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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Krauthammer's Gaffe - The Bush Doctrine is Economic Integration At Any Cost

Krauthammer's Gaffe - The Bush Doctrine is Economic Integration At Any Cost
NationBuilder, CO 9/13/08

My letter to Charles Krauhthammer, who infamously compared believing in Economic Integration to believing Elvis is still alive.

Godwin's Doctrine vs. the Bush Doctrine

Mr. Krauthammer:

I appreciate your effort to explain the Bush Doctrine.

However, you are incorrect. The Bush Doctrine in the top of the mind awareness (TOMA) or the household definition is the doctrine of preemptive war found in NSS 2002. In a post 9/11 world, no one would consider your pre 9/11 definition.

Here are your 4--definitions of the Bush Doctrine:
  1. Withdrawals from ABM and rejects Kyoto
  2. With us or against us
  3. Doctrine of preemptive war
  4. Make the world safe for democracy AKA the "Freedom Agenda"
Definitions 2 and 4 are both elements of the same preemptive war strategy.

From your information, President Woodrow Wilson is the one who defined the Bush Doctrine of "making the world safe for democracy". This doctrine, like Wilson's 14 Points, was created by his proto-national security advisor Colonel Edward House. Colonel House also led the Inquiry which created the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

Thus, as you say, the Bush Doctrine is Wilson's foreign policy. One CFR scholar, Max Boot, wrote that neoconservatism was equal to hard-Wilsonianism, tying Bush to the CFR founder.

Eric A. Miller and Steve A. Yetiv, writing for Presidential Studies Quarterly, connected Bush Sr, FDR and Wilson in their March 2001 article, The New World Order in Theory and Practice.

The economic and foreign policy of the US since WWII has been based on Economic Integration. This idea was refined into six steps by longtime World Bank advisor Béla Balassa in his globalization-defining 1961 essay The Theory of Economic Integration.

Balassa's six steps to Integration:
  1. Preferential trading area (GATT)
  2. Free trade area (NAFTA, CAFTA etc)
  3. Customs union (EU, Mercosur, CEMAC, UEMOA, CAN, South African Customs Union)
  4. Common market (EU, GCC, CARICOM)
  5. Economic and monetary union (Eurozone)
  6. Complete economic integration (failed Treaty of Lisbon, supranational states)
North America is the only continent aside from Antarctica that does not have a Union or precursor to a Union:
Actually, the CFR has been working hard on the future of the North American Supranational State - 10/04:
In the early 1900s, Nicholas Murray Butler developed the idea that there was no greater way to change society than war and thus the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace should infiltrate the State Department to start wars for world peace.

The League of Nations would never have existed without WWI and likewise, the United Nations would only be an idea without WWII. Butler's concept is verified in the Endowment's archives at NYU, in the Reece Commission archives in the US House of Representatives, in Reece Commission counsel Rene Wormser's book, in Reece Commission investigator Norman Dodd's testimony and in Clinton's mentor Carroll Quigley's epic book Tragedy & Hope.

While the original intent of Andrew Carnegie and even Colonel House (I believe) was noble, their idealism was radicalized by Machivallien-type thinkers who justified any means to realize their end goal. This idea became the Open Conspiracy, written by Fabian Society member HG Well's in 1928. World government was the goal to achieve a Utopia of world peace. Now the Open Conspiracy is defined by Economic Integration.

It is clear that the CFR who advocates abolishing national currencies is enacting their political objectives vis-à-vis the Federal Reserve Corporation. Debasement of the currency enables the 5th step of Economic Integration, a regional monetary union. Open boarders and the other Bush policies all promote North American Integration.

Vincente Fox has repeatedly called for a North American Union, an Amero and for the future of North America to mirror the European Union. He said similar things on Larry King and Jon Stewart's show. Bush even referred to the SPP as a Union in one speech ("as to what kind of union might there be").

Thus, the Bush Doctrine is actually Economic Integration -- since education and connecting countries limits terrorism (see Thomas PM Barnett). And Economic Integration is the Open Conspiracy, as first enacted by Colonel House's foreign policy of Wilsonianism.

I support Integration, globalization and the efforts of the CFR/Trilateral/Bilderberg in attempting to solve the world's problems. However, unlike David Rockefeller I am not a Fabian socialist. I do not believe in collectivism nor making the world safe for democracy. I don't believe in Gary Hart's Global Democracy Security Organization (GDSO) nor John McCain's proposed League of Democracies.

I believe in a Union of Constitutional Republics that fight for the Sovereignty of the Individual. I support sanctions and even military action against collectivist forms of government like theocracies and democracies. Including the US, which has morphed into a totalitarian democracy where our representatives no longer hold the people's views.

My understanding is that Economic Integration leads to supranational states and collectivist forms of government. As several MEPs noted, the proposed Treaty of Lisbon would have reversed many of the positive effects of the French Revolution such as the Enlightenment principles of inalienable rights, citizenship and nationalism.

Integration thus is reversing the natural rights of the individual in favor of collectivist forms of supranational government. 200 years ago the Jacobins (Society of the Friends of the Constitution) were fighting for Constitutional Republics against an oppressive government and the corrupt Catholic Church.

The Establishment should fear a Jacobin uprising -- a reemergence of Weishaupt's noble Bavarian Illuminati which fought for the Individual against collectivist oppressors.

200 years ago the real Republicans and American Jacobins were fighting a Central Bank, a National Debt and a Big Government proposed by the Federalists. This is the essence of the Ron Paul Revolution today.

Thomas Jefferson, who was labeled a Jacobin and Republican in the press, agreed with Godwin's Doctrine of the Indefinite Perfectibility of Man (see Political Justice).

This is the philosophical foundation of the Constitution and libertarianism. It is the idea, as President Jefferson wrote, that man "may in time be rendered so perfect that he will be able to govern himself in every circumstance so as to injure none, to do all the good he can, to leave government no occasion to exercise their powers over him, & of course to render political government useless."

Jefferson added, "Wishaupt believes that to promote this perfection of the human character was the object of Jesus Christ. That his intention was simply to reinstate natural religion, & by diffusing the light of his morality, to teach us to govern ourselves." (Note, Jefferson was a deist and did not believe Jesus was the Messiah or the Son of God.)

Thus the political ideology of Jefferson as personified in the US Constitution is divine in nature.

Godwin's Doctrine of individualism translates to Constitutional Republics who protect the Natural Rights of its Sovereign Citizens. Whereas, the Bush Doctrine is one of justifying Economic Integration by any means in order to build a collectivist world government of supranational institutions that regard citizens as slaves and rights as privileges.

Lastly, my 5 points to Revolutionary and Practical Globalization:
  1. Clarify the difference in the United States between a Republic and a Democracy, the 14th Amendment US Citizen verse a citizen of a state, and Individualism verse Collectivism.

  2. Create a new United Nations charter that emphasizes a union of independent sovereign countries composed of Republics that guarantee the natural inherent rights of an individual's sovereignty.

  3. Impose restrictions on countries that oppress their people through any form of collectivism, including totalitarian democracy, theocracy, socialism, fascism, communism, and nazism.

  4. Focus the research and development of all industries on coherent technologies instead of those based on fragmented energies and become aware that we possess the ability to end world suffering (one.org).

  5. Evolve the banking system from a fractional reserve system of fiat currency to a global currency that is a gold or silver backed asset and has a stable exchange rate but still has an independent economic value.
As Dr. Ron Paul said, "There's nothing to fear from globalism, free trade and a single worldwide currency."

However, there's a lot to fear from Fabian globalism, managed free trade and a single worldwide fiat currency.


A Jeffersonian Globalist


Blogger Aktaion said...

You really think Krauthammer is gonna read past the first paragraph? He's a total tool, dude, he doesn't care...

September 17, 2008 at 3:03 PM  

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