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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

SURPRISE: Joe Biden May Drop Out of Race Oct 3rd Citing Health Reasons, Hillary to be named VP

SURPRISE: Joe Biden May Drop Out of Race Oct 3rd Citing Health Reasons, Hillary to be named VP
NationBuilder, 9/23/08

A high level source in the Democratic party is saying that Joe Biden may drop out of the race on October 3rd citing health reasons. The source says they are intentionally choosing the day after the first VP debate to draw attention from a potential win for Palin.

Several sources say Bill Clinton is looking for any situation to name Hillary as the VP. If Biden loses the debate, Bill and others will use that as justification to provide a more viable Palin contender.

The high level source says the idea of replacing Biden is catching on with other Democratic power players and will serve as the October surprise that will radically shake up the 2008 Presidential election.

If Biden wins, then he will likely stay in. But the prevailing winds seem to indicate that Palin will win and win big simply because she looks better on TV. The McCain campaign also had the debate more structured, so both Palin's and Biden's answers will be equally scripted allowing Americans to judge solely on appearances.

More exclusive details coming soon...

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Blogger haggin said...

this is what i am talking about,let's talk about the crisis,no more bail outs.

September 24, 2008 at 1:24 PM  
Blogger lorig said...

Does this mean the judgement of Sen Obama was wrong? I heard this same thing some time ago, as a matter of fact two weeks ago! The message was that it has been in the plans of the DNC for some time and they are just waiting for the right time to announce it. So far this week Biden has said pretty much bad things and everyone is surprised. I am not. Last week Greta on Fox had a guest from the DNC who was speaking negative on Palin, he said that there will an October surprise! This is it! I think this is very rude,underhanded and devious of the DNC, they are the ones with the DOS CARAS!)(

September 24, 2008 at 9:04 PM  
Blogger theaceofclubz said...

There seems to be a shortage of critical thinking going on here. A supposed "high-level" source (unnamed too) decided to divulge this information to the right wing media? Does that make sense? Obama is going to ditch Biden just because he made a few gaffes? Wouldn't the fallout from switching running mates in midrace outweigh any advantages? Furthermore, according to Gallup, McCain has only a 2 point lead among white women. Do you really think that that is a situation so dire that Obama would choose to do this?

September 24, 2008 at 9:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

This is patently
absurd on every level. It is pure and desperate fantasy.

1. Biden's health has already been medically evaluated and there is no
foreseeable likelihood that his previous challenges present any future

2. More importantly, if there WAS a plan to switch from Biden to Clinton the
time to do it would clearly be BEFORE the VP Debates. The pundit's agree
that the one criticism Biden is likely face as he 'debates' Palin is that he
will fail to treat her like 'a lady' or that he'll bully her with his
famously sharp debating skills - and give her 'pity points' in so doing. He
could lose by winning. Hillary, on the other hand, would certainly not have
ANY difficulty debating Palin on ANY of the issues in this election and she
would be free from any obligation to behave as 'a gentleman'. In other
words, the debate would be a flat-out, no-holds barred, "bring-it-bitch!"
political catfight that Palin COULD NOT EVER WIN. If she can't handle
Couric she SURE won't even understand the questions Clinton would direct
toward her!

3. If the source of this silliness IS from "inside info from the DNC"
conservatives should view it as an attempt at frivolous humor rather than a
serious plan of political action. Win or lose, right or wrong, Obama has
demonstrated himself to be a Master Politician. This would be an electoral
ploy more expected perhaps at a small city government level.

September 25, 2008 at 5:44 PM  
Blogger me said...

true or false it's brilliant. the obama campaign would steal back the thunder it lost after governor palin was announced as the republican vp pick.

you don't have to like it to admire it.

September 25, 2008 at 7:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I have no idea what 'me' just said. Huh?

September 25, 2008 at 8:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL, what complete garbage. The McCain camp must be getting nigh on to panicked to be floating this one!

More likely, we see Miss Cow Paddie drop out before the debates because it's just too much strain on her family.

September 27, 2008 at 10:37 AM  
Blogger ohiogirl said...

We all know that Biden voted for Hillary in the primaries. He would have taken the VP spot if Hillary won.Senator Obama offered the spot to Biden. Biden took it; with the hopes that Hillarys voters would all come following with her campaign for Obama to get the democrats back in the White House. This is very clear that this has not been the turnout. He has a high level of respect for Hillary and Obama. He knows that it is a cetainty that " It takes a Clinton to Clean up after a Bush". He will exit with praises of honor and intelligence for his parties well being. He will be a hero for keeping the party alive and for being an Einstein; for thinking outside the box.

October 2, 2008 at 10:34 AM  

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