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Thursday, July 10, 2008

FOX News: Judge Napolitano Asks Should He Be Worried About 2012?

FOX News confirms that the Mayans, the Egyptians and NASA all suggest 12-21-2012 will be an astrological milestone. More likely though, in 2013 our society will be similar to now but more war, more suffering, more security and more instability.

Here's an e-mail on the Science and Astronomy of 12-21-2012:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: XXX
Date: Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: [shifting-paradigms] Petitions ...

I believe you are referring to the 26,000 year cycle, which is supposedly referenced in several religious writings, most notably the Mayan calander which ends on 12-21-2012.

In legitimate science, we are roughly 26,000 light years away from the center of the galaxy. I was never quite aware that our galaxy rotates in a spiral pattern around what is believed to be a supermassive blackhole, thought to be Sagittarius A, a "complex radio source" at the center of the galaxy. It takes the solar system 226 million years to make a 'galactic year', which it has made around 25 orbits so far.

On 2012 some believe, including the Mayans allegedly, that the end of the Galactic Year will coincide with the end of the Earth Great Year (26,000 years). Both are considered to be birth cycles of the galaxy and Earth respectively. 12-21-2012 marks the 13th Baktun of the Mayan Calendar, which is written as, whatever that means.

I also read that the Earth Great Year (also known as the Great World Cycle) is divided into 12 groups (of the astrological chart), each being 2,160 years referred to as the "Shifting of the Ages" (e.g. from the Piscean to Aquarian Age).

I'm not sure how the Mayans could possibly know all this, but some say they kept time in cycles and circles which is more accurate than our system which is obviously flawed (e.g. leap year). I'd be curious to know if any of their ideas were congruent to the Sefer Yetzirah and how it claims the Universe was formed. 12 is a key number within it along with 3 and 7 (which make up the 12 simple, 7 double, and 3 mother letters of Hebrew = 22). The surface algorithms are much more complex than this and infinitely so when you consider the Gematria involved.

If the astronomy is true, 2012 may represent a bifurcation point I believe, where the Earth would either break down into more chaos or evolve into a higher state of order. Although personally I do not believe in the end of the world, Revelations (it references the Roman Empire), the Apocalypse ('lifting of the veil' I believe in), and so forth. I like objectivism, which always ultimately trumps mysticism, despite my belief in the Sefer Yetzirah.


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