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Monday, July 28, 2008

Sky News Says Obama Called for "New World Order" in His Speech to 200,000+

Obama never said the phrase "New World Order" but he essentially described it. This goes back to the idealistic version of a new world order based on HG Welles' Open Conspiracy (he also wrote a book entitled The New World Order).

It was basically rich guys trying to figure out how to make world peace. The evil nature of it was spawned by Nicholas Murray Butler, the first president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

It is well documented that Butler got excited about the perils of our Allies in WWI and decided that there was no greater way to change society but by through war. Thus, how does the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace start wars? They infiltrated the State Dept, which they did unbelievably well.

The only way to prevent the Fabian-Integration, Rockefeller-approved globalization is for us to create our own version of integration and globalization. Ron Paul said the Jeffersonian Republicans should have our own version of the CFR -- an intellectual society dedicated to freedom and liberty.

We need to provide the solutions so when the crises happen we can implement our ideas. With no alternative to the CFR designed globalization, it's implementation is inevitable.


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