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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Colorado CD7 Convention

Yesterday I filmed the CD7 Convention in Colorado. The CD7 delegates were electing 3 National Delegates and 3 National Delegate Alternates.

The event started off great with McCain operatives coming over to my friend's delegate table and taking photos of me. I was wearing a t-shirt with McCain's face saying: "I endorse [my friend] for National Delegate".

The McCain ops were very mad! I told them that I was voting for McCain in the General Election but in the primary I would vote for Ron Paul to send a message to the RNC that we want real conservative candidates.

I confronted the McCain guys a few times on video. The McCain op who took a photo of me and who was walking around with the Ron Paul donor list in his hand started to pass out anti-slates of Ron Paul supporters. I thought this was a little negative and confronted him on it.

Later though I offered a bigger paper with our 3 "Ron Paul Republicans" on it and thanked him for spreading our slate.By the end I had tried to make friends with them.

One of McCain's paid staffers (I believe they were all paid) said they liked Ron Paul and they were very mad about the status of the Republican party. This gentleman said he was so mad in 2004 that he voted for John Kerry.

He said George W. Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and the other neocons have nearly destroyed the Republican party.

Near the end I had a chance to interview U.S. Senate candidate Bob Schaffer regarding monetary policy and the Federal Reserve. I'll be posting the video later today.

We had a huge presence at the event and although none of our slate won, we did pick up an National Delegate Alternate and I'm told we've already elected 2 National Delegates at another CD convention that are voting for Ron Paul!


Blogger Adam said...

Where are the video links?

May 21, 2008 at 3:13 PM  
Blogger The Builder said...

video will be up in a few days, I've had some PC problems.

May 22, 2008 at 5:44 PM  

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