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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To IRS Commissioner Douglas Schulman - Why Was Joe Banister Asked to Resign?

Joe Banister writing to the then IRS Commission Charles Rossotti (2/25/99):
The first reason is because, on April 28, 1998, you sent out a memorandum to all IRS employees regarding "Reporting of Misconduct, Fraud, Waste and Abuse." In the memorandum, you stated that "[a]ll Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees have an obligation to report misconduct, fraud, waste and abuse. The IRS has a stringent policy that guarantees employees freedom from reprisal when they report such action." You further stated that "[e]very employee should take proactive steps to report wrongful actions." Apparently, I was mistaken to have relied upon your memorandum as a commitment to protect me from reprisal or other adverse treatment.
Paul Varville, Chief, Criminal Investigation Division Central California District (2/8/99):
This memorandum is in response to your requests for the Internal Revenue Service to commit in writing to conduct a point by point answer/analysis of points set forth in your report entitled, "The Federal Income Tax". In your letter you state that if the Internal Revenue Service declines to conduct its own analysis, you must tender your resignation.

The Internal Revenue Service will not be responding to your request and will provide you with the necessary paperwork to tender your resignation.
Can someone please inform Paul Varville that he violated Commissioner Rossotti's memorandum on protecting those employees who report IRS abuses?

Understand that when you declare war that means you have a viable enemy. An enemy of a corrupt illegal private institution designed to profit from the slave labor of the American taxpayer.

You have declared war on those who try to stop your financing of your illegal undeclared Iraq War, which you rationalize via military keynesianism. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson and many noble patriots in American history once stood where we stand today -- for the Constitution and against you the Central Bankers.

IRS Commissioner Douglas Schulman

"He who has the most..."

In order from left to right,
Jeff Banister (Police Officer),
John Banister (Police Sgt.),
Gary Banister (Police Officer Ret.),
Joe Banister (Former IRS Special Agent),
and Jim Banister (Fire Captain).

NOTE: To IRS and other government employees, we will not post your IP address. Even though you work for the Federal Government, you still have a right to privacy. We only ask you research the IRS and the abuses of the Federal Reserve Corporation for yourself.


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