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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Help Rep. Bruce Stop the Illegal Colorado Springs Utilities' Stormwater Tax

Ends the city "enterprise" abuse of calling a tax increase a business "fee." The stormwater charge IS A TAX. It was passed by city council WITHOUT VOTER APPROVAL to raise $15 MILLION yearly for public works projects and bureaucratic overhead. The first petition says city enterprises cannot impose mandatory taxes, but may charge only for voluntary customer contracts.

  1. Phases out over 10 years SECRET utility and other enterprise taxes, some called "payments in lieu of taxes," that were never voter-approved.

  2. Requires the council to treat enterprises as businesses, as current law requires, not as political slush funds. Stormwater enterprise startup costs were funded by a loan (over one million dollars!) from the utility enterprise--not a good "business" decision by Utilities, but a political directive by the politicians on the council....The second petition will stop loans, gifts, and subsidies between enterprises, or between the city and an enterprise. Such businesses must stand on their own and make sound business decisions, not be a political slush fund for the council.
Douglas Bruce Wrote:

I have $15,000 available to pay petition carriers for two city petitions in Colorado Springs.

See www.CityReforms.com and print out the Petition Flier and the Petitioner Tips.

This is a way to get paid one dollar per signer of the two very similar petitions to cut city taxes.

Signers have to be registered voters inside Colorado Springs. Circulators must be over 18, but may live anywhere in the state.

I have an unfurnished place for people outside this area to stay, so long as they are collecting full-time.

We have 25 days left to get 15,000 pairs of signatures. Anyone can get 20+ pairs an hour
(= $20+ per hour, or $160-200 per day).

This could be a great RP fund raiser. We could use as many collectors as wish to come.

How about making this an announcement to the Colorado delegates?

Can you also send an email blast, copying this email, ASAP to the membership? THIS IS IMPORTANT!

Thank you.

Douglas Bruce
(719) 550-0010


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