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Saturday, August 9, 2008

SHOCKING: John Edwards Admits Affair with Rielle Hunter, David Rockeller & Henry Kissinger

The Best John Edwards Article: The Edwards' Rockefeller Affair
By: The Builder, August 9, 2008 11:29 AM

Below is John Edwards interview with Nightline where he admits his affair with Rielle Hunter and denies the 'love child' is his.

John Edwards makes an interesting point -- he specifically asked his wife not to appear with him referencing all the other high profile infidelities press 'events'.

It illustrates a key point when a man running for President would decide that now was a great time to cheat. At least he could of waited until he was President or simply covered it up better (e.g. trusted a different woman).

It shows a sense of invincibility and profound arrogance.

But like Bill Clinton, John Edwards is guilty of far worse than infidelity, perjury and lying to the American people.

I don't care why John Edwards was at the Beverly Hilton at 2AM but I do care why he was at the Grand Hotel des Iles Borromees in Stresa Italy during June 3-6th 2004.

John Edwards attended Bilderberg 2004 right before John Kerry announced him as the Vice Presidential candidate.

Bilderberg is based on the ideology of David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. Both men are Fabian socialists, Rockefeller having wrote his 1936 Havard senior thesis on "Fabian Socialism".

The Fabian Society
included men such as Bernard Shaw and HG Wells. Wells wrote The Open Conspiracy (1928-1933) and The New World Order (1940). The Fabian party grew into the UK's Labor Party. Tony Blair and Bill Clinton called this the Third Way -- just another name for the Open Conspiracy.

This Open Conspiracy was enabled by Andrew Carnegie's vast wealth and defined by the second President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Nicholas Murray Butler.

According to the original minutes of the Carnegie Foundation, they asked what is the best way to change society? Their answer, is there not a greater way to change society than war?

They then asked, how do we start wars? And they decided that they must infiltrate the State Department. And they did, remarkably so and the result was the leadership of both the new Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the State Department became virtually the same.

This is verified in the Carnegie's archives at Columbia University, the archives of the US House of Representatives (Reece Committee, Hearing pp. 877 et seq.), by Norman Dodd Reece Committee investigator and Rene Wormser Reece Committee General Counsel.

Nicholas Murray Butler served as the Endowment's President from 1925-1945. Alger Hiss served as the third President of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace from 1946-1949. This fact is somewhat obscure and removed from the Endowment's history. Hiss also served as Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco in 1945.

The reality is they believe war will lead to peace. Through war, we can change society to end starvation, disease and crime. Through war, anything is possible.

The capitalists are the communists. The wealth of billionaires like Andrew Carnegie became directed at advancing collectivism, thus the propaganda-based American Historical Association was founded to shape the world's history in favor of collectivism.

Barack Obama is the ultimate realization of HG Wells' Open Conspiracy. This is the new world order CFR Founder Colonel Edward House wrote about. This is the new world order dream that's been attributed to President Wilson, President Roosevelt and President Bush Sr. See Presidential Studies Quarterly March 2001 - The New World Order in Theory and Practice: The Bush Administration's Worldview in Transition.

Every war in the last 100 years was most likely started by participants of this Open Conspiracy. Bush Sr explicitly endorsed the Open Conspiracy on September 11, 1990 stating:
Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective -- a new world order -- can emerge: a new era -- freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of justice, and more secure in the quest for peace. An era in which the nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live in harmony. A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known.
HG Wells, The Open Conspiracy:
THE world is undergoing immense changes. Never before have the conditions of life changed so swiftly and enormously as they have changed for mankind in the last fifty years. We have been carried along - with no means of measuring the increasing swiftness in the succession of events. We are only now beginning to realize the force and strength of the storm of change that has come upon us.
Nicholas Murray Butler, Union League of Philadelphia (11/27/1915):
The old world order changed when this war-storm broke. The old international order passed away as suddenly, as unexpectedly, and as completely as if it had been wiped out by a gigantic flood, by a great tempest, or by a volcanic eruption. The old world order died with the setting of that day's sun and a new world order is being born while I speak, with birth-pangs so terrible that it seems almost incredible that life could come out of such fearful suffering and such overwhelming sorrow.
Rene Wormser, Legal Counsel for the Reece Committee, from Foundations: Their Power and Influence (1958):

"It would be difficult to find a single foundation-supported organization of any substance which has not favored the United Nations or similar global schemes; fantastically heavy foreign aid at the burdensome expense of the taxpayer; meddling in the colonial affairs of other nations; and American military commitments over the globe...the influence of the foundation complex in internationalism has reached far into government, policymaking circles of Congress and State Department."

"When Andrew Carnegie established The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, he gave the managers of this fund a difficult task. How were they to go about promoting peace? They seem to have had no very clear idea until Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler . . . got excited about the peril of the Allies in World War I and decided that the best way to establish peace was to help get the United States into the War. To this end he began to use the Endowment funds."

"When the war was ended...Support for the League of Nations gave the Endowment one new outlet for its energies and its funds..."

"[this] leads one to the conclusion that there was, indeed, something in the nature of an actual conspiracy among certain leading educators in the United States to bring about Socialism through the use of our school systems. This movement was heavily financed by leading foundations."

Carroll Quigley, Mentor of Bill Clinton, on the Reece Committee and Rene Wormser, from Tragedy and Hope (1966):
"Chambers, through Alger Hiss, and the Carnegie Endowment to Thomas Lamont and the Morgan Bank, fell into the whole complicated network of the interlocking tax-exempt foundations.

The Eighty-third Congress in July 1953 set up a Special Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations with Representative B. Carroll Reece, of Tennessee, as chairman. It soon became clear that people of immense wealth would be unhappy if the investigation went too far and that the "most respected" newspapers in the country, closely allied with these men of wealth, would not get excited enough about any revelations to make the publicity worth while, in terms of votes or campaign contributions.

An interesting report showing the Left-wing associations of the interlocking nexus of tax-exempt foundations was issued in 1954 rather quietly. Four years later, the Reece committee's general counsel, Rene A. Wormser, wrote a shocked, but not shocking, book on the subject called Foundations: Their Power and Influence."
The CFR's own history page confirms that Hiss was working in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) with the CIA and Department of State. However, that is understandable since John Foster Dulles was the Secretary of State and his brother Allen Dulles was the Director of the CIA -

Allen Dulles returned from the wartime OSS to assume a leading role in the Council's business, resuming his law practice at Sullivan and Cromwell for an interim between his secret work in Switzerland and a career at the soon-to-be Central Intelligence Agency.

Dulles was a Republican; working alongside him in the Council was Alger Hiss, a newly elected member sympathetic to the left wing of the Democratic Party, but a protege of the older Dulles brother, John Foster.

Political differences were matched by the egos and vanities contained within the new Harold Pratt House [former Standard Oil company executive]. Armstrong, firmly at the Council's helm, grew uneasy that Chatham House, the Council's British counterpart under the charismatic influence of Arnold Toynbee, might seize the initiative in shaping the record of World War II.
What is John Edwards' worse crime? Making a personal mistake that doesn't effect anyone but his family. Or conspiring with Fabian Socialists like David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger who believe we should depopulate Africa to steal their resources in order to drive our economic growth.

The Open Conspiracy and it's participants are responsible for approximately 170 million deaths as all war was initiated, planned, plotted, financed and exploited by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (and others) in order to first create a League of Nations and then a United Nations.

It is this idea that caused 9/11, regardless of who was responsible. The potential for the attack was created and prior to the attack the theoretical response was drafted. All they had to do was wait and possibly look the other way. It is a Hegelian dialect implemented idealistic Machiavellian dream and 3,000 deaths or 170,000,000 is no consequence to its realization.


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