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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Big Think: Creating a Citizen World Parliament for the United Nations

The Week in Thought

"Are global institutions up to the challenges of globalization?"

Big Think user TheKaz shares his opinion:

"Global institutions lack legitimacy because of their "democratic deficit." However, an international grassroots campaign is afoot to change that by introducing citizens' representation at the United Nations.

The idea is to begin with an advisory body associated with the UN - a citizens' watchdog with clout - that gradually transitions into a world parliament.

This would be similar to the development of the European Parliament that now has co-decision powers and is elected by over 490 million voters of the European Union.

Although just launched in April '07, the Campaign already has support from participants in 116 countries including academics, Nobel Prize winners and almost 500 current national parliamentarians.

Please go to the website Unpacampaign.org for background information and to endorse the proposal online. Join activists all over the world working for global community and an effective, accountable United Nations. A UNPA will hold both countries and international bureaucrats to account, and in the longer run it will open the door for vital UN reforms."


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