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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

IRS: We Will Not Be Responding to Your Request Asking if We Are Scamming American Taxpayers

The Federal Reserve Corporation and the IRS are operating as an illegal criminal organization designed to steal wealth from the middle class. They will steal $1 trillion today from hardworking Americans. However, tens of millions of people will refuse to file an income tax as your daily labor is not defined as income.

The pathetic IRS attempted to charge Joe Banister of federal crimes for violating the Internal Revenue Code. However, he was acquitted by 12 jurors.

The IRS thought they could convict attorney Tom Cryer. However, he was acquitted by 12 jurors. Tom wrote an amazing memorandum filed in court entitled simply, The Memorandum. It is a stunning document of truth that beyond of shadow of doubt establishes the criminal, unconstitutional and illegal nature of the IRS and Federal Reserve.

Remember Ronald Reagan's Grace Commission wrote on January 15, 1984:
100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt...all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government."

If you look on the back of a canceled check to the IRS it says it was deposited in a Federal Reserve branch bank. Thus, all federal income tax goes to pay interest to the private Federal Reserve Corporation and all state income tax is also unconstitutional as it is based on if you are liable for federal income tax.

Support Tom Cryer and Joe Banister.

And do whatever you can to help politicians like Ron Paul, Murray Sabrin and others to represent the people's true voice in the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate in order to once and for all abolish the Federal Reserve Corporation and Internal Revenue Service.


Internal Revenue Service

Date: February 17, 1999

To: Special Agent Joseph Banister

From: Chief, Criminal Investigation Division
Central California District

Subject: Response to your letter to Group Manager Robert Gorini dated 2/8/99

This memorandum is in response to your requests for the Internal Revenue Service to commit in writing to conduct a point by point answer/analysis of points set forth in your report entitled, "The Federal Income Tax". In your letter you state that if the Internal Revenue Service declines to conduct its own analysis, you must tender your resignation.

The Internal Revenue Service will not be responding to your request and will provide you with the necessary paperwork to tender your resignation. You will be placed on administrative leave effective upon receipt of this memorandum for a period of seven calender days to consider what actions you wish to take. During this period you should remain available for us to contact you during regular working hours.

Paul Varville


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