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Monday, May 26, 2008

Colorado CD7 Report - Ron Paul National Delegate (Alternate) Elected

NOTE: Video coming soon. This is from one of the most active GOP members in the State of Colorado -- she's destined to be the future Governor of CO!


Hi all!

CD7 was so much different than CD6. We were welcomed with smiles and helpful people from the CD7 Executive Committee people AND given a speaking opportunity for Ron Paul. WOW!!! Please note that CD6 Executive Committee was nice and cordial and did not allow either us nor the McCain camps to have speakers, being fair too.

Being “out of the closet” and loud and proud for Ron Paul was so much FUN!!! Our dozen or so supporters were waving signs out in the lot (thanks to Scott, we all had matching t-shirts too, making us look very organized), almost dancing they were having so much fun! At the table, many, MANY people loved getting more information about Ron Paul, wore a Ron Paul button, and loved that we were handing out Ron Paul Slates for all to see.

The CD7 committee allowed ALL of our volunteers to have a visitor pass to watch the whole meeting. It was refreshing to “feel” welcomed, instead of not wanted and/or feared.

Just a note for all of you, EVERY single alternate that showed up, WAS seated as a delegate! ALL OF THEM! See why we all need to be there, even if we are only alternates????? As I’ve said before, just showing up is 95% of winning!

The thing all of the CD7 Republicans LOVED were the Republican pledges our delegates signed. We had so many comments about us staying in the party, and they were so happy that we were not just a “flash in the pan” Republican group.

Here is the speech I gave, and it was VERY well received…so much so that the gent running the McCain table came up to me and said he now understands that locally, we are all on the same team, and that we will be soon, nationally! I was thrilled that someone FINALLY got it! Here is the speech:
Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan brought new life to the Republican Party as core conservatives.

The GOP has been calling for new Republicans to register…ask and you shall receive.

Dr. Ron Paul has infused the Party with new life! I guess since he’s a baby Dr. that makes sense!

I have personally helped register over 300 Democrats and Independents. I’ve lost count of how many 18-24 year olds we’ve registered—all because of Dr. Paul. They love his message of Liberty and Freedom.

The new Republicans are active, passionate and ready to campaign right here in our own state for our local Republican candidates. We only need to embrace each other.

(Held out my right hand) Ron Paul Republicans…(then held out my left hand) established Republicans…(brought both hands together) uniting to get all of YOUR local candidates elected.

(Held out my right hand) Barry Goldwater…(then held out my left hand) Ronald Reagan…(brought both hands together) and now Ron Paul equals new conservative unity.

United we win…Nationally and Locally!
I got thank you’s from many people about giving a speech of unity. It felt good.

One icky point here: As I approached the stage to give my speech, a man off to my right (didn’t see who it was) softly called me a “c*nt”. I ignored him, kept focused on my positive energy and how excited I was to be giving a speech for the man who is my hero!

Of course we had a few bumps. Many of the people at the McCain table were saying how bad Ron Paul is, how dangerous the Ron Paul supporters are, how some of them “attacked” a reporter (the snowball incident last winter) and just bad-mouthing Ron Paul. But then the people would come around the corner and see all of our happy, laughing faces, enjoying being there and having fun!

I had one woman that came up to me and said we shouldn’t be there. We should all just unite behind McCain. I asked her what her passion for McCain was. She stood there, and finally admitted she has no passion for him, she is just doing what the RNC is telling her to do.
I told her I like McCain as a man, respect him as a Senator, but I have no passion for him, and I, like all of the unpaid VOLUNTEERS here for Ron Paul have a great deal of passion for the good Doctor. I then asked if McCain was her 1st choice. No he was not. Did she have passion for her 1st choice? Yes she did. I told her I was sorry her 1st choice was no longer in the race, but ours is, so we are showing our passion and support for him. Then I asked if she felt if McCain is the nominee, if she thought he would generate any passion in anyone. She thought for a long time, and then admitted…no she didn’t feel he would. I asked if a “no passion” candidate could win a general election? No…they couldn’t.

She took a Ron Paul button, put it on, and then took a slate. Hmmmm….maybe we got some extra votes that way.

If I didn’t know we had a mole in the group, I know for sure now! I didn’t add Cedric to our slate until late Saturday night, May 17th. The McCain people had all 6 of our slate people on papers they were handing out, WITH CEDRIC’S NAME ON IT!!!

Yes…the McCain people were handing out our slate again. But alas, even with all of that…WE GOT ONE!!! Joby Weeks was elected to go to National as a 3rd alternate. I know that some of you may be upset that we “only” got an alternate slot. Please understand that prior to CD7 many experienced, long-term Republicans who know how the system works told me that Ron Paul supporters would “never” get to Nationals and that what we’re trying to do is “impossible.” We shattered some pre-conceptions. Republicans are now starting to believe. All they have to do now is take the red pill.

There was a snafu in the voting process, for there were only 304 delegates but 310 ballots were cast. The CD7 Committee handled it quickly and fairly, for taking away or adding 6 votes for the 1st five positions had no impact on the results. However, it did make a difference for 6th and 7th place. They were going to re-cast ballots, when one of the two tied, stepped down so that a revote would not be necessary. This got Joby the 6th place (3rd alternate) position.

So, in a nutshell, we were loud and proud for Dr. Paul! We had fun! We got to speak! And we accomplished the impossible when we got one of our OPENLY Ron Paul supporters elected to National!

It was a good night. Let’s do it again for CD1. Remember, we need LOTS of people out there waving signs(not CD1 delegates/alternates) and helping to run the table! Our numbers were VERY noticed, and if we keep growing them…all the better!

Love y’all and here’s to President Paul!


Blogger Angie said...

You rock! Thanks for working so hard.

May 26, 2008 at 5:20 PM  
Blogger Phil Prax said...

We ran into much the same thing at the Republican convention in AK. A ;ady came up to me with pretty much the same attitude as the one who you talked to however she didn't have the common courtesy to stay and talk.
By the end of the convention many staunch Republicans came up to us and said that we were pretty much the same as they were only supporting different candidates. We had some people change to our side as well.
All I can say is keep up the good work. Change takes time and a train as large as this one, as loaded as it is, rolling down the long steep grade that its on will be hard to slow down, impossible to unload while its rolling and incredibly difficult to stop! However it can be done.
Phil PRax
Fairbanks, AK

May 27, 2008 at 12:15 AM  

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