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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ron Paul Interviews, CNBC and FOX Business [videos]

Great videos below. Kudlow seems real partial to Ron Paul's ideas. I love the FED apologists who have no concept of the theory of economic integration, fractional reserve banking or military Keynesianism. They defend the system because they are probably very wealthy from it.

However, in terms of economic growth, eventually energy efficiencies will displace the need for money.

Perhaps Keynesianism was good to build our infrastructure and drive innovation but ultimately money is a transfer of energy and once we have industry focused on coherent energy people will no longer need to pay for it. Consumers spend 80 cents of every dollar on energy costs. Self-sustainability and room temperature superconductors will be the end of banks and their notes as we know it.


Blogger devildogmre said...

I like your hypothesis. Battery capacity and self-renewing energy will set many free. However, the services of doctors and teachers are now viewed as needs. With the internet and other technologies, I think even those professions will become viewed for what they really are: services.

Let us serve our families and communities first.

July 17, 2008 at 11:12 AM  

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