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Friday, September 12, 2008

Sarah Palin Looks Scared & Dumb in Charlie Gibson Interview

Sarah Palin Looks Scared & Dumb in Charlie Gibson Interview
NationBuilder, CO

Charlie Gibson seemed like he was about to stop the interview, get up and say "Really? This idiot could be our President?" He is noticably displeased as Palin consistently avoids direct questions.

Palin goes off in ridiculous platitudes that would make the harshest Obama critic blush. Some of her sentences were barely coherent.

I don't think this lady is qualified to be a Governor, perhaps not even a mayor.

In the interview below, aside from not knowing what the "Bush Doctrine" is, Palin advocates putting Ukraine and Georgia in NATO and says war with Russia may be needed.

I feel very sorry for her, although I'm not sure she knows what she's doing. She sounds like she is doped up on psychtropics and just rambling about...

"...terrorism, TERRORISTS, threats, real, Charlie, FREEDOM, we're a DEMOCRACY and TERRORISTS hate us, Bush rids the world of Islam, blunders, mistakes, beauty of democracy, destroy the US, Charlie I think, America is great, stop the terrorist, hellbent on destroying America, all options, you know Charlie, we're on God's side, TERRORISM".

Charlie Gibson looks 1000 times more qualified to be the President than Sarah Palin.

By the way Governor Palin, the United States is a Republic not a democracy. And you are advocating the continuance of the private Federal Reserve's unbridled desire for economic integration via military Keynesianism, war and the destruction of the US Constitution.

Nice job Sarah Palin, you make Alaska look stupid. Not to mention the GOP.


Blogger joanafernandez said...

gibson was given the task of making her look bad; he was not looking to listen to her answers; she ate him for dessert...go easy on him sarah, he his just part of the lamestream media pool of pathetic, sexist and boring idiots; yawn!

September 12, 2008 at 8:25 AM  
Blogger The Builder said...

Palin doesn't know what Economic Integration is -- she doesn't read Foreign Affairs -- she has no idea what military Keynesianism is and she's probably never even read the US Constitution.

You'd have to be blind, deaf and dumb to think Sarah Palin came off well in this interview.

Gibson just asked her questions, which she repeatedly refused to answer.

September 12, 2008 at 8:30 AM  
Blogger Norwegian Forest Cat said...

Please do not insult the deaf, dumb and the blind. One has to be remarkably stupid to think Palin did well on the interview and judging by the comments I've been reading, Einstein is right...

September 12, 2008 at 9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VP is the 2nd highest office in the nation. She MUST be able to answer hard tough questions without becoming rattled. Republicans should know what the BUSH DOCTRINE IS!!! Anyone running for President/VP should know what the outgoing President's doctrine is. Good grief, Sarah, you don't get smug with the interviewer because you don't know. And to top it off, she basically threatened Russia to war. What is she thinking?

September 12, 2008 at 9:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Folks in Alaska are voting for Barach Obama because they want Sarah Palin to remain Governor of the great state of Alaska.
I want her to remain the Governor of the great state of Alaska also.


September 12, 2008 at 12:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Unfortunately all of you while bashing Palin are clueless about Bosu Doctrine.
Please educate yourself a little bit about what stands for Bush Doctrine before criticizing.
There are 4 aspects in Bush Doctrine, the terminology originally introduced by Charles Krauthammer
Please see his Op-ed in Washington Post.
Charlie Gibson was wrong on question and definition. It is Palin: Gibson 1:0

You can know more by reading

September 12, 2008 at 4:25 PM  
Blogger The Builder said...

Charles Krauthammer is an idiot. First, the Bush Doctrine is certainly post 9/11. Second, his latter 3 definitions of the Bush Doctrine are essentially the same.

Or are we to believe that the 4th definition of the Bush Doctrine, or "make the world safe for democracy" started in Bush's 2nd term?

No, it started with Woodrow Wilson, then FDR, then Bush Sr. and now Bush Jr. Check Presidential Studies Quaterly.

The Bush Doctrine is essentially preemptive-war, most rational people know that. All these other elements of the Freedom Agenda/Safe for Democracy, With Us or Against Us, etc are all aspects of it.

And actually this is not the Bush Doctrine, it is the Nicholas Murray Butler doctrine of war is the greatest way to create change.

Charles Krauthammer is one of the stupidest people in media.

September 13, 2008 at 2:56 AM  

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