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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Naomi Klein & John Cusack Are Unaware of Economic Integration and the Fabian Society

It's interesting how someone could be right about so many things yet ultimately wrong. Naomi Klein and John Cusack talk about the "shock doctrine", the economy and how there's some movement that wants to "obliterate" the New Deal.

It is clear -- the capitalists are actually oligarchs and thus are collectivist in nature. They financed Communism, they've worked with Communists and some of them were/are Communists. Starting with Nicholas Murray Butler and noted Communist Alger Hiss et al this ideology was embraced as the Open Conspiracy and is shared by Fabian socialists such as David Rockefeller.

Their goal is economic integration, as detailed by long time World Bank advisor Bela Balassa in his globalization-defining essay The Theory of Economic Integration (1961).

These steps -- trading agreements, customs unions, monetary unions and supranational states -- are enabled by military Keynesianism, fractional reserve banking and debasement of the currency.

Thus Naomi Klein and John Cusack are fundamentally wrong when they suggest that the evil of the world is due to the free market capitalists and that we need some mixed economic model to fix the problems. Cusack labeled Klein's solution as Keynesianism -- he said in order to provide "social programs" and "checks and balances".

However, money becomes less needed as technology for energy efficiencies advance. Americans spend around 80 cents of each dollar on energy needs.

Once we have room temperature superconductors, your car will no longer need gas, your house will no longer need heat or air conditioning, your carton of milk will no longer need a refrigerator and healthy food with clean water will be abundantly available worldwide.

The only thing preventing this is a group of Fabian socialists who imprison people via fragmented energy sources and the debt-based control of Keynesianism.


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