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Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Revolutionizing" the GOP via Nation Builder

The Gallant Old Party (GOP) has held a platform of winning Presidential, National, State and local races for as long as it has been a major player in politics. Holding to what is deemed less popular at any given time can be difficult, but when a winning platform is selected the chances of truth being made known multiply exponentially.

The established Republicans at the grassroots level actually hold a major power in the future of the world. Let's compare:
Google for example is a major player in web traffic, searching, advertising, merchandising and almost all things "Internet". But what is it that makes Google great? Is it their organization skills, advancements of technology, offers of free services like Gmail, Picasa photo tool, webtools etc. or does something else play the major factor?

Competition can be a healthy thing that improves productivity and ignites a "fire within" and ultimately changes the world.

Yahoo for example is a major competitor of Google and web ranking sites like Alexa rate the two at the top of the list with Youtube somewhere in the middle.

This is a great example of healthy competition. Those who prefer one over the other have their individual reasons and it seems that the reason keeping the users on their preferred websites seems to be competition.

In conclusion, holding a winning platform is key and the competition we have (whether from within or without) is healthy and should cause new innovation and growth. Nation Builder is prepared and ready to rise to the challenge.


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