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Friday, June 27, 2008

Bob Conley wins Democrat Primary for US Senate


He's taking on Lindsey Graham as a Jeffersonian Democrat?

ALERT: Federal Reserve in Crisis

Inflation will cause the FED to start buy $100 bills for 9 cents instead of 7 cents. Some years ago the FED only paid 2 1/2 cents per $100 bill.

As the Chicago FED Spokesman said, they current pay about 7 cents for $100 worth of Belgium chocolate or oil but due to new anti-counterfeiting measures they will start paying 9 cents.

Basically the FED counterfeits US currency and to prevent others from doing the same it is costing them more money to hold the monopoly on counterfeiting.

Investopedia says, "Oddly enough, the dollar bills that we carry around in our wallets are not considered lawful money." So if they are not lawful, they must be unlawful.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Yudin wins BCRO Chairmanship

Yudin wins BCRO Chairmanship
By Matt Friedman

Robert Ortiz’s reign as Bergen County Republican Chairman came to an end tonight, just 11 months after he took the helm of this beleaguered party.

The victory for Bob Yudin, 69, was the conclusion of a particularly nasty and hard fought battle, but Yudin sought to start the process of unifying the party immediately.

“No recriminations. None,” said Yudin in his victory speech. “This is about all of us getting together, and uniting as one Bergen County Republican Organization.”

Yudin won with 412 votes to Ortiz’s 317.

Yudin acknowledged that the party has seen better days, and said that local Republicans need to face the facts that elections won’t be won by huge margins. Instead, he talked up building the party from a local level on up – the same philosophy that helped bring Ortiz to victory last year.

“I’m very confident in my ability to captain the Titanic around the iceberg, and I’m going to work very hard to bring the S.S. Bergen County Republican Ship into port,” he said. “We have an enormous amount of work to do. A house is not built from the top down. A house is built from the foundation up.”

In calling for unity, Yudin said that he would talk with Ortiz to come up with a significant position for him I the party. He even made some remarks that some county committee members saw as an acknowledgement that he may support Ortiz for the chairmanship sometime in the future.

“I really am 69 years old and I’m not going to stay forever,” said Yudin, who plans to devote himself full-time to the job. “So I want to say to Rob that I want you to stay and be active.”

Yudin, in his first order of business, made the surprise move of appointing Republican activist Joe Caruso as the party’s new finance chairman. Caruso, who lives in Passaic County, was instrumental in getting Ortiz elected last summer, but frustrated with a perceived lack of input, switched over to support Yudin.

Tonight’s results were the culmination of a fall from grace for Ortiz, 36, a former fundraiser for George W. Bush who was considered a rising star in the party when he was first elected last July. His loss tonight can be traced to several political missteps that galvanized opposition by some of his former supporters and at least one prominent politician who remained neutral last year: state Sen. Gerald Cardinale.

In his concession speech, Ortiz congratulated Yudin and asked his supporters to rally around him.

Ortiz acknowledged that one of the main reasons he lost was his recruitment of Andy Unanue, a friend and client, to run for U.S. Senate after the BCRO had given state Sen. Joe Pennacchio the county line. That candidacy lasted three weeks before revelations about Unanue’s work history and residency derailed it.

“I’m pretty sure I expended a lot of political capital on that, and hindsight is 20/20.” said Ortiz. “But at the end of the day, he was a friend and he wanted to get into the races.”

Cardinale cited several other missteps, like the failure to get last year’s District 37 legislative candidates enough $10 donations to qualify for public funding under the Clean Elections program, and a slow start getting to work after Ortiz was initially elected. Other critics pointed to unwanted robo-calls in the non-partisan Ridgewood council races last month, and Ortiz’s devotion of party resources to Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign.

“It was obvious that he didn’t have a concept of what the job entails,” said Cardinale.

Before the results were in, Ortiz supporters cast the race as between the old guard and the new guard. Anthony Attanasio, a 27-year-old Union County resident who managed Kate Whimtan’s congressional campaign, said that Yudin supporters expected too much, too soon from Ortiz.

“Some guy just walked up to me before and said ‘Ortiz has done nothing for the party. Raising $200,000 in 10 months and having a net gain of 19 council seats is nothing?,” he said.

Former Bergen County Utilities Authority Chairman Ben Focarino, who was knocked out in last week’s election and then endorsed Yudin, said that the party’s internal divisions will heal shortly. Before the results were in, Focarino said that Yudin would bring activists from “different paths” to the party, and that Ortiz could learn from the experience.

“He’s probably learned more in the last 10 days than he has in the last 10 months.”

Friday, June 13, 2008

Listen to Ron Paul - The Revolution Continues

The BIS - the World's Most Powerful and Secret Bank - Warns of Great Depression

Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Central bank body warns of Great Depression
by Gill Montia

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the organisation that fosters cooperation between central banks, has warned that the credit crisis could lead world economies into a crash on a scale not seen since the 1930s.

In its latest quarterly report, the body points out that the Great Depression of the 1930s was not foreseen and that commentators on the financial turmoil, instigated by the US sub-prime mortgage crisis, may not have grasped the level of exposure that lies at its heart.

According to the BIS, complex credit instruments, a strong appetite for risk, rising levels of household debt and long-term imbalances in the world currency system, all form part of the loose monetarist policy that could result in another Great Depression.

The report points out that between March and May of this year, interbank lending continued to show signs of extreme stress and that this could be set to continue well into the future.

It also raises concerns about the Chinese economy and questions whether China may be repeating mistakes made by Japan, with its so called bubble economy of the late 1980s.

EDITORS NOTE: Quite a few comments have been made that there is no direct reference to the Great Depression in this month’s BIS report.

While this is strictly true, BIS warned in June 2007 - just before the Credit Crunch really hit - that the global economy was vulnerable to a major economic set-back because of extraordinary exposure to collateralized credit.

BIS directly made references to the 1930’s as an example of a similarly serious credit bubble, and this month’s BIS report describes the conditions of this being lived out.

So, to be pedantic, the warning “BIS warns of Great Depression” is actually a year old already. What BIS discusses now is the fragility of existing conditions of the fall-out from a massive credit bubble bursting - which has already been made clear across their reports historically can be similarly referenced to the 1930’s, though stated in a typically conservative and non-alarmist language.

Even what optimism BIS had about a weak recovery to the end of May 2008 have been dashed by extreme shorting of financial stocks across the US and UK - Lehman Brothers, HBOS, and property developers such as Barratts, have all taken extreme beatings in June 2008.

So back to the headline - BIS have indeed already warned of repeat of conditions that could be as extreme as the Great Depression, and are now describing that process as we move through it.

In the meantime, unemployment is already on the rise on both sides of the pond, and the analogy some people have concerns about I’m afraid are still salient.

- Brian Turner, Editor, Banking Times.

VICTORY - Ireland Rejects Treaty of Lisbon - Stops Total Economic Integration of Europe

Irish minister says EU vote lost

Irish Justice Minister Dermot Ahern says substantial vote tallies across the country show the European Union Lisbon reform treaty has been rejected.

Tallies are not official, but Mr Ahern says it is clear the No vote is ahead in a vast majority of constituencies.

This would scupper the treaty, which must be ratified by all members. Only Ireland has held a public vote on it.

Mr Ahern is the first senior figure from the Irish government to admit that it looked like the treaty had failed.

"It looks like this will be a No vote," Mr Ahern said on live television. "At the end of the day, for a myriad of reasons, the people have spoken."

He said it looked like other EU countries would ratify the treaty, so an Irish No vote would leave the EU in "uncharted waters".

Earlier, Europe Minister Dick Roche had admitted "it is not looking good"

In Irish polls, tally counters in each constituency watch votes being sorted and make their own count, giving early indications of how a vote is going.

State broadcaster RTE said initial results and projections suggested a certain win for the No camp.

"The people of Ireland have shown enormous courage and wisdom in analysing the facts presented to them and making the decision they have," said Declan Ganley of Libertas.

The BBC's Oana Lungescu in Brussels says EU leaders are bracing for defeat but are expected to press on with the treaty, which is meant to streamline decision-making in the now expanded EU.

However, she says, the third failed referendum in three years on the EU's reform plans is bound to undermine the bloc's public legitimacy and dent its confidence when it faces other big players on the world stage.

European leaders earlier said they had no "plan B" for how to proceed if Ireland's electorate voted No.

"If the Irish people decide to reject the treaty of Lisbon, naturally, there will be no treaty of Lisbon," French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said on Thursday night.

Declan Ganley of the anti-treaty lobby group Libertas said that if the No vote had indeed triumphed that it was "a great day for Ireland".

"The people of Ireland have shown enormous courage and wisdom in analysing the facts presented to them and making the decision they have," Mr Ganley said.

The No campaign was a broad coalition ranging from Libertas to Sinn Fein, the only party in parliament to oppose the treaty.


Correspondents say many voters did not understand the treaty despite a high-profile campaign led by Prime Minister Brian Cowen, which had the support of most of the country's main parties.

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The BBC's Europe editor Mark Mardell on what a No vote would mean

Mr Cowen accused the No camp of "misrepresentation", saying voters had voiced concern about "issues that clearly weren't in the treaty at all", the Irish Times reported.

Turnout is said to have been about 45%. Commentators had predicted that a low turnout figure would suggest a rejection.

The treaty, which is designed to help the EU cope with its expansion into eastern Europe, provides for a streamlining of the European Commission, the removal of the national veto in more policy areas, a new president of the European Council and a strengthened foreign affairs post.

The treaty is due to come into force on 1 January 2009.

Fourteen countries out of the 27 have completed ratification so far.

The Lisbon Treaty replaces a more ambitious draft constitution that was rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005.

Just over three million Irish voters are registered - in a European Union of 490 million people.

In 2001, Irish voters almost wrecked EU plans to expand eastwards when they rejected the Nice treaty. It was only passed in a much-criticised second vote.

[NOTE: Mark Mardell, BBC'S Europe editor has a video on the link above. He's stating they they will pass the Treaty somehow, that now the EU will become MORE ambitious and more bold. He clearly spins it for the future when the Treaty of Lisbon becomes supranational European law.]

Thank You Ron Paul!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ron Paul to End Campaign, Launches New Effort

Ron Paul to End Campaign, Launches New Effort
Supporters Plot Shadow Convention, More Revolution

June 12, 2008 —

Rep. Ron Paul's presidential campaign, a pugnacious, ideological crusade against big government and interventionist leanings in the Republican party, will officially end Thursday at a rally outside the Texas GOP's convention, ABC News has learned.

Paul told supporters back in March, in a video posted on his Web site, that he was "winding down" his campaign and planning a new phase to what he and fans call their "revolution."

The new phase of the revolution officially begins with a speech tonight in Houston and a Web video to be posted on his site, officially ending Paul's presidential campaign and freeing up the more than $4.7 million in campaign cash for investment in a new advocacy group, The Campaign for Liberty.

The new entity will be used to push a slate of libertarian-minded Republican candidates for public office in local districts nationwide, according to a description provided to ABC News by the Paul campaign. Paul also recently published a new book on his political philosophy, The Revolution: A Manifesto.

The Texas congressman's campaign to win the Republican nomination raised about $33 million in nine months, and he and his organizers hope to reignite that grassroots support for the new organization. They're setting a goal of raising $35 million over the next year.

Despite the dedication and moxie of Paul's supporters, maintaining that level of interest without the vehicle of Paul's presidential campaign could be difficult, especially given the frenetic, laissez faire interaction between Paul and his supporters through the presidential campaign. The congressman in many ways served as a figurehead, while independent actors drawn to his message did most of the organizing.

The Liberty Campaign is meant as a means for harnessing some of that energy and maintaining interest on a more micro level, by recruiting like-minded people to seek political office.

Paul, who is a medical doctor, is not ending his political career but will seek reelection to his congressional seat in Texas.

The Paul campaign itself was defined by a dedicated army of supporters, who organized independently of Paul, worked to explode "money bombs" to sustain his campaign coffers, rallied in the streets of primary states and even skirted campaign finance law to float a Ron Paul '08 blimp around much of the Eastern seabord earlier this year.

Not Getting on the McCain Bandwagon

For all the dash and creativity of Paul's supporters, his campaign never translated into large percentages of the primary vote.

Paul has repeatedly denied calls from supporters that he run for president as an independent this year. He argues that the American political system is weighted in favor of the two main political parties.

But while he is organizing his revolution within the Republican party, don't look for Paul to jump on the campaign trail with McCain.

"Although it is not his intention to hurt McCain," said Paul's campaign spokesman Jesse Benton, "he is very unlikely to endorse."

At the height of his campaign popularity, amid the early primaries and when he was raising more campaign money than any of the other Republicans, Paul made his mark at Republican debates, often sparring with McCain and former New York Governor Rudy Giuliani over foreign policy.

Paul was alone among Republican candidates calling for an end to the Iraq war and for American troops to be brought home from long-term international postings around the world.

McCain, perhaps the strongest backer of the Iraq war in Congress, has the polar opposite view. In an interview Wednesday on NBC's Today show, McCain told Matt Lauer it does not matter when American troops return en masse from Iraq as long as the number of American casualties drops.

Revolution Moves to Minnesota

The "Revolution" has a way to go before it turns the Republican party. First, it will have to get in the door.

McCain, after all, is the Republican nominee. And he'll be speaking center-stage at the national convention in Minneapolis. Organizers have not yet said whether Paul will get the opportunity to address the convention at all. And Paul is not holding his breath.

So the first official event sponsored by Paul's new Liberty Campaign will take place in Minneapolis, but decidedly outside the walls of the Republican National Convention in September.

Paul has rented Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota, which hold 11,000 seats, for September 2, smack in the middle of the Republican convention, which takes place at the Xcel Center.

He is also encouraging the delegates he won in the Republican primary  fewer than 50  as well as Paul-leaning delegates committed to other candidates, to make their presence known at the Republican convention.

"Dr. Paul is still strongly encouraging them to take part in the GOP convention to influence the platform and represent the limited government wing of the Republican party," said Benton.

Michael Nystrom is such a delegate from Massachusetts. An independent web developer, Nystrom also runs the Web site www.dailypaul.com and was elected as an alternate Republican delegate.

And he's not alone. Nystrom speculates that close to half the delegates and alternates actually traveling from Massachusetts to the Republican convention are actually Paul supporters. And they plan to make their voices heard, even if the party won't allow Paul's to be.

"The main thing is that we can talk to other delegates and other alternate delegates and try to jawbone them about Ron Paul's message and the message of traditional Republican values," Nystrom said from his home in Massachusetts today.

And if the other delegates at the convention won't talk to him, Nystrom said he'll have a Ron Paul sign and Ron Paul stickers for all to see, unless party officials try to take those away at the door. Then, he says, he'll have to sneak them inside.

Nystrom and the other Paul-leaning Massachusetts delegates have had meetings to plot convention strategy and Nystrom said similar meetings are going on nationwide.

Technically pledged to support former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Nystrom said he was elected as a delegate by speaking out at a party delegate meeting. Nystrom did not mention Paul's name, "but I did mention his ideals, and I was elected."

He said this shows that Paul's ideals have resonance with Republican voters. "They are traditional Republican values, just not the values of the current Republican regime." Nystrom said.

"A lot of people feel alienated by this country, by this false left-right dichotomy," he said.

"We don't know about the political process in this country and its sad, I think, because the political process has been taken over by professionals," Nystrom said.

Copyright © 2008 ABC News Internet Ventures

Ron Paul Ends His Campaign - The Revolution Continues with the Campaign for Liberty

Nice slogan Ron -- "The Revolution Continues"


Dear Supporter,

These past 17 months have been among the most exciting and eventful of my life. Together you and I delivered a message of freedom the likes of which American politics had not seen in decades. I wasn’t sure the country was ready for it. But it was a message, I discovered, that many Americans had been waiting for a long time to hear.

I have been blessed with the most informed, well read, and enthusiastic supporters of any presidential campaign. Your extraordinary efforts in organizing and fundraising grabbed the attention of millions of Americans and shocked just about everyone in politics and the media. I still cannot get over all the fantastic work you did.

Something of great significance has just occurred in our country’s history.

With the primary season now over, the presidential campaign is at an end. But the larger campaign for freedom is just getting started. Therefore, I am happy to announce the official launch of the Ron Paul Campaign for Liberty.

The work of the Campaign for Liberty will take many forms. We will educate our fellow Americans in freedom, sound money, non-interventionism, and free markets. We’ll have our own commentaries and videos on the news of the day. I’ll work with friends I respect to design materials for homeschoolers.

Politically, we’ll expand the great work of our precinct leader program. We’ll make our presence felt at every level of government, where just a few people with our level of enthusiasm can make a world of difference. We’ll keep an eye on Congress and lobby against legislation that threatens us. We’ll identify and support political candidates who champion our great ideas against the empty suits the party establishments offer the public.

We will be a permanent presence on the American political landscape. That I promise you. We’re not about to let all this good work die. To the contrary, with your help we’re going to make it grow – by leaps and bounds.

This is the most ambitious venture of my political career, and I think it can achieve great things. But I can’t do this alone. I need you to help me. I need your energy, your creativity, your ideas, and your dedication.

People frustrated with our political system often wonder what they can do. I have founded this organization to answer that question, to give people the opportunity to do something that really makes a difference in the fight for freedom. Please join me by becoming a member of the Campaign for Liberty. Our goal is 100,000 members by September. Can we reach it?

Our campaign netted 1.1 million votes in the primaries of a shrinking Republican Party. Millions more support us. I need you to help me reach them – and to keep making new converts to the cause. What a force we can be, if only we rise to the occasion.

Now what about the Republican Convention in St. Paul? Our delegates will attend, of course, and I expect our contingent to have a visible presence there. Without disruption, we will do whatever we can to influence the party and its platform, and return the GOP to its limited-government roots. This is very important.

This brings me to my second announcement. I invite you to join us at Williams Arena at the University of Minnesota on Tuesday, September 2nd, for a grand rally. We intend to draw over 11,000 people. We’ll have live music and entertainment, and special guests. I’ll address you all as well. A massive rally will generate still more interest in our ideas. And what a great time it will be.

Remember that it was Senator Robert Taft, who shared our views, who was called Mr. Republican. But we are not merely the Republican Party’s past. If the enthusiasm of young people for our campaign is any indication, we are also its future.

Right now I will need your patience and input as we develop our program and assemble just the right team of individuals. But it is my intention to launch the Campaign for Liberty in its full capacity at our rally in Minneapolis this September.

Over the past week we’ve learned that the Democratic presidential nominee, supposedly an antiwar candidate, is committed to the same rhetoric, the same propaganda, and the same aggressive intentions toward Iran as the Bush administration. As usual, the major parties refuse to offer Americans a real choice.

The Campaign for Liberty will lay the groundwork for a different America, the kind of America you and I, and millions of our fellow countrymen, want to inhabit.

“Dr. Paul cured my apathy,” a popular campaign sign read. Others said our campaign cured their cynicism. We have now reached a moment of great moral decision: will we let ourselves retreat into apathy and cynicism once again, or will we dig in for the long haul and fight all the harder? Will we retire from the scene quietly, or will we give the establishment the fight of its life?

“In the final analysis,” I wrote in my new book The Revolution: A Manifesto, “the last line of defense in support of freedom and the Constitution consists of the people themselves. If the people want to be free, if they want to lift themselves out from underneath a state apparatus that threatens their liberties, squanders their resources on needless wars, destroys the value of their dollar, and spews forth endless propaganda about how indispensable it is and how lost we would all be without it, there is no force that can stop them.”

The time has come to act on these words. May future generations look back on our work and say that these were men and women who, in a moment of great crisis, stood up to the politicians, the opinion-molders, and the establishment, and saved their country.

Join us, and be a part of it.

For liberty,

The Suppressed Video of Dr. Ben Carson on Glyconutrients

NOTE: I did not create this video and I am not suggesting anything by it.

Ron Paul Invites Barack Obama and his Supporters Into the Revolution

Bob Yudin for Bergen County NJ Republican Chair - VOTE JUNE 17th

Vote Bob Yudin for Bergen County Republican Chairman in New Jersey. In the election on June 10th, Bob received 40%, Rob Ortiz received 42% and Ben Focarino received 18%. Because no one won a clear majority, there's a run off election on June 17th between Bob and Rob only.

If you live in Bergen County, you MUST VOTE on June 17th for Bob Yudin. George Ajjan from the Murray Sabrin US Senate campaign is now helping Bob Yudin.

After experiencing the Republican conventions in Colorado, it became very clear that in order for us to win in a fair and open process we need our friends as the County Chairs. Heading the County for the GOP is where it all starts.

Rob Ortiz is a D.C. lobbyist who supported Andy Unanue's embarrassing candidacy. Check out why Bob is better than Rob:

Thank You Murray Sabrin for Exposing the New Jersey GOP Corruption

Time For A Change in the NJ GOP Establishment
by: 'The Commish' A.J. Sparxx

Voting in elections are not quite done yet before the grand finale in November for the general election. With the presidential primary in February and another primary just last week completed, sandwiching the April school board elections, the Republican Party hold their Municipal, (Monday), and County, (Tuesday), re-organization elections for Chairman and other executive positions.

I’d like to focus on the County GOP elections for Chairman, as they are more important then the Municipal Chairman and elections. That they are so powerful and important is part of the problem. The term “party-boss” is an acronym for County Chairman. These unpaid, volunteer jobs SHOULD be used for recruitment of county committee members, building the party and making the County a stronger Republican voting bloc. To many have ties to lobbyists or are lobbyists themselves.. IN DEMOCRAT SUPPORTING LAW FIRMS. Some have donated to Democrats while serving as Republican Chairman, others have run weak Republican to keep Democrats in control, for their own benefit.

What they have become are people who have abused and misused the office, have turned the position into contract and government job wielding carrots. The spotlight was really turned on them during the GOP US Senate carousel of candidates fiasco.

Are all of the 21 like this? No. But one would be too many and the GOP has more than one problem in their midsts with Chairman. So on Tuesday night, we already are aware of some changes that will take place and some challenges to current Chairman that may kick a few more elite party bosses out of the position of power.

In Monmouth County, the “One and Done” Chairman Adam Puharic will not be receiving his walking papers on Tuesday, he has seen the writing on the wall, and decided not to seek reelection as Chairman.

In his two year term, this was his best decision. Puharic was one of many Chairman who participated in the US Senate establishment debacle, obviously creating a problem with his rank and file, with his backing of Andy Unanue, and his idea of recruiting Rudy Giuliani to run in New Jersey for the US Senate. He also made the infamous statement that bloggers and those that read blogs, are like a form of mental retardation.

Up in Bergen County, another “One and Done” Chairman is facing extinction Tuesday night. Rob Ortiz was the mastermind behind the Andy Unanue recruitment and fiasco that followed. Besieged by fundraising problems and sparse attendance at BCRO sponsored events, he is facing a strong challenge from Bob Yudin, who may just have enough support to remove the Lobbyist Ortiz. I can only hope so, and I urge our Bergen County readers to support Bob Yudin for Chairman of the Bergen County Republican Organization.

Over in Hunterdon County, the US Senate race fiasco will probably stop the Chairman from winning reelection. While I don’t know that much about Chairman Henry Kuhl, I do know that his stunt before the primary to remove Joe Pennacchio from the line that he already previously won and replace him with Dick Zimmer was soundly rejected by voters, leaving Kuhl embarrassed and vulnerable for a challenge. And he has one in Mark Peck.

While there are others that should be challenged and deserved to lose, they will survive to continue their elitists ways for another 2 years, (George Gilmore of Ocean comes to mind). Speaking of Gilmore, there is an opposition movement to Gilmore who did very well in the last primary and probably cost Gilmore’s handpicked Congressional candidate Jack Kelly the win on primary day. There vote totals continue to improve election after election so I can only assume that shortly they will be strong enough and have enough support to challenge and beat George Gilmore.

The US Senate primary has opened up a lot eyes and exposed the behind the scenes wheeling and dealing that usually remains undetected and unreported. But there was so much public scrutiny during the process, thanks to blogs like Conservatives with Attitude!, that focused on the shenanigans, these people are now being held accountable for their actions finally and paying for them.

Obama vs McCain - Dumb & Dumber

It's painful to watch McCain and Obama debate the economy. It is like watching two blind men describe a sunset. Milton Friedman is surely weeping somewhere.

I have repeatedly asked people in McCain's campaign if he would talk about forming a committee to study inflation in relation to the Federal Reserve Corporation's policies. If so, a LOT of disillusioned Republicans and Independents would help him win.

One top McCain operative, who often talks about the Road to Serfdom and his disdain for neo-cons, said that McCain LIKES Ron Paul. He said McCain has called Ron Paul "the most honest man in Congress". I told him that quote was never sourced -- it was reported by a Ron Paul staffer after McCain told him that. My friend, the McCain staffer, said McCain says it often and isn't shy about it.

I also told this operative to promise not to have any neo-cons in McCain's administration. He said there were already 3, one major neo-con whose name I didn't recognize. This guy hates Bush and the neo-cons so bad he voted for Kerry in 04. He quotes the Road to Serfdom yet works for McCain -- makes no sense.

I will support McCain if he can just say the words "Federal Reserve Corporation". In the video below he says Obama will continue the massive spending -- yet it is his friend George W. Bush that has broke historical records with his deficits.

As of now, McCain is continuing the regional Integration-enabling military keynesianism strategy of Bush and the neo-cons. As such, I see Barack Obama not only as the decisive winner in November but as the best opportunity we have to bring the FED issue to the forefront.

I trust Obama more than McCain and Hillary. Change is dynamic, so I feel we have the opportunity to define that change as Barack says on his website. We are the change and for us to be successful in repealing the Federal Reserve Act we need to be pragmatic and engage an intelligent practical strategy.

Today Ireland Stops the New Super EU Created by the Treaty of Lisbon

Today Ireland votes to ratify the Treaty of Lisbon. Ireland is the ONLY country within the European Union to be able to vote on the new Treaty. The Treaty of Lisbon is the 6th and final step in "Total Economic Integration" resulting in the complete transformation of Europe the continent into Europe the suprastate.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Ron Paul Convention -- Next to the RNC Convention [FOXNews Video]

Media Matters Attacks Lou Dobbs Regarding "Conspiracy Theory" over Integration

It's hard to believe that Media Matters actually thinks that Integration doesn't exist. They must have never heard of the Union of South America, the European Union, the African Union or the Asian Union?



Keith Olbermann Dumbest Person in the World

Keith Olbermann says some great stuff sometimes but his inability to see the evidence of Integration when it is the largest factor driving economic growth is hard to understand. It is like he is playing a game -- to drive to sides against each other and not ever talk about the truth. Like what happened to Bev Harris?

Lou Dobb's Investigative Report on the NAFTA Superhighway

It doesn't exist!

Dr. Alex Omelchuck on Glyconutrients

Monday, June 9, 2008

Bilderberg's Press Release: We Hold Off-the-Record Private Meetings About Foreign Policy and the Global Economy

Bilderberg Announces 2008 Conference
Thursday June 5, 8:10 pm ET

CHANTILLY, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The 56th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Chantilly, Virginia, USA 5 – 8 June 2008. The Conference will deal mainly with a nuclear free world, cyber terrorism, Africa, Russia, finance, protectionism, US-EU relations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Islam and Iran.

Approximately 140 participants will attend, of whom about two-thirds come from Europe and the balance from North America. About one-third is from government and politics, and two-thirds are from finance, industry, labor, education and communications. The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and open discussion.

Bilderberg takes its name from the hotel in Holland, where the first meeting took place in May 1954. That pioneering meeting grew out of the concern expressed by leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe and North America were not working together as closely as they should on common problems of critical importance.

It was felt that regular, off-the-record discussions would help create a better understanding of the complex forces and major trends affecting Western nations in the difficult post-war period.

The Cold War has now ended. But in practically all respects, there are more, not fewer, common problems - from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment, from ecological challenges to the task of promoting international security. It is hard to think of any major issue in either Europe or North America whose unilateral solution would not have repercussions for the other. Thus the concept of a European-American forum has not been overtaken by time. The dialogue between these two regions is still - even increasingly - critical.

What is unique about Bilderberg as a forum, is the broad cross-section of leading citizens that are assembled for nearly three days of informal and off-the-record discussion about topics of current concern especially in the fields of foreign affairs and the international economy; the strong feeling among participants that in view of the differing attitudes and experiences of the Western nations, there remains a clear need to further develop an understanding in which these concerns can be accommodated; the privacy of the meetings, which has no purpose other than to allow participants to speak their minds openly and freely.

In short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.

Bilderberg's only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.

Since 1954, fifty-five conferences have been held. The names of the participants are made available to the press. Participants are chosen for their experience, their knowledge, and their standing; all participants attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity.

There will be no press conference. A list of participants is available by phone request at 703-818-3647 between 9am-5pm EDT June 6-7, 2008.


American Friends of Bilderberg
Steven Lee, 703-818-3647

Source: American Friends of Bilderberg

[CNN segment on 2005 Bilderberg meeting]

Bill O'Reilly Flips Out

Bush Doesn't Know the Price of Gas

(Note: I just paid $4.19 a gallon. Video below is from 2/28/08.)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Barack Angers Press Pool for Ditching Them to Attend Bilderberg or ???

Raw Story, David Edwards (6/6/08)

Reporters traveling with Barack Obama were none too happy to find out he was meeting with Hillary Clinton last night, as they were about to take off in a candidate-less plane from Washington’s Dulles airport.

The traveling press pool spent at least five minutes grilling Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs about the meeting, and the campaign’s unwillingness to send at least a reporter or two along with Sen. Obama.

Now the presumptive Democratic nominee, custom dictates that Obama should be treated the same way as the president — never being without at least a few pool reporters traveling with him.

“If the president goes bike riding, we go with him. If he goes out to dinner or goes to visit a friend three blocks up the road, we go with him in the motorcade,” one reporter told Gibbs. “That’s the expectation in a general election, and that’s the way it’s been with previous candidates.”

This video is from CNN.com, broadcast June 6, 2008.

Barack and Hillary Meeting Held at Secret Bilderberg Conference Violating the Logan Act

[From Wonkette]

Guess who had a very private talky-talk in (maybe) romantic Northern Virginia tonight, probably at the Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly? Your Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton!

They really met and talked, in private, Thursday night. And really, it sounds like they did this at that creepy Bilderberg Group meeting, which is happening now, and which is so secret that nobody will admit they’re going, even though everybody who is anybody goes to Bilderberg. After all, there is golf!

All the campaigns will admit is that the two met, and they didn’t meet at Clinton’s mansion in D.C., but Barack did vanish while his plane was at Dulles, which just happens to be walking distance from the Chantilly Marriott fancy place where the Bilderberg Group is meeting. The AP reports:
Reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair might when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane.
Asked at the time about the Illinois senator’s whereabouts, Gibbs smiled and declined to comment.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

MannaTech Confirms the Pharmacutical Industry's Fraud -- Don't Tell Anyone or They Will Sue?

Thank the Attorney General of Texas for this and the corruption of the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry. It's interesting how one of the top doctors in the world could once say that MannaTech "alleviated" his cancer but now that is illegal to share. The video in the link below with Dr. Ben Carson is contraband by MannaTech's policies due to pharmaceutical industry's efforts to bankrupt them via the Attorney General of Texas.

If you have a medical problem with no answer, check out glyconutrients.


TO: Nation Builder

RE: Impermissible Use of Health Claims Attributed to Mannatech Products 1.26.40

Dear Nation Builder:

We previously contacted you requesting your assistance on a critical issue concerning your website. We have requested and made formal demand that you immediately remove any statements from your website which are or could be construed to be unauthorized health claims which go beyond stating that Mannatech nutritional products promote the maintenance of health and general well-being. The statements made on your website are contrary to Mannatech policy.

Demand is hereby made that you immediately remove from your website any statement or reference which (i) states, suggests or implies that Mannatech nutritional products prevent, treat or cure disease, (ii) states, suggests or implies that Mannatech nutritional products are a substitute for a doctor's standard of care, and/or (iii) is in any manner in contradiction with Mannatech's existing policies and procedures. Demand is further made that you refrain from engaging in this activity in the future.

We remain confident you understand our concerns and also appreciate that it is imperative that you promptly comply with the demand to cease and desist, and to document your compliance in writing within five (5) business days of the receipt of this letter. If you have already complied with this demand, we thank you and appreciate your cooperation.

Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any rights Mannatech has at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.

Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Mannatech Legal, Ethics & Compliance Department

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Handwriting Expert: McCain's Signature Scary, Psychopathic and Similiar to Lee Harvey Oswald's

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Go Vote for Murray Sabrin in New Jersey - Expected Turnout Less than 10%

New Jersey Primary Doesn't Excite Voters
Created: Tuesday, 03 Jun 2008, 9:39 AM EDT
2008 Election Coverage on MyFoxNY.com - New Jersey Primary

MyFoxNY.com -- What if you held a primary and no one came? Things aren't quite that bad but turnout could be very low in the Garden State for today's primary.

In the biggest race, Senator Frank R. Lautenberg is opposed by Representative Robert E. Andrews and Morristown Mayor Donald Cresitello in the Democratic primary for Lautenberg's seat.

At Lautenberg's polling station at the Epiphany School in Cliffside Park a poll worker said that 14 people had voted by 8:30 a.m. Sen. Lautenberg was expected to vote at 11:30 a.m. Rep. Andrews was planning to vote at Baptist High School in Haddon Heights.

Dick Zimmer, Joe Pennacchio and Murray Sabrin are seeking the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate.

Turnout statewide is expected to be about 10 percent if it is similar to the past several June primaries. Polls close at 8 p.m. MyFoxNY.com will have live results as the votes are tabulated.

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Fed Auctions Total of $435 billion Since December to Easy Credit Woes

Fed auctions $75 billion to banks to ease credit stresses
Tuesday May 6, 1:27 pm ET
By Jeannine Aversa, AP Economics Writer
Fed auctions $75 billion to banks to ease credit woes, total is $435 billion since December

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Battling to relieve stressed credit markets, the Federal Reserve said Tuesday it has provided a total of $435 billion in short-term loans to squeezed banks since December to help them overcome credit problems.

The central bank announced the results of its most recent auction -- $75 billion in short-term loans -- the 11th such auction since the program started in December.

It's part of an ongoing effort by the Fed to help ease the credit crunch, which erupted last August, intensified in December and January and took another turn for the worst in March.

The housing, credit and financial crises have weakened the economy and threaten to push it into recession.

In the latest auction, commercial banks paid an interest rate of 2.220 percent for the loans.

There were 71 bidders for the slice of the $75 billion in 28-day loans. The Fed received bids for $96.62 billion worth of the loans. The auction was conducted on Monday with the results released Tuesday.

In mid-December the Fed announced it was creating an auction program that would give banks a new way to get short-term loans from the central bank and to help them over the credit hump. A global credit crisis has made banks reluctant to lend to each other, which has crimped lending to individuals and businesses.

The smooth flow of credit is the economy's life blood. It permits people to finance big-ticket purchases, such as homes and cars, and help businesses to expand operations and hire workers.

Credit problems worsened earlier this year, driving investment house Bear Stearns to the brink of bankruptcy and spurring fears other big Wall Street firms could be in jeopardy. Wanting to avert a broader panic that could endanger the entire U.S. financial system, the Fed took a number of extraordinary moves to provide relief. In its broadest extension of lending authority since the 1930s, the central bank agreed to temporarily let investment firms obtain emergency loans directly from the Fed, a privilege that only commercial banks had been granted.

The toll of housing and credit problems, however, have made both people and businesses more cautious in their spending. And that has significantly weakened the overall economy.

Last week the Fed announced it was boosting the amount of loans auctioned to commercial banks to $150 billion in May, up from the $100 billion it made available in April.

The central bank is expected to focus more on these and other efforts to help banks and investment firms overcome any credit problems as it winds down an aggressive rate-cutting campaign that started last September.

To help bolster the economy, the Fed also last week lowered a key interest rate by one-quarter percentage point to 2 percent. However, it signaled that may be the last reduction for some time. The Fed is hoping that its powerful rate cuts along with the government stimulus package of tax rebates will help lift the economy out of its funk in the second half of this year.

Federal Reserve: http://www.federalreserve.gov

Must Watch: The FED on the FED - A Human Encylopedia

Restore the Republic interviews a FED press person who turns out to be a human encyclopedia aware of statistic after statistic.

First he emphatically and repeated states that the FED is a private corporation. He then says their checkbook has no ledger -- that when the FED creates money they just enter it in and it is "transmorgnified".

He said a lot of interesting things such as how the FED sold their gold to the Treasury in 1933 for 30,000 $100,000 Woodrow Wilson bills -- around $45 billion in today's value. Then they shredded all but 12.

He also mentioned how the US Government forced everyone to sell their gold for 20 something an ounce or face huge fines and prison time.

When asked about Liberty Dollars, he was unaware but referred to counterfeiting as a 'euphemism' while acknowledging the legitimacy of using silver as currency.

At the end when asked if he had any last words the Federal Reserve PR man said he'd "probably said too many already".

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Earthquake Lights, High Energy Research and the Aurora Borealis

Apparently Earthquake Lights are an ancient phenomenon, sometimes called a myth or rationalized as irrational behavior on the observer's part due to the earthquake.

These lights were first photographed in the 1960s in Japan. It seems most notably people who survived the Great Tangshan Chinese earthquake (GTE) reported seeing the lights the night before.

The AFP recently wrote about Earthquake Lights in China (5/24/08):
The same goes for mysterious brilliant lights seen in skies before large earthquakes since ancient times.

"It looked like explosions. Bright sudden flashes. But there was no sound," said Jiang Mo, 59, who recalls seeing them while lying awake in the pre-dawn heat.

"Many people saw them but nobody had an explanation."

Dubbed "earthquake lights", some scientists believe they may be the products of a traumatised mind, while geologists suggest a link to electromagnetic forces from deep underground.
Here's a news broadcast about the Earthquake Lights in China where the reporter says no one knows what causes the lights and no one has captured it on camera before.

The raw video of the lights 30 minutes before the earthquake.

Finally Holes in Heaven, a documentary, explains how the Alaska HAARP project can induce earthquakes by high energy research beamed into the ionosphere.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Corrupt Cop Tackles News Cameraman for No Reason After He Videotapes Arrest

We need to cut the budgets of these corrupt 'militarized' police forces by about 90%. The Broward Sheriff's Office budget is over $700,000,000 per year!

The cameraman was handcuffed and detained for 90 minutes then let go.