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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Army Recruiter Says Not to Hold Recruiters Responsible for Lying Soliders Into War

I called one of the Army Recruiters in Houston at (281) 209-1680 looking for the Greenspoint number. The gentleman gave me the number (281) 872-1084 which seems to be a fax number (send a fax!).

I asked him if a recruiter lied to a potential solder who dies if he considered that manslaughter. He said no because there's no guarantee you will go to Iraq or overseas. He said, if you join the Army and then are stationed in Colorado and you get in a car accident there and die, is it the Army's fault? (If you lie and someone dies, you've committed a crime.)

I said, the probability of going to Iraq and the probability of dying in Iraq greatly increases when you join the Army. If a recruiter lies to a potential soldier, in terms of an actuary, your chance of death or disability just dramatically increased.

I asked him point blank if he thought it was ok to lie to a recruit which he said, "No not all". However, he doesn't seem to think that Sgt. Marquette, Sgt. Kelt and any other recruiter should be held accountable for lying people into war.

Here's the full audiotape of a disturbing conversation with Sgt. Glenn Marquette.

RECRUIT: "I want out!"
RECRUIT: "Is there a way out?"
MARQUETTE: "No, there's not a way out!"
RECRUIT: "There's no way out?"


Blogger Unknown said...


1. Post this statement on every relevant blog and comments section. Forward to friends, family and colleagues encouraging them to take action.

2. If you, a friend or family member had a similar incident with a recruiter, it is important that you document it and publicize it. A website, www.NotEvenOne.org is under construction and will soon be ready to serve as a ce

3. If you work or volunteer with a group or organization discuss ways in which you can bring more attention to this issue and develop campaigns. Form your own action team if it's not already formed!

4. Contact your Congress Rep and Senators via phone, email and letter asking them to join Ted Poe in calling for a Congressional Hearing and Investigation. You can find out who represents you by visiting this website: www.projectvotesmart.org.

5. Contact the Government Accountability Office

youngc1@gao.gov Chuck Young- Public Affairs, (202) 512-6000

CongRel@gao.gov Ralph Dawn- Congressional Relations, (202) 512-4400

6. Call, email and write Rep. Ted Poe and encourage him to follow through on his call for an investigation.

Email him by clicking here: http://poe.house.gov/contact/contactform.htm

Write or call Ted Poe at:
(866) 425-6565 toll free
1605 Longworth Building
Washington, D.C. 20515

(866) 447-0242 toll free
20202 US Highway 59 North
Suite 105
Humble, TX 77338

7. Call, email and write Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi

Email her at AmericanVoices@mail.house.gov

Write or call her at:
(202) 225-4965
235 Cannon HOB
Washington DC, 20515

July 29, 2008 at 1:13 PM  

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