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Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Greatest Opportunity for America: Now is the Time to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act

The Greatest Opportunity for America:
Now is the Time to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act
NationBuilder, 9/25/08

The $700 billion to $5 trillion bailout plan is the wrong answer. It is Henry Paulson, Ben Bernanke and George Bush's policies based on Keynes that is the cause of the financial crisis. Creating more money out of thin air and destroying the US dollar will only make it worse -- much worse.

Please contact your Senators and Representatives and urge them to vote against any bailout plan. Instead, ask them to create a committee to study inflation and price stability in relation to the policies of the Federal Reserve Corporation.

The committee should then address four key questions:
  1. Has the Federal Reserve's monetary policies advanced the CFR's definition of Economic Integration?
  2. Did the Congress violate the Constitution when it passed the Federal Reserve Act and Internal Revenue Act on December 23, 1913?
  3. Of the total federal income tax paid by year, how much of it was applied to the National Debt held by the private Federal Reserve Corporation?
  4. Once the sixth step of Bela Balassa's Theory of Economic Integration is applied to the United States, will our nation transition from a Constitutional Republic that protects the Natural Rights of Sovereign Individuals to a Supranational State the removes Citizenship, Inalienable Rights and the US Constitution in place of a North American citzenship, granted privileges and a North American Constitution?
There is no room for the US Constitution in Dr. Robert Pastor's concept of Economic Integration. As the CFR Director for Integration, Dr. Pastor has redefined Sovereignty as "security" and thus the more "safe" you are the more "sovereign" you are in his proposed "North American country".

This concept is preposterous and treasonous. Following the committee's investigation of the Federal Reserve, IRS and CFR, the Congress should repeal the FED and IRS Acts while indicting the executives of the CFR and related institutions for treason -- disloyalty to one's nation, the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.

Below Jack Cafferty says that he wants to hear what McCain and Obama "have to say about what they're going to do about the problem that the country has". However, the problem is neither McCain nor Obama will mention the Federal Reserve or the CFR's Establishment policies.

Cafferty is right -- a debate is exactly what we need right now and some institution such as CNN should create a Federal Reserve/Keynesianism-themed debate and invite McCain, Obama, McKinney, Nader and Baldwin with Congressman Ron Paul as the moderator.

If McCain or Obama refuse to show up, CNN (or whoever) should air the debate live without them and once and for all show America the true causes and true criminals behind our current financial collapse.


Blogger WebSmith said...

It turns out that the terrorist that have created so much fear in our hearts wear suits and smoke cigars. As Wall Street comes whining and threatening disaster to get us to fork over $700 billion, the same people allow JP Morgan Chase to buy $400 billion worth of good Washington Mutual Assets for under $2 billion.

Getting rid of the Fed right now would be the best option and it would be much less painful than people think and much less devastating than what's going to eventually happen.

All we have to do is fire Paulson and start printing Treasury notes. If the Fed complains we simply point out that their existence is illegal. At least 5,000 independent banks would sign up over night and then we could pick and choose from the others. Depositors would have their Federal Reserve notes replaced by Treasury notes and the banks would be capitalized. The new money could be used to finance the auto and other industries that are hurting for credit. The Treasury while not becoming a bank, could charge a small amount of interest to those who wish to use the country's currency for profit and use it to start paying off the national debt which would be cut in half over night.

All debts would be paid at the new exchange rate which would be much more beneficial.


September 27, 2008 at 6:10 PM  

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