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Friday, August 15, 2008

Jerome Corsi vs Barack Obama

Unfit for Publication is laughable. For example, it boldly says "Brought to you by: Bush/Cheney Attack Machine" on the first page.

But on page 34, Obama's campaign makes ad hominem attacks against Corsi, under the headline "Consider the Source" stating that Corsi believes Bush is leading us to a North American Union and that elements of the Bush Admin were somehow responsible for 9/11. Yes -- this sounds like a Bush/Cheney supporter.

Keep in mind, Jerome Corsi has a PhD in Political Science from Harvard University. Thus, if his ideas are a bit bold perhaps we should fault Harvard?

I believe Corsi is afraid that Obama is the dream of the Fabian/collectivist personified and the future of their global ruleset.

However, Corsi is flawed in Obama Nation. I don't understand his point, other than to make Obama into some type of radical communist. He links Obama to Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, and attempts to suggest some dangerous element to this.

I personally think Alinksy is great and he was praised in The New American which is published by JBS, the main proponents of Corsi's theories on North American Integration.

Corsi's motivation is likely profit and the fear that Obama is worse than McCain (who Corsi also hates) because Obama will rapidly advance Bela Balassa's Theory of Economic Integration, otherwise known as David Rockefeller/Henry Kissinger's Establishment Policy implemented via the CFR and the FED.

I do not believe Obama and the Obama campaign when they say there they see no evidence of Balass's six steps to economic integration.

Obama is a Constitutional Attorney, he wants to eliminate income tax on seniors over 65 making less than 50k and he's critical of NAFTA (Balassa's 2nd step).

I think -- and hope that perhaps Obama is a radical, that maybe he is aware of military Keynesianism, economic integration and the open conspiracy (HG Wells).

Obama is brilliant. He may be misguided. Or perhaps he's a sleeper cell of true lasting change. Maybe's he's a silent radical, a cloaked revolutionary who is saying what he must and meeting who he may so he will be the next President.

And then once he is, he'll attack the Establishment policy of debasing the currency to further economic growth. He'll audit the FED, then repeal the FED, shut down the IRS and launch the Justice Department's investigation of the CFR.

The open conspiracy is alluring, with the promise to end war, to end suffering and bring about world peace. Obama has to be aware that collectivism is antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and infringes on the foundation of the US Constitution.

Obama certainly has read about World Bank Advisor and Johns Hopkins Professor, Bela Balassa's six steps to economic integration.

This has been a "foundational plank" to US foreign policy since WWII. The CFR Director for North American Integration is Dr. Robert Pastor, who has written laws and consulted Presidents, known as the "father of the North American Union". (You can watch him on CNN's Lou Dobbs advocating a customs union via the SPP.)

1. Preferential trading area (GATT, etc)
2. Free trade area (NAFTA, etc)
3. Customs union (EU)
4. Common market
5. Economic and monetary union (ECB)
6. Complete economic integration (Europe's Treaty of Lisbon, failed)


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