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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Corrupt Cop Tackles News Cameraman for No Reason After He Videotapes Arrest

We need to cut the budgets of these corrupt 'militarized' police forces by about 90%. The Broward Sheriff's Office budget is over $700,000,000 per year!

The cameraman was handcuffed and detained for 90 minutes then let go.


Blogger blujaded said...

I hope the cameraman pursues a lawsuit against this officer and the department. No settlement - a public trial so that more police get the picture that we will not tolerate this behavior. It was apparent that this officer's behavior was pre-meditated, and he wouldn't comply with a simple request for his name and badge number. He should be fired immediately and lose his pension. We can't put guns in the hands of our neighbors and give them the power to take away our freedom without holding them accountable to every rule or law that limits their abuse of that power.

June 2, 2008 at 10:55 AM  

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