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Thursday, June 5, 2008

MannaTech Confirms the Pharmacutical Industry's Fraud -- Don't Tell Anyone or They Will Sue?

Thank the Attorney General of Texas for this and the corruption of the FDA and the pharmaceutical industry. It's interesting how one of the top doctors in the world could once say that MannaTech "alleviated" his cancer but now that is illegal to share. The video in the link below with Dr. Ben Carson is contraband by MannaTech's policies due to pharmaceutical industry's efforts to bankrupt them via the Attorney General of Texas.

If you have a medical problem with no answer, check out glyconutrients.


TO: Nation Builder

RE: Impermissible Use of Health Claims Attributed to Mannatech Products 1.26.40

Dear Nation Builder:

We previously contacted you requesting your assistance on a critical issue concerning your website. We have requested and made formal demand that you immediately remove any statements from your website which are or could be construed to be unauthorized health claims which go beyond stating that Mannatech nutritional products promote the maintenance of health and general well-being. The statements made on your website are contrary to Mannatech policy.

Demand is hereby made that you immediately remove from your website any statement or reference which (i) states, suggests or implies that Mannatech nutritional products prevent, treat or cure disease, (ii) states, suggests or implies that Mannatech nutritional products are a substitute for a doctor's standard of care, and/or (iii) is in any manner in contradiction with Mannatech's existing policies and procedures. Demand is further made that you refrain from engaging in this activity in the future.

We remain confident you understand our concerns and also appreciate that it is imperative that you promptly comply with the demand to cease and desist, and to document your compliance in writing within five (5) business days of the receipt of this letter. If you have already complied with this demand, we thank you and appreciate your cooperation.

Nothing herein shall be construed as a waiver of any rights Mannatech has at law or in equity, all of which are expressly reserved.

Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Mannatech Legal, Ethics & Compliance Department


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