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Friday, August 1, 2008

Hannity: "If you read the 9/11 report--", Ventura: "I don't believe the 9/11 report", Hannity: "I don't either."

Ventura said he flipped a coin on his decision to run for US Senate.

It's funny how Sean Hannity thinks he knows more about Iraq than Ventura or his friends in the SEAL teams that are there now.

Hannity: "If you read the 9/11 report--"
Ventura: "I don't believe the 9/11 report."

I believe the 9/11 report, but I'm so skeptical of the Bush Administration that I trust people who say 9/11 was an inside job more than those who say "forget it".

Hannity followed with, "I don't either. But I believe one part of it. And the part that said they were at war with us and we were with war with them is the part that I believe."

Ventura said that religious fanatics and corporate America team up "we are on the brink of fascism".

I agree, we were at war with Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM). Yousef had so many aliases, his true identity is disputed, most prominently by Bush supporters who try to link Iraq to WTC93. The only known fact is he is of Pakistani descent, from Baluchistan with his uncle KSM. I believe the Government says his true name is Abdul Basit Mahmud Abdul Karim from Kuwait and of Pakistani descent.

Yousef was the mastermind of WTC93 and the spiritual mastermind of 9/11 via terrorist plans such as Operation Bojinka. The US Government says KSM was the mastermind of 9/11.

However, the WTC93 plot was initiated a number of months prior to Yousef coming to the US. It was initiated by FBI informant Emad Salem, through FBI Agents Nancy Floyd and John Anticev.

Agent Floyd says that Salem was braggadocios and embellished his Egyptian military credentials but when he started talking about supporters of the Blind Sheik she started listening.

The FBI instructed Salem to wear a wire and go undercover, which Salem was obviously worried about. He wanted to be paid well and for a while the FBI paid him. The FBI built a bomb, which was supposed to be fake. But at the last moment they decided to build a real bomb with Emad and his ragtag group of Muslims from the Mosque.

When Yousef arrived, the first place he went was to the New Jersey apartment of Musab and Abdul Rahman Yasin. Two brothers, both Iraqi and part of Salem's group along with the incredibly stupid Mohammed Salameh.

Salameh returned to where he rented the Ryder truck to get his deposit back. The FBI had traced the serial number (like OKC) and arrested Salameh. The phone number he used was an unlisted number to the Yasin brother's apartment.

The Washington Post (3/5/93):
The FBI complaint read Thursday night in court said that Salameh had provided a telephone number "in connection with the rental agreement" that was traced to a person named Josie Hadas, at a Jersey City address. A search of the Hadas apartment Thursday afternoon had discovered "among other things, a letter addressed to the defendant, tools and wiring, and manuals concerning antennae, circuitry and electromagnetic devices.
According to some foreign papers, Josie Hadas is a female Israeli Mossad agent.

Adbul Rahman was so forthcoming with the FBI, they let him go even though he had chemical burns from building the bomb. He immediately fled to Iraq and was later imprisoned in Baghdad. The FBI often brought his brother Musab in to try to lure Adbul Rahman back to the US but it never worked. Why they didn't arrest Musab is unknown. Adbul Rahman appeared on 60 Minutes and was believed to be in prison until March 2003. He is the only wanted terrorist in the world for committing an attack on the WTC.

Yousef of course escape and for years committed an incredible array of terrorist attacks before he was finally captured. The ragtag group all went to prison.

After the bombing, Emad rejoined as an informant, set up a new plot this time with a fake bomb, more Muslims went to prison and Emad was paid $1.5 million. He's now in Witness Protection.

How do we know Emad Salem built the bomb under the direction of the FBI and District Attorney's office? Because he recorded the Muslim conspirators AND the FBI agents -- hours and hours which was released in federal court.

Here's a rare Dan Rather CBS News report on it:

A 15 minute audioclip broadcast by WBAI in NYC of Salem's secret FBI recordings. Here's a partial transcript:
Agent John Anticev: But, uh, basically nothing has changed. I'm just telling you for my own sake that nothing, that this isn't a salary, that it's—you know. But you got paid regularly for good information. I mean the expenses were a little bit out of the ordinary and it was really questioned. Don't tell Nancy [Floyd] I told you this.

Emad A. Salem: Well, I have to tell her of course.

Anticev: Well then, if you have to, you have to.

Salem: Yeah, I mean because the lady was being honest and I was being honest and everything was submitted with a receipt and now it's questionable.

Anticev: It's not questionable, it's like a little out of the ordinary.

Salem: Okay. Alright. I don't think it was. If that's what you think guys, fine, but I don't think that because we was start already building the bomb which is went off in the World Trade Center. It was built by supervising supervision from the Bureau and the D.A. and we was all informed about it and we know that the bomb start to be built. By who? By your confidential informant. What a wonderful, great case!

Anticev: Well.

Salem: And then he put his head in the sand and said "Oh, no, no, that's not true, he is son of a b****." [Deep breath.] Okay. It's built with a different way in another place and that's it.

Anticev: No, don't make any rash decisions. I'm just trying to be as honest with you as I can.

Salem: Of course, I appreciate that.

Anticev: And as far as the payments go, and everything like that, they're there. I guarantee you that they are there.


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