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Friday, September 26, 2008

The New Bush Doctrine: TransNational Socialism

The New Bush Doctrine: TransNational Socialism
NationBuilder, 9/26/08

The root cause of the problem, to them, is actually the root cause of the solution. This speech is remarkable because it represents the culmination of the Bush Criminal Presidency. What Bush and the FED has done is remarkable -- unthinkable, and it is continually rationalizing the possibility that the US may be hit by a nuclear or biological attack before or on Election Day.

Why? Because at this point it is clear that Dick Cheney and the neocons will do anything, possibly even false flag ops to achieve their goals of centralizing power, advancing political control via integration & economic warfare -- all while stealing trillions of dollars from me and you.

With the failure of the Treaty of Lisbon, the fracturing of the European Monetary Union, the pending collapse of the US financial system, the inevitable crash of the Federal Reserve Note as the world's reserve currency and the end of the Bush Criminal Presidency, there is no greater time than now to have a massive terrorist attack that would finally achieve the dream of the Open Conspiracy -- a TransNational Socialist system based on collectivist policies crafted by the CFR.

A Fabian new world order where there is no war, no suffering and no nations.

Just think, who is going to get the $700 billion? Bush's criminal friends. If most people had the potential to steal that much money, they would do anything including engineering financial collapses and allowing or staging terrorist attacks.

The Federal Reserve is the ultimate racket, the ability to legally print money out of thin air. An infinite number of $100 bills for 7 to 9 cents each. If you ran such a racket and were a social thinker, you might also believe you can fix the world's problems by implementing your social and political ideology worldwide.

Thus, you have the motivation of the youngest-ever director of the CFR, its former Chairman and now Honorary Chairman, David Rockefeller writing on page 405 of his book Memoirs:
For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
David Rockefeller wrote his 1936 Harvard Senior Thesis on Fabian Socialism, which is a gradual transition to socialism rather than a revolutionary or violent one. This is the philosophy of the foreign policy Establishment known as the CFR. (Note: The CFR's Think Tank is called the David Rockefeller Studies Program.)

However, the result of the CFR-defined Bush Doctrine is a world where there will be less civil rights, less privacy and a lower standard of living for the American citizen. Until the point that America, like Mexico, begs to be in a North American political union for economic benefit.

And then the policies of Fabian-based TransNational Socialism will be fully engaged and the Natural Rights of the Sovereign Individual will be oppressed until an uprising the magnitude of the Revolution of Revolutions occurs.


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