling off things such as his desire to arrest everyone there (over 1000 people) because they were "breaking the law". And he'd made statements like 90% of the people there didn't have jobs.

I asked him why we had to pass an Amendment to the Constitution to make alcohol illegal (and then later repeal it) but not marijuana? He had no real answer.

He did at one point say verbatim: "The Constitution is not the law." I told him the law has to be in accordance with the Constitution otherwise it is invalid but he didn't seem to understand. It appeared he only took orders without thinking about them.

Earlier another officer had said: "It's your right to assemble peacefully but it is my right to be able to arrest you for smoking marijuana". Thankfully we're non-smokers and he wasn't exercising his "right" to arrest anyone else.


Blogger The Mudslinger said...

Remember, this is the DPD we're talking about. These are the same idiots who think that Article II Section 13 of the state Constitution doesn't apply in Denver (they seem to think that Home Rule trumps the state and federal Constitutions when it comes to rights, and it doesn't!). Cops don't have the "right" to do anything, only the "power" to do so.

"Police" is not a state in the Union!

April 21, 2008 at 1:41 PM  

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