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Friday, February 22, 2008

Battle in the 14th District in Texas

Congressman Ron Paul is running for re-election in the 14th District in Texas. His primary challenger, Chris Peden, is running on the neoconservative platform and he supports the CFR's agenda which includes the Trans Texas Corridor.

Almost all Texans are universally against the TTC. We will begin auto dialing 1,600 people a day a message letting them know that Chris Peden supports the TTC and stealing millions of acres of Texas land by eminent domain for foreign corporations and anti-American agendas.

If you have databases from Texas of potential voters, please contact info@nationbuilder.org so we can contact these people.

We also may be attending local GOP events in Texas by March 4th but again we need everyone's support. Any amount helps and volunteering is as good as donations.


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