E-mail Nation Builder at: info@nationbuilder.org

Thursday, February 28, 2008

"For the 2nd time in 3 months...people in Chicago were cheering"

Those people were traders on The Merc, the largest futures and options exchange in the world. This is why we need more Jeffersonian Republicans in the Congress and Senate.

Congressman Paul's opening statement:

Neoconservative Anne Estabrook is Afraid of Murray Sabrin

"I'm rich, I donated to John Kerry's campaign and I want to be the next Republican U.S. Senator from New Jersey":

Murray! He's the one.

Please donate tomorrow for Murray's Money Bomb at www.murraysabrin.com

6 years as the highest elected Republican in the State of New Jersey. This is the most important campaign for the REVOLUTION. Please spread the word.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Help Raise $500,000 -- Donate to promote Murray's Money Bomb

We can send 125,000 delivered messages (live or voicemail) and talk to 2,500 live Jeffersonian Republican supporters (they push 1 on the autodial message). We have several volunteers to take the incoming calls routed through a VOIP call center.

It costs 2 cents per delivered message, so 125,000 will cost $2,500.

I am personally donating my money (and lots of time) to make this happen. Please donate any amount you can to make this happen. We have 4 days left!

Adams County Assembly Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the Adams County Assembly where we ratify the CD and State Delegates. I also have 3-other events I intended to go to tomorrow. The main one is the War on Terror and Civil Liberties Forum in Boulder. Hopefully someone will be able to attend and file a report here afterwards.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Da Bruce for RNC

Representative Douglas Bruce has been drafted to run as an RNC member at the May 31st Colorado State Convention. Rep. Bruce is best known as the author of the Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (TABOR) Amendment. He's a true Jeffersonian Republican and because so many State Delegates already support him and will support him, he is the clear favorite to replace either Bob Schaffer or Lilly Nunez in the RNC.

Each state has 3 RNC members and I believe most are elected at State Conventions. Please help find another Colorado GOP member who can win the 2nd spot for the RNC.


Yesterday was a busy day and we're still working on the full report to post.

We attended the South Denver Delegate Meeting. George Lilly running for U.S. Congress gave a speech. I believe he is running unopposed on the Republican side so we have a great chance of getting him elected.

There are other activists in town, some affiliated with the 9/11 First Responders and the Feal Good Foundation. That's a great organization taking care of true American heroes that need all our support.

Coming up this week we have The War on Terror and Civil Liberties Forum, a Young Republican Denver lunch and of course...

Murray's Money Bomb and the Legalize Freedom Rally at the NYC Federal Reserve on February 29th!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Battle in the 14th District in Texas

Congressman Ron Paul is running for re-election in the 14th District in Texas. His primary challenger, Chris Peden, is running on the neoconservative platform and he supports the CFR's agenda which includes the Trans Texas Corridor.

Almost all Texans are universally against the TTC. We will begin auto dialing 1,600 people a day a message letting them know that Chris Peden supports the TTC and stealing millions of acres of Texas land by eminent domain for foreign corporations and anti-American agendas.

If you have databases from Texas of potential voters, please contact info@nationbuilder.org so we can contact these people.

We also may be attending local GOP events in Texas by March 4th but again we need everyone's support. Any amount helps and volunteering is as good as donations.

Former Bush Center for Intelligence officer: We're "Marching Towards Hell"

"They" are messing with Texas, help needed

If you live in Texas or can make it there for the March 4th primary, then please sign up to be part of a Citizens Exit Poll at projectvotecount.com.

Rumors are circulating that "they" are actively trying to steal the votes from everyone's favorite Congressman from the 14th District of Texas.

They'd like to replace him with this neoconservative named Chris Peden. Look at http://chrispeden.org/compare.html to see how confused he is and the obvious distortions he makes. Apparently, Peden believes that voting against managed ("free") trade agreements in the 1920s caused the Great Depression and if we vote against them today we will cause another one!

Nevermind it is the Federal Reserve's lobbyist-group that writes the managed trade agreements and most people fault the Fed for causing the Great Depression! Oops.

Pedan's big claim is that he militarized a small town with more cops while he was their temporary Mayor! It must of been the lack of federally trained small town police that caused 9/11, right Chris?

Nation Builder will be putting the message out to the 14th District that Pedan supports the CFR's managed trade and thus by proxy he supports the Trans Texas Corridor (keeptexasmoving.com).

I wonder how many people will appreciate Pedan's efforts to assist foreign companies to steal millions of acres of land by eminent domain and then turn our highways into 10-lane super corridor toll roads for foreign truck drivers to ship in slave labor made goods...?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Concerted Effort for Organized Change

Your contribution produces real results. With your support, Nation Builder will be able to have:
  • A fully staffed office with VOIP phone systems and laptops programmed with an advanced Voter-tracking system.
  • VOIP autodial machines delivering 3,000 messages a day via the telephone, absolutely free.
  • Printers for professional mailers, bulk rate mailing for hand addressed letter campaigns
  • Professional canvassers to train volunteers on how easy it is to meet their neighbors
  • 500 dedicated activists in Colorado, California, New Jersey and New York working to elect as many Jeffersonian Republicans as possible.
Currently we have:
  • 1 VOIP autodial machine capable of making 1,600 calls/day for free
  • 4 Professional printers who own businesses that vary in services for low costs
  • 50 dedicated activists in the Denver-metro area (approximate)
  • 3 Meeting places but no office
  • 1 Advanced Voter-tracking system launching soon! The same system that won a certain candidate 2nd place in Nevada.

Now a Message from the RNC Chairman...

A Message from the RNC Chairman (1946-1948), Congressman Brazilla Carroll Reece:

"Miss Casey's report (Hearing pp. 877 et seq.) shows clearly the interlock between The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and some of its associated organizations, such as the Council on Foreign Relations and other foundations, with the State Department. Indeed, these foundations and organizations would not dream of denying this interlock. They proudly note it in reports. They have undertaken vital research projects for the Department; virtually created minor departments or groups within the Department for it; supplied advisors and executives from their ranks; fed a constant stream of personnel into the State Department trained by themselves or under programs which they have financed; and have had much to do with the formation of foreign policy both in principle and detail."

"They have, to a marked degree, acted as direct agents of the State Department. And they have engaged actively, and with the expenditure of enormous sums, in propagandizing ('educating') public opinion in support of the policies which they have helped to formulate....What we see here is a number of large foundations, primarily The Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, using their enormous public funds to finance a one-sided approach to foreign policy and to promote it actively, among the public by propaganda, and in the Government through infiltration. The power to do this comes out of the power of the vast funds employed."

"Revolutionizing" the GOP via Nation Builder

The Gallant Old Party (GOP) has held a platform of winning Presidential, National, State and local races for as long as it has been a major player in politics. Holding to what is deemed less popular at any given time can be difficult, but when a winning platform is selected the chances of truth being made known multiply exponentially.

The established Republicans at the grassroots level actually hold a major power in the future of the world. Let's compare:
Google for example is a major player in web traffic, searching, advertising, merchandising and almost all things "Internet". But what is it that makes Google great? Is it their organization skills, advancements of technology, offers of free services like Gmail, Picasa photo tool, webtools etc. or does something else play the major factor?

Competition can be a healthy thing that improves productivity and ignites a "fire within" and ultimately changes the world.

Yahoo for example is a major competitor of Google and web ranking sites like Alexa rate the two at the top of the list with Youtube somewhere in the middle.

This is a great example of healthy competition. Those who prefer one over the other have their individual reasons and it seems that the reason keeping the users on their preferred websites seems to be competition.

In conclusion, holding a winning platform is key and the competition we have (whether from within or without) is healthy and should cause new innovation and growth. Nation Builder is prepared and ready to rise to the challenge.

From the Boulder GOP

February 26, 2008
Civil Liberties And The War On Terror Forum
7:00 p.m. - CU Campus Humanities Bldg. Room B150 (Map)


* Bob Greenlee - Daily Camera Columnist, Former Mayor of Boulder
* David Koppel - Director Of Research, Indendence Institute
* Cathy Hazouri - Executive Director, Colorado ACLU

Moderator: Joel Edelstein, KGNU "Friday Morning Connections"

Sponsored by Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center.

Don't Mess with Texas

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Judge Napolitano on Jeffersonian Republicans

Nation Builder at GOP Lincoln Dinner

The GOP Lincoln Dinner is March 7th and we'll have a Nation Builder table to share our Jeffersonian Republican ideals with 200 active Adams County GOP people.

At the display table we will be giving away literature and be available to answer questions to any who ask, while encouraging people to read their new copies of the Constitution.

We'll be taking pictures and video to post here on March 8th.

Kevin Priola for Colorado State Legislator

Today Kevin Priola had a campaign kickoff speech with the State GOP Chairman Dick Waddams as a speaker. However, we decided to arrive an hour or so later for the open house thinking we'd have a better chance to talk to Kevin directly.

Our goal was to see if we should support Kevin. Now the GOP will tell you we should support any local Republican running but we're all about targeted strategy. We want to win battles for the original Republican platform and the Constitution not the GOP status quo.

Kevin is from a successful family that's had long roots in Adams County. He is a polished politician who could go far in the GOP. Raising $10,000 in 3-weeks is impressive but it will surprisingly take $100,000 to win the General Election for him.

Most impressive is he brought up Keynesianism economics.
He seems very open to libertarian ideas and talked about lowering taxes. He is also very knowledgeable about local issues but I hope he increases his focus on fiscal conservatism and limited government.

Adams County Caucus Report

We had approximately 3,400 people come out and caucus, up from 400 2-years ago. Because of this, there was chaos. In my caucus location, I was hosting 6 at once plus I had to participate in my actual precinct caucus.

No one knew what to do but I did my best to give quick 2-minute caucus trainings six times and answer 100+ peoples questions while I was trying to get elected at my caucus. I ran against a former State Delegate (person running my caucus) and another gentleman.

I stood up and gave a 3 to 5 minute speech off the top of my head about inflation and limiting government. I emphatically said if they vote for me I'd be sure to elect a National Delegate to vote for the candidate that best understood the economic issue.

One opponent stood up next and said he agreed with everything I said, including the candidate I supported but he supported someone else more. The experienced activist also supported the same candidate as me and gave a brief speech. Luckily I handily was elected County Delegate (2 spots), Congressional District (CD) Delegate (1 spot) and State Delegate (1 spot).

At one point, I gave another off the cuff speech to another caucus group about the NAU Resolution on secure borders that we passed up to County Assembly.

After the County Assemblies we will begin hosting events and campaigning State Delegates. Our goal is to get 2 real conservative Republicans elected to the Republican National Committee (RNC) on May 31st at the State Convention.

We elected a LOT of real Republicans to the CD Conventions and State Convention so we should have a great chance to elect an RNC member (there are 150 total, 3 from each state).

Adams County GOP Meeting

Last night we had the Adams County Executive Committee Meeting.

The first thing I realized is that it will be a lot easier to convert and remind current GOP activists than it will be to recruit new ones. Nevertheless, Nation Builder is still working actively to get the hundreds of thousands of supporters of the Jeffersonian Republican Revolution involved in their local GOP.

We had two speakers who were both running as the only Republican in their district. The first was Kevin Priola running for State Legislator in House District 30. He was an impressive speaker that was organized and seemed to have real detailed solutions to local problems. He also has raised $10,000 in 3-weeks and has strong roots in the community.

The second speaker was Robert John Hadfield, who's exploring running for State Senator. He caught my attention when he said that the public education system was the "last bastion of socialism". He also mentioned he was a Mormon, which I believe is a non-issue in an election.

The only beliefs we are concerned about is that of the true conservative Republicans ideals of limited government and fiscal conservatism.

Welcome to Nation Builder
