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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Paris Hilton Plan - Limited Overshore Drilling, Tax Incentives for Detroit

Paris Hilton tells John McCain and Barack Obama, "see you at the debate bitches".

Paris Hilton actually illustrates an interesting concept -- let's do both offshore drilling and incentives for new technology.

Theoretically our capitalist system based on fractional reserve banking and fragmented energy supplies has driven innovation which will lead to technological breakthroughs that will eliminate the need for money and oil.

Thus, you could rationalize helping Iraq set up a nationalized oil industry to market their natural resource and use its profits to invest in room temperature superconductor research or other high efficiency energy technologies (e.g. Sterling engines).

The problem with the oil companies and automakers is they'll never allow such technology until they find a way they can create a new market out of it. So we shouldn't give them money or any incentive.

The private sector should form a legitimate consortium of capable individuals to research and develop a true energy revolution based from understanding macroscopic quantum coherence, decoherence free subspace, self induced transparency, super radiance, bioluminescence, Cherenkov radiation, phonons and room temperature superconductors.

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