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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bob Barr Destroys Libertarian Party in 1-Day

Bob Barr's Campaign to Ron Paul's Revolution: "Go F**K Yourself!"
NationBuilder, CO

From Don Rasmussen, Events Coordinator for the Campaign for Liberty:
I just sat in stunned silence as Bob Barr blatantly lied to the national press corp (or the half dozen members that bothered to show up). He stated that he had not committed to attend this press conference. This is patently false. He was fully committed to attend until 30 minutes before when Russ Varney called Jesse Benton and said that Barr was out. This man has not one ounce of integrity in his body.

Adam Kokesh
stood up during the press conference, denounced Barr and withdrew his support. Several others in the room quickly followed. Great job Adam!

I asked Barr Communications Director Shane Corey after the event why they pulled this stunt and was told to go f*** myself.


Blogger ryanshaunkelly said...

Former United Stated Senator from Alaska:
Maurice Robert "Mike" Gravel

Got history cred?

September 10, 2008 at 12:34 PM  

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