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Thursday, July 10, 2008

McCain Questioned about the Petition for Redress of Grievances Regarding 10 Violations of the Constitution

First Congressman Ed Perlmutter is served the Petition by a concerned Citizen of Colorado. Later the same Citizen asks John McCain to respond to the petition for Redress of Grievances served to him by 4 concerned Arizona Citizens regarding 10 violations of the Constitution (Federal Reserve, IRS, Iraq War, North American Integration, etc). (See www.givemeliberty.org)

McCain says he'll look into it, as he always does and then he talks about how violating the law, violating your privacy and violating the perfectly reasonable old FISA law are good for America. And of course, he supports the new super FISA law which he says Barack Obama is against.

Also included is new footage of the famous "McCain=Bush" lady forcefully removed from the event. The officer says on tape if she does not remove her sign she will be arrested for trespassing. If she removes her sign, she will no longer be considered trespassing.

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