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Friday, July 25, 2008

John Edwards Destroyed by Invasive Ruthless Tabloid Media

John Edwards' political ambitions are over.

Once the videotape from the Beverly Hilton Hotel is released, the mainstream media will start to cover the story and he'll be forced to admit the truth.

I'm not sure what's more unethical, making a personal private mistake like John Edwards did by having an affair or siccing ruthless investigators into someone's private life in order to destroy their public life.

UPDATE: Here's the FOXNews article confirming the security guard's story. Here's the first mention of a mystery with videotapes produced by the other woman, Rielle Hunter, for the Edwards campaign and then mysteriously removed (9/26/07). Here's the LATimes e-mail stating that the LATimes bloggers should ignore the story.

UPDATE 2: Someone should tell Edwards' wife to take glyconutrients. It worked for one of the most famous and well respected doctors in the world.


Blogger Christine said...

OMG- If this were a republican like mitt romney, it would be all over hell and creation. I will tell you which is worse. Screwing around on your DYING WIFE. that is monumentally screwed up.
Grow a brain people.

July 25, 2008 at 3:19 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yup if it were Mitt or hell ANY Republican you an bet your arse this story would be front page news for the next 6 months.

July 25, 2008 at 3:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, John Edwards can always resort to that famous presidential prevarication..."I did not have sex with that woman...Ms _________" Only thing missing is the stack of bibles Bill Clinton swore on and the same creepy personality.

July 25, 2008 at 8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know what's more unethical? Give me an 'effing break. I'll tell you what would have been MOST unethical: If John Edwards had managed to weasel himself into the White House, on the pretense that he's a good and decent man. HAH! I'm glad the PIG was caught. I bet he shat in his pants when he realized the Enquirer had caught him in the act! OMG...to have been a fly on the wall of that men's room while he waited for the security guard. Bahahaha!
And yes, if MItt Romney or ANY other Republican were found out in this way, you wouldn't be able to turn on the TV without hearing all about it.
I hope this does destroy Edwards. I only regret that his poor family–his faithful wife and innocent children–will ultimately pay the highest price for his uh..."personal, private mistake". Not so personal or private, when those you profess to LOVE have to suffer, is it, Johnny?

July 25, 2008 at 8:24 PM  
Blogger The Builder said...

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July 25, 2008 at 9:00 PM  
Blogger The Builder said...

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July 25, 2008 at 9:04 PM  
Blogger The Builder said...

damnyellowcap2, would you like investigators peering through every aspect of your life? Asking everyone who ever knew you or met you for dirt on you?

Have you ever done anything wrong? Ever committed a crime?

I don't like Edwards. He's a socialist and basically a Fabian globalist. However, he's not running for office and I don't care what he's done to who in his private life. You don't know the facts, you don't know the truth -- and why the heck do you care?

Stop finding happiness in the destruction of other people's lives.

Let the tabloid media investigate and stalk David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and others that really effective the world. Go investigate Oliver North and prove he was "John Cathey" in Iran-Contra and his connection to Terry Reed. Expose Christie Whitman's murderous lie to the 9/11 heroes. Hold the Bush Administration accountable. Do something that matters -- anything other than sensationalist perverse media.

What's worse? Distracting the American people with a meaningless story so common that LOTS of Presidents and great leaders committed the same offense yet they did LOTS of good things.

If the tabloid media would of existed back then, some of those great men like Kennedy and King wouldn't have done the things they did because of moralistic-delusional-voyeuristic idiots like yourself.

Now let me trace your IP, investigate your life and see if there's anything you got to hide.

July 25, 2008 at 9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rielle Hunter of the John Edwards story: The $9,644 judgment, the attorney ex and the partner


July 25, 2008 at 9:26 PM  
Blogger Tony said...

Let's wait and see before making comments.

July 25, 2008 at 10:39 PM  
Blogger Justin Evilsizor said...

"I'm not sure what's more unethical, making a personal private mistake like John Edwards did by having an affair or siccing ruthless investigators into someone's private life in order to destroy their public life."

He used public airwaves to profess his commitment to his family. He invited this. It is not a character assassination attempt by the media. Remember, he made his family part of his campaign strategy for public office.

July 26, 2008 at 5:41 AM  
Blogger The Builder said...

He is not running for office and there's more important things to cover right?

July 26, 2008 at 6:57 AM  
Blogger SPQR_US said...

Not sure why people are so mad that Edwards got caught. Just like Larry Craig he's a hypocrite.

I don't think most rational people are saying they are perfect and throwing stones at Edwards. More realistically it was EDWARDS who decided to throw stones and claim a lofty moral high ground and LORD it over so many others. Now of course he's shown him self to be just as base as everyone he was so busily pointing his little twitchy manicured fingers at. Worse he (in his own words on the campaign trail) was planning to legislate his new moral order on the rest of us if he got elected. I don't want ANYONE Democrat or Republican to do any more legislated morality on me I've had enough of the Rev. Wrights, Jimmy Swaggarts and JOhn Edwards thank you very much.

I don't think real people care so much if he's a Democrat or Republican, Edward's main problem is that he's so "morally outraged" all the time and full of himself just like...Larry Craig going after Bill Clinton for all the Bimbo stories.

Who knows maybe Larry "toe tapping, pass the paper" Craig was hiding in the bathroom with Ole' Johnny "Haircut" Edwards too.

What I really want to know is what was Edwards doing playing hide the sausage with his hooker while his wife was at home dying of cancer? Shouldn't he be hiding under a bridge with all the homeless vets he's always talking about?

He got exactly what he deserved plain and simple. Look go to Vegas, LA, San Francisco, or any other major US city and there is a red light district crawling with hookers, drive through the hotels in the suburbs close to the airports anywhere and there are plenty of local cars in the hotel parking lots around lunch time....these people aren't casting stones at their neighbors but greasy hypocrite politicans periodically run out with TV news crews to do exposes' and cameos as the clients or other people are busted. Why should I not be delighted to see John Edwards or Larry Craig eat it in their own turn, I can't wait to hear.

John Edwards liked to throw a lot of morality stones at people, now we learn he lives in a glass hotel room, a dingy smokey hotel room and he hides in men's rooms. This doesn't happen to people like Barney Frank who have the moral character to just stand up and say who he was and he's been accepted by the country and his constituents straight and gay. Edwards could learn from Frank, but then Haircut Edwards would have to be honest with himself and the American People, something I am not holding my breath for...

July 26, 2008 at 1:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Interesting how the mainstream media seem to have a preference for covering sex scandals of Democrats (Edwards, Clinton, Spitzer), while giving far less coverage to the infidelity of Republicans: John McCain, Newt Gingrich, George W. Bush, George H.W. Bush.

July 27, 2008 at 8:32 PM  

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