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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Chris Matthews calls 9/11 Hero "Conspiracy Theorist"

Chris Matthew's profound lack of intelligence, logic and reasoning in the clip below is astonishing.

Chris says he won't interview William Rodriguez. Why?

William Rodriguez personally saved 15 people on 9/11. As the only holder of the north tower master key, he unlocked emergency doors potentially saving hundreds of people. He climbed the stairs with rescue workers, unlocking elevators. He went all the way up to the 39th floor of the north tower until he was told everyone must leave.

As the towers collapsed, he was in the lobby trying to help someone in a wheelchair. When the building started to fall, he dove underneath a firetruck and was one of the only survivors.

William Rodriguez has been invited to the White House five times. He's been honored by President Bush for his heroism. The Republican party originally had their sites on him to run for political office since he could garner Latino votes.

Everything was perfect until he started asking questions about 9/11. Namely, what was the explosion in the basement prior to the plane hitting? How was a man burning with his skin melting off at the bottom of the building when the plane hit the top?

I don't know what the truth is, only that the family members' questions have not been answered and that tens of thousands of rescue workers are dying due to the lies of the Bush Administration and Christie Todd Whitman.

In the Chris Matthews video, a person asks him what he thinks of the CNN and BBC predictions of the WTC7 collapse. Matthews says he's unaware of it and said he wouldn't interview William Rodriguez because he's a "conspiracy theorist".

Later a guy claiming to have worked at CNN said that CNN did not say WTC7 collapsed before it did. Everyone clapped.

At the end, Matthews made a cheap remark saying that no one there was crazy except the guy who asked about 9/11. Everyone clapped again.

Too bad for America that Chris Matthews is actually the crazy one -- full of arrogance, myopic to the brim and unwilling to honor 9/11 heroes and family members with the truth.

Matthews' was unaware of the BBC and CNN WTC7 prediction videos (inept, lazy, incompetent?) and then he essentially praises the TV-producer who also was pontificating on topics he's ignorant about.

No one, not NIST, FEMA or any government scientist has been able to explain how WTC7 collapsed. Nearly 7 years after the fact, NIST still has not released their final report on WTC7.

Here's a local FOX station interviewing Rodriguez:

CNN's Aaron Brown: "Building 7, in the WTC complex, is on fire and has either collapsed, or is collapsing". Aaron Brown literally turns around and notices that WTC7 is still standing.

Unfortunately, BBC reporters aren't as familiar with Manhattan as Aaron Brown.

I really don't get it. Bush lied about everything he's touched but on 9/11 he told the truth. Sure. He definitely seems like he's telling the truth.


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