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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ron Paul: Abolish the FED

Ron Paul: Abolish the FED
The Right Perspective, 9/25/08

Constitutional Conservative Ron Paul has introduced H.R. 2755, the “Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act”, which will repeal the Federal Reserve Act and abolish the US Federal Reserve at the end of 1 year after its passing into law.

The 1 year time frame will be a “winding down” period, overseen by the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, who will continue to pay employees and operate day-to day dealings.

The OMB Director will begin liquidating the Fed’s assets, which will put into the General Fund of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget will report back to Congress at the end of 18 months.

The Texas Congressman has been a long time critic of the US Federal Reserve, ran a grassroots campaign for the Republican Party nomination of President of the United States. Paul was derided by many within his own party for his stance on the Iraq War. Despite poor showings in polls, Rep. Paul used his presidential campaign as a bully pulpit for small government and a strict interpretation of the US Constitution, which has since found an increasing acceptance by conservatives, including political commentators Glenn Beck and Chuck Norris.

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Blogger M Theory said...

Contact the courageous Indiana Congressman who is standing up to the Fed !

Right now senior Indiana Congressman Mike Pence (R) and others are at Capitol Hill holding their ground against The Fed, Bush, Paulson, and Bernacke. Time is of the essence because Bush continues to feed the message to the media that our world will melt on Monday if they don't get their $700+ billion bailout regardless of what America's taxpayers want. This is not true. America will still be here on Tuesday.

Currently, Congressman Pence is wisely calling for a suspension of the capital gains tax on investments in order to encourage the millions of Americans without debt to invest in the markets. Here is the Congressman's plan. www.MikePence.com

Call Congressman Pence from Indiana, tell him America has his back, and ask him to co-sponsor HR 2755, The Act to Abolish the Federal Reserve Bank, the culprits who want to steal our wealth and leave generations in debt to their private consortium of bankers. The Congressman's office is receptive to your message!


"We are helping the Indiana tax activists with HOOSIERS FOR FAIR TAXATION in Congressman Mike Pence's home state of Indiana. They have a solid verifiable track record of successes and political network that includes elected officials on the right side.

Mike Pence, a courageous Senior Congressman from Indiana, was first to stand down the Fed against the bailout. Please call and fax his Indiana Office. Tell him we are grateful for his courage, tell him America has his back, and ask him to co-sponsor HR 2755, the Act to Abolish The Federal Reserve Bank and return America's wealth to her own Treasury! There is unbelievable ground support and the Congressman is getting calls from high places to co-sponsor the Act to Abolish the Federal Reserve, HR2755.

Be polite, enthusiastic, and be sure to thank him for his courage!

The numbers below are for his campaign office. There will likely be staff in his office this weekend. If no answer, send a fax and leave voicemails with your name, city, state. It doesn't matter if you are not from Indiana.

PHONE: 765-643-9503
FAX: 765-643-9514

P.s. Then don't forget to call your own local Congressperson and tell them her or him to stand with Representative Mike Pence and with the American People."

September 26, 2008 at 10:43 PM  

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