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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ozark Police Taser 16 Year Old Kid, Causing Him to Fall Off A Bridge, Break His Back -- Only to Be Tasered More, 19 Times Total

Someone called the cops when they saw 16 year old Mace Hutchinson walking on a bridge. They thought the cops could help remind Hutchinson how dangerous the highways are. Unfortunately for Hutchinson, the cops proved much more dangerous.

After the cops arrived, Hutchinson somehow fell off the bridge overpass. He broke his back and heel when he fell.

The cops say they Tasered him once he was on the ground to keep him from entering the highway. It is not clear if he was Tasered prior to falling but it's unlikely they Tasered a kid with a broken back 19 times after he fell.

He was probably Tasered 15 times which caused him to fall off the overpass where he was Tasered 4 times. The cops claim he was making incoherent statements like "Shoot cops, kill cops" but perhaps that was after being Tasered and falling and being Tasered again.

The original person who called the cops said that the teenager didn't look intoxicated, only maybe agitated from trying to cross the bridge. No alcohol and no drugs were found in his system.

More likely, the kid was walking perhaps illegally on a highway. The cops arrive, aggressively ask for his ID or yell at him -- the kid responds in a verbally negative way and out come the Tasers. It happens all the time.


Blogger blujaded said...

I guess "Sticks and Stones" doesn't apply anymore - words can now get you tazed and break your bones! Put a tazer in the hands of a police officer and they lose all sense of reason and discipline.
The saddest thing is that those idiots who called the police because someone was walking on a bridge actually thought that doing so would 'protect' him. Today's cops are like pit bulls - you don't want to 'sick them' on someone without cause. They approach even the most innocuous situation as a dangerous one and it will usually escalate to their expectations... I sure wish I knew what we can do to stem the militarization of our PEACE officers...

August 6, 2008 at 10:11 AM  

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