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Thursday, May 22, 2008

The First Ron Paul Internet Post from 1985

(NOTE: This is the first major newsgroup posting of Ron Paul on the Internet. His newsletter, as confirmed below, was largely written by aides and the purpose of it was political fund raising.)

Newsgroups: net.invest
From: dave@cylixd.UUCP (Dave Kirby)
Date: Thu, 12-Sep-85 14:31:52 EDT
Local: Thurs, Sep 12 1985 11:31 am
Subject: More on the coming currency recall

(Note: My system doesn't allow posting only to USA; it's either the
world or nothing. So skip this if you're not interested, with my
apologies for the dinky system we're running.)

First, thanks to all who responded by mail to my posting on the
coming currency recall. I found the mail most informative. It has
turned out to be a lively subject.

I knew if I searched long enough that I would find a source (other than my doom-sayer junk mail) that would tell me what the big sinister reason is behind the currency exchange. Well, here it is, folks. Are you sitting down? (If you stand up while reading a CRT, you need more help than I can give you anyway.)

The July 29, 1985 issue of Barron's has an article about former Congressman Ron Paul, who left Congress to form his own doom-sayer newsletter. From the article, Ron Paul appears to be just another doom-sayer crackpot, but since he is a former Congressman and haspresumably had access to more reliable information than my other doomsayer sources, I read his comments with interest. Here's what he says:

"Dear friend, will you survive the 'new money?' You must be prepared, because within one year, the U.S. Treasury will impose a radically different currency on the American people. Government officials won't tell you the truth about this ominous development, and most of your neighbors will be caught napping."

I'm shaking in my boots already. Paul goes on to say that in his last term in Congress he got a glimpse of the "ugly new bills," which had, along with pink and blue tinting, holograms, diffraction gratings, and other unmentionable horrors such as metal threads and chemical alarms.

Professor Claude Martin, he says, was hired by the government to test consumer reaction to the bills; but, when he was pressed for details, he "sounded frightened and refused to talk." (Prof. Martin, when asked about this allegation, said, "He's a nut. I'm not afraid to talk to anybody." Paul later admitted he had not actually tried to talk with Martin personally; an aide had reported Martin's supposed reluctance to talk.)

But back to the conspiracy. Paul figures the real reason behind the currency swap is to force all sorts of people in the cash-only underground economy (which Paul supports vehemently) to surface for identification so the IRS can clamp down on them.

The underground economy, set up to avoid having to pay income taxes on wages, is clearly illegal, but Paul is still in favor of keeping it alive. It is a "very worthwhile thing" that is good for the country. With a government that debauches its currency, overregulates the economy, and ruins the money system, people who feel desperate for survival are forced into the underground economy. Now the bad old IRS is going to break in and spoil the party.

Dear friends of net.invest, are YOU ready for the coming currency recall? One year from now all those bills in your wallet are not going to be worth a single cent. The government is about to confiscate all the hard-earned money you depend on for your survival, to enslave you to the forces controlled by the big banks and the Communists.

Will you be among the survivors, or will you plunge into the economic abyss along with the uninformed public? Will you join now with other patriotic Americans who oppose the American government, the IRS, and our Communist economic system, and commit to fight these destructive policies which threaten the very backbone of this great country of ours?

Or will you just say "hogwash" with the other scoffers, and be caught by the great government robbery when it hits? Dear friends, the choice is up to you. Now is the time to act. Send me 10 dollars (in good old- fashioned American greenbacks) NOW before it is too late! Even better, call me and give me your credit card number, and I'll send you a receipt.

(Forgive the above. I'm practicing to start my own doom-sayer newsletter. There must be money in it, since so many people are putting them out, and a former Congressman is getting into it.)

Dave Kirby "There is no great genius without
RCA Cylix Communications some touch of madness." - Seneca
Memphis, TN ...!ihnp4!akgub!cylixd!dave

(The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect
those of RCA Cylix. They may not even reflect my own.)


Blogger J. Lilly said...

Hmm.. Rep. Paul is very consistent. Almost as if he's telling the truth, or something. Are you sure he's a politician?

He was right about the currency swap, although the banks just change the money out slowly over time. The money isn't the problem as much as the fools who try to artificially control its value.

May 22, 2008 at 3:42 PM  
Blogger George said...

Maybe they'll change it out for Monopoly money.. or Ameros..

May 22, 2008 at 5:05 PM  
Blogger temjr.pgh said...

Paul's point about the underground market interesting. The black/underground market is the free market squeezing out from from government regulation, as if a ball of dough was squeezed in your fist.

May 22, 2008 at 5:38 PM  

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