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Friday, August 1, 2008

Anthrax Suspects Reportedly Committs Suicide [video]

Anthrax suspect reportedly commits suicide
By David Edwards, Raw Story

NBC’s Pete Williams reports that a suspect in the 2001 Anthrax attacks has committed suicide.

Pete Williams reported, “This is a dramatic end to a nearly seven-year investigation. The suspect worked at the Army’s biodefense laboratory in Maryland about 40 miles from Washington where he was considered an expert on biohazards like anthrax. His name was Bruce Ivins, a 62-year-old civilian employee. The hospital confirms he died Tuesday and declined to say anything about a report in the “Los Angeles Times” that his death was the result of an overdose of pain killers. His lawyer said that criminal charges were being prepared against him.”

The Los Angeles Times has more details here.

This video is from NBC’s Today Show, broadcast August 1, 2008.


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