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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Adams County Caucus Report

We had approximately 3,400 people come out and caucus, up from 400 2-years ago. Because of this, there was chaos. In my caucus location, I was hosting 6 at once plus I had to participate in my actual precinct caucus.

No one knew what to do but I did my best to give quick 2-minute caucus trainings six times and answer 100+ peoples questions while I was trying to get elected at my caucus. I ran against a former State Delegate (person running my caucus) and another gentleman.

I stood up and gave a 3 to 5 minute speech off the top of my head about inflation and limiting government. I emphatically said if they vote for me I'd be sure to elect a National Delegate to vote for the candidate that best understood the economic issue.

One opponent stood up next and said he agreed with everything I said, including the candidate I supported but he supported someone else more. The experienced activist also supported the same candidate as me and gave a brief speech. Luckily I handily was elected County Delegate (2 spots), Congressional District (CD) Delegate (1 spot) and State Delegate (1 spot).

At one point, I gave another off the cuff speech to another caucus group about the NAU Resolution on secure borders that we passed up to County Assembly.

After the County Assemblies we will begin hosting events and campaigning State Delegates. Our goal is to get 2 real conservative Republicans elected to the Republican National Committee (RNC) on May 31st at the State Convention.

We elected a LOT of real Republicans to the CD Conventions and State Convention so we should have a great chance to elect an RNC member (there are 150 total, 3 from each state).


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