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Friday, July 25, 2008

Bugliosi on Capitol Hill: "More than enough evidence" that Bush guilty of over 100,000 deaths

The speech of the century? Wow. Bugliosi for Attorney General!


Blogger John said...

This is a bunch of garbage. Yes, he made an error in judgment and yes his administration stretched the truth to plead their case. But he can not be held accountable for murder. The very most would be manslaughter, but he does not have blood on his hands. The blood is squarely on the hands of the extremists. I mean how messed up is this country that we can't call an enemy an enemy? You bunch of wacko's!

July 25, 2008 at 4:19 PM  
Blogger FreedomNow said...

Bugliosi is a hero. He's not only going after the most muderous group of politicians in American history, he's also going to be instrumental in exposing the unimaginable theft of trillions of dollars from the American people.
If and when the judiciary committee ever summons the balls to carry through with this action America will also have to swallow the grotesque truth of "who" was really behind the successful coup of Septemebr 11, 2001. This country just might have a chance.

July 25, 2008 at 9:08 PM  
Blogger The Builder said...

What does "stretched the truth" mean?

If I commit a crime (e.g. robbery) and someone dies, I'm held accountable for at least manslaughter and likely murder.

Who are the extremists? An oil man invades your country, which is 90% unexplored and may be one of the largest natural oil deposits in the world -- and the Iraqis are supposed to say thank you?

Read about Military Keynesianism, the Open Conspiracy and the Theory of Economic Integration. Understand really why we are in Iraq.

I'm not against the Iraq war. We should though DECLARE WAR through the Congress to make the war Constitutional. Once we declare war legitimately and not authorizations based on US mandates, then we should outline the objectives of the war.

If it is to end collectivism (e.g. Saddam's oligarchy), help the Iraqi's increase their standard of living and to secure a national security interest, oil -- then I support it.

If the goal is to (1) engage in Military Keynesianism in order to consolidate the wealth of the world in the hands of a few (e.g. military-industrial complex), (2) capitalize on the inevitable overloading of globalization and the resulting creative destruction that will ensue, (3) create collectivist liberal democracies that can be merged into integrated customs unions (instead of Constitutional Republics) and (4) debase the domestic currency to drive economic integration, the stepping stones of world government -- then I am AGAINST it.

This war is ultimately to fulfill the Open Conspiracy that HG Welles wrote about. It's about replacing our Constitution and the world's governments with a more efficient, collectivist, fascist world government run by Fabian socialists who keep the secret of the Shevirat ha-Kelim and the Sefiot from the masses.

They keep us prisoners to chaotic fragmented energy when the secrets they suppress would enable room temperature superconductors that would spark a worldwide energy revolution and eliminate food and water shortages.

July 26, 2008 at 7:01 AM  

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